Malone’s Pride – Haven Texas Read Online Laylah Roberts

Categories Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 110
Estimated words: 111359 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 557(@200wpm)___ 445(@250wpm)___ 371(@300wpm)

“On three conditions.”

She eyed him coolly.

“One condition is that you eat something. I might have to order something in, but you will eat.”

She huffed out a breath. “I’m not that hungry.”

He just folded his arms over his chest and looked down at her.

“But I guess I could eat something small.”

He grunted. “Second condition is that you take a nap.”

“I don’t sleep well.”

“Which is why you’re taking a nap, darlin’.” He thought that part was obvious.

But there was a strange look of dread on her face. Suddenly, it occurred to him why she didn’t sleep well.


“Yeah,” she whispered.

Mother. Fucker.

His hands clenched into fists, but he pushed the anger down. Way down. It would come up later. That was something he knew for sure. But he’d make sure it was when she wasn’t around.

“You won’t have a nightmare while you’re napping.”

“How do you know?”

“Because I’m going to order you not to.”

Her mouth dropped open, then she shook her head. “You’re nuts.”

“Maybe. But you’re not gonna have a nightmare.” He’d sleep beside her to keep her fear at bay if he had to.

Fuck. He was going to make such a good Dom.

“Reckon I’m a natural at this.”

“At what?” she asked.

He waved his hand through the air dismissively. She had enough going on right now. He’d explain his newly resolved mission to be a Dom.

“Third condition. You let Jenna check you over.”

Yeah, he’d thought that might be the condition she’d balk at. But it was also the one he wasn’t going to give on. He really was worried about her.

“Jenna already checked me over. She said it was low blood pressure.”

“She said that for sure? Or did she say it was a possibility?”

Hannah chewed at her lip. “Pretty sure she said that’s what it was.”

“I’m not willing to bet your health on ‘pretty sure’, darlin’. This condition is non-negotiable. Jenna or the hospital.”

“I’m not going to the clinic.”

“No problem. She’ll come here.”

Her eyes widened. “Here?”

“Yep. I’ll call her. And I’ll get some food delivered. A lot of food. Her number is in your phone?”

“Ah, yes. I don’t know where it is, though.”

He helped her off the counter, and she glanced around as though lost. They eventually found her phone on the coffee table and she gave him Jenna’s number.

“Sit on the couch, baby. Find something to watch. I’ll make a few calls and be back.”

He called Jenna, who assured him that she’d be there soon. Then, before he could phone the diner to send up some food, there was a knock on the door.

“Are you expecting anyone, baby?” he asked.

Jenna can’t have gotten there that quickly.

“No, but it could be one of the girls.” She held up her phone. “There’re several messages.”

“Stay there. I’ll handle it.”

He opened the door. And to his shock, it wasn’t any of her friends that stood on the other side.

“Well?” Renard said as he stood there, balancing trays in his arms as well as a cooler bag off one wrist. “Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to let me in? I’ve got hot food in my arms and just had to walk up all those stairs carrying it.”

“What are you doing here?” Raid asked as he reached out to take two of the foil-covered trays.

“Trick or treating.” Renard blasted past him and into the apartment. He glanced around. “Shit. What kind of couch is that?”

“Um, it’s pink velvet,” Hannah said, standing and gaping at the loud, blunt man.

“Hannah, sit back down,” Raid ordered. He didn’t want her moving up and down too much in case it was her blood pressure that had caused her to faint.

And he wanted her resting.

“Pink velvet? Fuck, who’s heard of such a thing. Looks uncomfortable.” Setting the trays he was holding on the dining table, he walked over and sat down on the sofa. “Shit. This is even worse than it looks. It could’ve been used as a torture device in eighteenth-century Britain.”

“It’s not that bad!” Hannah protested.

“Doll, it’s definitely that bad.”

“Hannah, sit. Renard, get up and explain what you’re doing here,” Raid ordered as he set the stuff he was holding down as well.

But Renard didn’t move as Hannah sat. Instead, he turned to study her. “You look like shit.”

“Jeez, thanks. Give it to me straight,” Hannah said dryly.

That was his girl.

“That was giving it to you straight. Heard you lost weight. Can see it now with my own eyes. Of course, I would have seen it earlier if you’d come into the restaurant.”

Renard worked for Saxon in the upscale restaurant he’d opened. People traveled for miles to go there. Although it seemed that half of them came for the food, the other half came hoping that Renard would come out from the kitchen to entertain them.

“Um, oh. I’m sorry?” Hannah said.

“Well, make sure you don’t do it again. I don’t got time to spend chasing down women who aren’t taking care of themselves to tell them to smarten up and take care of themselves.”


