Love You Never (Western Wildcats Hockey #2) Read Online Jennifer Sucevic

Categories Genre: College, Forbidden, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Western Wildcats Hockey Series by Jennifer Sucevic

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 92848 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 464(@200wpm)___ 371(@250wpm)___ 309(@300wpm)

I glance at Fallyn, Viola, Stella, and Britt. They all look seriously hot. And I’m certainly not the only one who thinks so. There’s been a ton of guys sniffing around, offering to buy us drinks and trying to pull us out onto the dance floor.

After the way Ford left me hanging in the classroom, it’s exactly the balm I need.

We’ve turned down all the shots, not wanting these dudes to take that as a silent invitation to join us and have only danced with a select few.

When a popular song with a great beat comes on, I grab Juliette and Stella’s hands and drag them to the dance floor. “Come on! Let’s get out there!”

The six of us shove our way through the crush of bodies before carving out a space for our group. It doesn’t take long before my hands are rising above my head, and I lose myself in the music. My eyelids feather closed as I tip my face upward, enjoying the sensation of letting go and allowing my mind to wander.

It shouldn’t be a surprise when Ford pops into my thoughts. As soon as I realize that he’s slyly snuck into my mental space, I shove him away and refocus on my friends and the good time we’re having. This isn’t something we do nearly enough.

One song bleeds into the next as we continue to shake our asses. At one point, I grab Juliette’s hand and twirl her around. A smile lights up her face as she laughs. I know how challenging her course load is and how hard she works to earn top grades each semester. It’s nice to see her cut loose and have fun for a change. Now that she and Ryder are together, it happens with more frequency. He’s drawn her out of her shell, and she seems happier. There’s more of a balance to her life.

After about thirty minutes, Britt, Viola, Stella, and Fallyn head to the bar for something to drink. A couple songs later, Juliette disappears to use the restroom. It doesn’t take long for her to get swallowed up by the writhing mass of bodies. And then I’m alone.

The club is a large, dark space with strobe lights that flicker from high above. It’s difficult to tell whose limbs belong to whom. The music reverberates off the cavernous walls before slowly seeping into my bones. It’s all too easy to lose myself in the rhythm as the DJ mixes beats. Alcohol rushes through my system, making me feel alive and free.

If only it were possible for this feeling to last forever.

Or, at the very least, until the end of the night.

My eyes fly open when large hands settle on my hips and drag me against a hard body. I twist around only to find a burly guy I don’t recognize. He invades my personal space until the strong scent of alcohol is enough to knock me out.

“Hey, can I borrow a quarter?” The question comes out sounding all smushed together and barely coherent.

If there’s one thing I can’t stand it’s drunken assholes.

Before I can tell him no, he slurs, “I wanna call my mom and tell her that I just met the girl of my dreams.”

I roll my eyes and shove him away.

“Not interested,” I yell over my shoulder before turning my back to him.

If I’m lucky, that’ll be enough of a—

His hand locks around my arm, the fingers biting into my bare flesh as he spins me around.

The smile curving his lips falls away. “There’s no reason to be a bitch. Can’t you see that I’m trying to be nice?”

This is him trying to be nice?

Ugh. Sometimes I just don’t understand the male species.

Like at all.

“Apparently there is,” I shout to be heard above the insistent thump of the music. “I’m not interested in you or your cheesy pickup lines. So…we’re done here.” I shoo him away with my hand. “Now be gone.”

His mouth twists into a snarl. When he attempts to drag me closer, I jerk my arm, trying to break his iron hold. It’s like I’m caught in a steel trap. Had I been smart, I would have kept my big mouth shut and quietly slipped through the crowd, but this kind of behavior is tiring.

I’m not someone who enjoys causing a scene, but I will if I have to. And this has definitely turned into one. As I wind up to punch this guy in the face, a deep voice says from behind me, “If you value your life, you’ll release her right the fuck now.”

My gaze swivels toward the familiar voice, only to lock eyes with Ford. Not that I couldn’t handle this jerk on my own, but a wave of relief crashes over me that I don’t have to.

Drunk dude glances at him before scowling. “This doesn’t involve you, buddy. So beat it.”


