Love the Way You Spy (Masters & Mercenaries – New Recruits #1) Read Online Lexi Blake

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Masters & Mercenaries - New Recruits Series by Lexi Blake

Total pages in book: 148
Estimated words: 139606 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 698(@200wpm)___ 558(@250wpm)___ 465(@300wpm)

“I think I’ll be able to move out soon,” Travis announced.

Ian opened his eyes and looked at his youngest. Travis looked tired. Being a third-year law student and working at his uncle’s restaurant and part time at McKay-Taggart while taking care of a five-month-old was weighing on the kid, and he probably hadn’t been helping. He liked to say sarcasm was his love language, but sometimes earnestness was needed, too. Sometimes a kid needed to know he was still welcome at home. “I think that would make your mom sad. And me. I know I’ve been hard on you, but you have to know how proud I am of you stepping up and being a good dad. Stay. Let us help you with Colton.”

“You already help,” Travis said. “Everyone helps. I feel like I should be… I don’t know. Further along, I suppose. Tasha’s getting married. She’s moving out on her own. Dare seems so competent. He walked in and everyone did what he said. People still roll their eyes when I try to take control.”

“Dare’s got a couple of years on you, and he’s had to be in control,” Ian replied. “You’re doing great, Trav. Keep up with your grades and you’ll have a job waiting for you. For now, stop worrying and enjoy the help. Your mom and I will enjoy having Colton around. I suspect your sister and Dare won’t wait too long to give him a cousin. Besides, someone has to take care of the pups when your mom and I are gone.”

He’d thought he would be done with dogs when he was done with kids, but two years before Charlotte’s cousin Dusan had sent them a Black Russian Terrier puppy as an anniversary gift. The fucker. Bear was the smartest dog he’d ever owned and now was a ninety-pound security system who loved cuddles with his mom’s Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Lola. And the twins had Bud 2, Even More Bud, a big rescue mutt they adored but who needed a sitter when they went on an op. Trav was great with all of them.

“I would love to stay.” Travis ran a hand through his way too long hair and smiled. “Well, if you’re sure you can handle him, I wouldn’t mind studying more.”

He closed his eyes again. “Be gone, son. Let the young and old be lazy and enjoy the afternoon.”

“Will do. Love you, Pops. Let me know if you need me to take him.” Travis stood and smiled. “Hey, Mom. How did the hunt go?”

“I think they’re going with the three bedroom in Uptown.” His whole world strode out, Lola prancing beside her. “It’s beautiful and has great light, and they can have both an office and a guest room for when Dare’s family comes to visit. They’re taking the whole ‘Dad going to jail’ thing well. I guess that’s what happens when you’re a dick. No one cares. Dare’s got all the finances already in order, and his stepmom has taken control of the house and is apparently doing really well with Johnny and Gina. They’re going up to Toronto soon to visit.” Travis nodded and walked back in the house as Charlie turned to Ian. “How is my little nugget? My heart squeezes every time I think of him. Did you tell Trav we want him to stay while he’s in school? He’s worried about it.”

She sat down beside him.

His baby was so pretty. Even more gorgeous than the first day he’d lain eyes on her. He couldn’t help but remember how gorgeous she’d been when he’d spanked her at Sanctum the night before. He’d spanked her and used a violet wand on her, and then they’d performed the real scene. His baby still liked everyone to watch.

“He’s staying through law school.” He would never have allowed Travis to leave. Travis was still in school. He didn’t have the same fallbacks the other kids had. His young adult struggles had become serious the minute that baby had been left with the receptionist.

It was one thing to watch his kids start their lives and have to deal with normal adult things like eating ramen noodles for dinner and having to play at a truly terrible DIY club, but another when they would really be struggling. He would step in if they were really having trouble. Especially the little guy on his chest.

It wasn’t Colton’s fault his dad forgot the condom.

“Okay. So now that the kiddos are settled in for a while, I have some hot and horrible gossip.” She slipped off her shoes and lay out on the chaise next to his.

This was what he lived for. Long afternoons with her at his side, all being right with the world. “I find myself strangely unmoved by gossip today.”

He was in a live and let live kind of mood. He let his eyes close again. He could nap the afternoon away and then he’d grill some steaks for dinner and he and Charlie could destroy Alex and Eve tonight while they played Spades. His younger self would be so disappointed that his version of a perfect way to finish a weekend was playing cards, and not for money or intel.


