Mafia Bosses – Mafia Devils Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 89
Estimated words: 83755 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 419(@200wpm)___ 335(@250wpm)___ 279(@300wpm)

My second conclusion had to do with Cesare’s so-called sweet spot.

Two hours into our recon, I started calling it the shitty spot instead. For more than three miles along that route, those were all I could get. The terrain around the road wasn’t level. All in all, it was a shitty place for a marksman. Huge trees would block the truck from view. Getting a clear shot at the driver would be next to impossible. And if we couldn’t take out the men in the truck first, it was all pointless. No matter how much we needed the money, I wasn’t going to stand by and let one of my buddies get shot again.

We huddled in the fucking trees in the dark and discussed every single option. We finally settled on the only solution that made sense—one of us would have to climb a fucking tree and perch up there like a damn deer hunter, waiting for prey to walk—er, drive—by.

Even just getting up there would require flexibility and lightness. Those weren’t qualities that tall guys like me and Cesare possessed. Leonardo was the lightest of the three of us, but he was also the worst shot. Not to mention he was still recovering from his wounds.

Shit. I was too old to climb a fucking tree. Still, it was either that or standing on the side of the road. Stealth was key in our operation. We didn’t wish to be seen by the driver or anyone else for that matter. Plus it was a battle tactic as old as time itself—maintain the high ground.

The next morning, we met at Cesare’s place to continue planning. His place was less than a mile from my own, so I decided to walk since the weather was nice.

When I neared his building, I became extra alert. We were on some pissed off people’s radar now, so I wanted to be extra careful. My eyes scanned the grounds for anyone who looked like they didn’t belong. Just when I thought it was all clear, I spotted someone who clearly didn’t belong.

The blonde was in skintight jeans and a white top. She had on black sunglasses and a huge purse that she was clutching like she thought it was going to get stolen. It took her a minute to place her, but then it hit me. She was that nurse, Piper something. The one who’d taken such good care of Leonardo in the hospital.

But we were nowhere near her workplace. What the hell was she doing out here?

As she neared, I couldn’t help admiring the way those long, shapely legs moved. Or the way the top few buttons of her blouse were undone at the top. She was gorgeous, there was no question about that.

But I had plenty of questions about why we were apparently heading toward the same place.

The following morning, I was back in Cesare’s neighborhood. We would draw straws to see which one of us would become a fool of themselves by pretending to be an ape. I locked my car, hoping in my heart it wasn’t going to be me. I didn’t have a problem pulling the trigger. I knew some people would have to be hurt in our wake. I just hated the idea of sitting on a tree branch and waiting for that truck to get close.

Then one possibility hit me fast. Very fast.

Cesare was private about his sex life, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have one. And she was beautiful, single, and had kissed his brains out the first time they met. Still, it didn’t make sense that he’d invite her to his place right now, not when Leonardo and I were about to meet with him to discuss strategy.

Which meant the pretty nurse was going rogue.

I lengthened my strides and intercepted her when she was about twenty paces from Cesare’s building. “Morning, Piper.”

She looked startled, clutching her purse, but then she took off her oversized sunglasses and squinted at me. “Matteo, right?”

“Right.” The smile I gave her was likely less than enthusiastic. “You’re the last person I expected to see out here.”

“I was in the neighborhood. I thought I’d stop by and say hi to Cesare.”

“I’ll pass the message along.” Yeah, I was being rude, which she likely didn’t deserve, but this wasn’t a situation that could lead to anything good.

“He’s a big boy,” she said. She put a slight emphasis on the word big. “He can take his own messages.”

“Or it could be that he’s got more important things to think about. Like making sure his buddy doesn’t get shot again.”

Piper’s face whitened, and I regretted my flippant words. There was no doubt she cared about Leonardo’s health. I took a deep breath. “Look, Piper, I don’t know what connection you think you have to him, but Cesare isn’t your typical nice guy. He’s not going to become your doting boyfriend if that’s what you’re after.”


