Meet Hate Love Read Online Stevie J. Cole

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, Funny, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 81
Estimated words: 77018 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 385(@200wpm)___ 308(@250wpm)___ 257(@300wpm)

“I’m tryin’ to get you outta my kitchen.” She grinned over her shoulder before grabbing the dish soap. “But I love you.”

There was no point in arguing with her. She’d made up her mind that she was doing the dishes, so June Morgan was doing the dishes.

“I love you, too. Even if you’re stubborn.”

Cowboy followed me out of the kitchen, up the stairs, and into the bedroom, curling up on the rug beside the bed when I ducked into the bathroom to shower.

I’d just changed into clean clothes when a text pinged my phone.

Smiling, I crossed the room, thinking it would be a message from Blake. But it wasn’t. It was Margot.

You are a sorry sack of shit!

My brow creased as I stared at the message. Why was she sending me hate texts?

This is Margot, you fucking assfuck!

Don’t act like you don’t know what you did!

Respond like a man!!!

The hostility…

Why are you pissed at me?

Let me spell it out for you. Grace is Blake’s sister, you sick fuckface dickhead playboy wannabe.

What did Blake’s sister have to do with anything?

Are you drunk?

It was ten o’clock in New York. Margot being drunk made a hell of a lot more sense than anything else I could think of.

Are you going to deny it, then?

Because head’s up, dick dribbler, Grace told Blake.

Told Blake what?

That she’s pregnant!

I scrubbed a hand over my face. God, that whole conversation hurt my brain.

And what does that have to do with me?

Bubbles danced on the screen. But before Margot had finished her response, a text from Blake popped up.

Yes. I landed. You should probably cancel the reservation for tomorrow, though.

Are you getting back later than you thought? I can swing by your place instead, or you’re welcome at mine.

No. I’ve just given it a lot of thought, and we were a mistake.

What in the fuck was going on?

We are not a mistake.

I don’t want to discuss this over text. But I won’t be at Junoon tomorrow. And honestly, I think I need a few more days before I’ll be ready to discuss it with you.

I stared at her message, my chest going tight.

I’m sorry, Vance.

What in the hell had suddenly changed her mind?

Yesterday she was sending me messages about what dress she’d planned to wear to dinner—with nothing underneath—while telling me how much she’d missed me. And now she’d thought about it and decided “we were a mistake?”

When I tried to call her, she didn’t answer.

“Shit,” I breathed, falling back on the bed.

The jingle of Cowboy’s collar sounded before he hopped onto the blanket beside me and laid his head on my chest. The Margot texted again.

What does it have to do with you? You knocked her up, you fucking idiot!

Not only was Blake the only person I’d had sex with in months. Margot’s statement was ludicrous.

Who in the hell told you this? I have never seen Blake’s sister in my life.

Don’t deny it, you slimy little shit. Grace told Blake. She said the baby’s daddy was the My Dick Travels guy.

Maybe this will refresh your memory, asshole!

A picture came through.

I immediately recognized the petite brunette girl in the photo and shot off a text to Theo, my blood pressure rising.

I’m going to fucking kill you!

Because Grace, Blake’s sister, was his Number Nine.

Margot hadn’t believed me when I’d texted that it was my roommate who’d knocked up Grace, not me. And Blake had ignored every text I’d sent telling her the same.

As for the onslaught of messages I’d sent Theo, they remained unread. My calls had gone directly to voicemail. By the time I’d landed at JFK, I’d given up trying to get in touch with any of them.

Fuming, I stepped inside my apartment. I dropped my backpack to the floor, then chucked my keys to the entranceway table.

Theo’s head popped around the corner of the kitchen, queso dripping from his chin. “Hey, man. How’s Grandma?”

I took a step toward him. “Why in the ever-loving-fuck would Blake think I got her sister—Grace—pregnant?”

His face blanched as he closed the fridge. “They’re sisters?”


He slowly backed away from me, putting the kitchen island between us.

“Why would Blake think I was the one who knocked up her sister?”

When he went to take off, I launched myself over the island and grabbed the back of his shirt.

He screamed, then dropped to the floor, covering his head. “I may have used the whole, My Dick Travels thing to pick up girls.” He peeked up from underneath his arm, grinning like a shithead. “You’d be surprised how many girls find that really hot.”

“You dick!” I reared back and socked him in the side. It was the least he deserved for potentially ruining my life.

“Fuck, man.” He rolled onto his side on a groan. “I’m sorry.”

I put my full weight on his body when I shoved to my feet. “Why the hell would you do that?”


