Malone’s Fate – Haven Texas Read Online Laylah Roberts

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 103
Estimated words: 103356 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 517(@200wpm)___ 413(@250wpm)___ 345(@300wpm)

“Did anyone give you trouble in town?” he asked.

He really looked like he actually cared.

“No, everyone was nice. I’m just a bit stressed out because of the van breaking down.”

Linc gave the old RV a doubtful look. “Did you say you got something to fix it?”

“Uh-huh. Coolant.”

“Did you get Matt at Haven Mechanical to come look at it?” Linc asked. “Why didn’t he bring out the coolant? Did you walk all the way into town on your own?”

She blinked at him. That was a lot of questions.

“Oh, no, I know what to do,” she reassured him. “Don’t worry. And I didn’t need to bother anyone. It wasn’t that far to walk into town.”

Linc gave her a doubting look, then glanced around the park. “You stayed here last night?”

“Um, yes. I’m really sorry. Is there . . . is there a fine or something? It was late and we didn’t want to drive it any farther so we thought this would be all right?”

Please don’t fine us.

“No fine,” Linc told her. “It’s just not a safe place for two women.”

“I know.” Lilac nodded. “Which is why we’ll be moving to a camping ground as soon as I get old Sugar going.”


“The RV,” Opal said. “I named her. It suits her, huh?”

“Um, yeah, sure.” Linc looked doubtful. “So, if you got a job at Dirty Delights, I’m guessing you’re planning on staying.”

“We were, yes,” she said.

“Thing is . . . there’s no camping ground here in Haven.”


Fuck. Why hadn’t they looked that up? She’d just assumed . . .

“Oh,” she said, trying to hide her disappointment. “Right. I guess we can find somewhere else to go.”

“You’re living in this full-time?” he asked them.

Crap. He had so many questions.

“No, honey,” Opal said, laying on her charm. “We’re doing some sightseeing, but we need to earn money along the way. Especially with Sugar here acting up.”

“Right. Well, I guess the first thing to do is to get Sugar working again,” the deputy said.

“We’ll do that now. Thanks for checking on us.” Lilac smiled up at him.

Linc eyed her for a long moment. “Why don’t I help you?”

“I don’t want to get you dirty,” she told him. “And this could take a while.”

“I’ve got time.”

Just awesome. Now he was going to see that she had no idea what she was doing. She needed to watch the video first to follow the instructions. At least she had more data on her phone now.

Suddenly, his radio crackled, and he moved to his car. “Excuse me a moment.”

She turned to Opal. “Ryleigh and Kye?”

“Thought it was better to hide them.” They tried not to make it obvious that there were three women traveling together. And people always remembered a baby.

Although it was usually better for Opal to say hidden since she was the most memorable of the three.

“Do you think he’s really gonna stay while you try to fix poor Sugar?” Opal asked.

“I hope not,” Lilac said. “Since I have no clue what I’m doing.”

Opal shot her a warning look as the deputy walked back over. “Sorry, I have to go. I’m going to come back and check on you after, though. If you need help, I want you to call me.” He handed Lilac his card. “And if you’re planning on staying for any length of time, you’re going to need to talk to Jake, the sheriff.”

“We haven’t done anything wrong,” Opal protested.

“Not saying that,” Linc said soothingly. “Around here we take care of our women. If you’re staying for any length of time, you’ll need a guardian. Just someone who watches out for your best interests, and Jake often acts in that capacity for women on their own. I know it sounds odd, but it’s for your safety. I’ll be back soon. Be safe.”

When he left, Lilac slumped down onto the ground, unable to keep herself up.


“Lilac? Fuck, Lilac! Ryleigh,” Opal yelled.

“What is it? Oh God, Lilac! What happened?” Ryleigh asked frantically.

Then Kye started crying.

Shit. She had to get herself together before they all lost it.

“I’m okay. I’m fine.” Close to passing out . . . burned out, exhausted and thirsty.

But. Yeah. Fine.

“Water,” Opal said. “She needs some water.”

Someone pressed a bottle of water into her hand and guided it to her mouth. She sucked it down. God, she’d been so thirsty.


“Lilac, are you sure you’re all right? Do we need to call an ambulance?” Ryleigh asked.

“No! No ambulance.” She managed to stand with Opal’s help. They couldn’t afford an ambulance. She had to get herself together. “I just got a bit dehydrated, is all.”

“Not to mention you haven’t fucking eaten in six months,” Opal said. “Surprised you haven’t fainted before now.”

“Opal,” Ryleigh said softly as she swayed back and forth with Kye pressed to her chest.

“Got to be said, you don’t fucking eat soon, and we will be calling an ambulance for you.”


