Marco’s Redemption Read Online Lynda Chance

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, BDSM, Billionaire, Erotic, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 60
Estimated words: 53764 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 269(@200wpm)___ 215(@250wpm)___ 179(@300wpm)

"Just what?" he asked darkly.

He watched as she took a deep breath and held it in a second before letting it out with a trembling hitch. She looked directly at him with unwavering blue eyes. "It's just that--I don't know you. I want to make it up to you--go with you. I'll do a good job, I promise, but I don't know you and I--" she hesitated, "need to be careful." She took another quick breath and let it out with a deflated sigh as she dropped her eyes from his.

Marco studied the downcast head momentarily. "You're scared of me?" He hadn't quite thought of it from that angle, but now that he had, he couldn't blame her. She'd be stupid to leave with someone she didn't know and be sequestered with him in the seclusion of his home.

"Yes. It's just that--"

He interrupted what she was going to say. "Yeah, I know. Good girl." He handed her his phone once again. "Let's get this over with. Dial four and ask for Joy. She's my personal reference."


Natalie pressed the digit and put the phone to her ear, turning away from him slightly.

It was answered on the first ring. "Donati Banking and Investments. How may I direct your call?" A smooth, professional female voice asked.

Natalie felt flustered from hearing that name again so soon. So her cousin had been correct. She gave Marco Donati a searching glance and then quickly looked away again. "Joy, please."

"Just one moment and I'll connect you to the office of the C.E.O."

C.E.O. Shit. "Thank you."

Natalie listened to soft music for approximately five seconds. "Marco Donati's office."

Once again, Natalie's eyes flew to his and saw that he was watching her very carefully. His dark brown eyes were running over her features and he was standing indolently as if he had all the time in the world. This guy was somebody, obviously. Crap. A freakin' CEO. But that didn't necessarily mean he could be trusted, did it? "May I speak to Joy, please?"

"This is she."

"Oh. Hi. My name is--" Shit, he had her so flustered. What was her name? "Natalie Lambert. And I--I'm considering taking Mr. Donati on as--" Her mind searched frantically for what to say. ". . . a client. He's in need of a housekeeping service and has supplied your name as a reference." Natalie glanced at Marco again and the small, quizzical smile that appeared on his mouth along with the single eyebrow that lifted diabolically made her heart beat faster. She finished up quickly with her question. "Do you believe his home would be a safe working environment? He's not--like a felon or anything, is he?"

"Marco? A felon? Noooooo. He's the CEO of this bank, the perfect boss and a perfect gentleman in every way, and he can be trusted with anything and everything up to and including state secrets. So yes, I'll vouch for him. Is there anything else?"

"No, thanks very much." Natalie ended the call and handed the phone back to Marco. "You passed."

"Good to know," he deadpanned. Instead of pocketing the phone again, he dialed another number and arranged for a cab and two tow trucks.

Natalie tried to interrupt him and give him Justin's address, but it was impossible. He continued with his conversation and only when he'd pocketed the phone again did he turn to her. "What?"

"Justin told me to have it towed to his driveway. He's going to be offshore working for a while."

She couldn't interpret the look he was giving her. "We'll figure it out later. Right now we need to get you home. You've had a shock."

She'd had a shock? Really? That was putting it mildly. She cleared her throat. "That's crazy having it towed twice. Where are they taking it?"

"For now, to the dealership for an estimate."

"Estimates are free?" she asked hopefully.


"Okay, because I really can't afford a bunch of towing and repairs and--"

"We'll add it to what you owe me." His voice sounded rough and determined--completely serious.

Her eyes widened. "No! I already owe you too much--"

Natalie's words faltered and then stopped entirely. Her breath hitched as he turned to her and very softly lifted her chin with two fingers and then grazed those fingers up her cheek, pushed a tendril of her hair behind her ear, and then released her just as swiftly from his touch. "I'm teasing, sweetheart. I've got this one."

Heat from that brief touch slid down her spine in intoxicating ripples. Her heart pounded fiercely in her chest and Natalie concentrated on breathing evenly. A cab was already pulling into the parking lot and she saw the tow trucks drive up together as well.

Five minutes later, she sat in the back of the cab next to him, clutching her purse to her chest and trying to understand the reaction she was having to him. Evidently, the course of her day had just taken a huge turn.


