Love the One You Hate Read online R.S. Grey

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Funny, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 93
Estimated words: 89645 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 448(@200wpm)___ 359(@250wpm)___ 299(@300wpm)

His thumb drags slowly down my neck, accompanied by his words.

“And now?” I ask, voice breathy.

He moves his head so he can look down at me.

“Now, I suppose I’ll respect Barrett enough not to steal you away, though I’m not sure how I’ll feel once I see you in your dress. What color is it?”

“Dark red,” I tell him as warmth spreads through me.

“Is it modest?”

“It might have been if I were less…”


“Maren…” He sounds like he’s in pain.

I smile and press a kiss to the edge of his mouth before slinking away from him. “I have a feeling we’ll both be suffering tonight.”

“I don’t intend on suffering long,” he promises, and then I turn and rush back to my room.



Cornelia claps her hands excitedly as Ariana and I join her in the foyer. “Oh, this is perfect. Look how our group has rounded out. Now that Nicholas has arrived, he can accompany Ariana. That way you won’t have to walk in alone, dear. Here, I called over to my florist and had them send over a corsage to match your dress. You both look so lovely.”

Ariana takes the corsage and slips it on her wrist, but she forgets to say thank you, so I do it for her, appreciating the lengths Cornelia has gone to ensure she feels welcome and included.

Barrett arrives then, strolling in through the front door past Collins, wearing a black tuxedo with a dark red bow tie that compliments my dress.

He looks handsome—and a tad too cocky—and I can tell Ariana agrees. Her brows shoot up in shock as he walks in and kisses me on the cheek before turning to her.

“Barrett, this is my good friend, Ariana.”

He grins and reaches over to shake her hand. “Ariana. Awesome. Nice to meet you. You’re coming with us tonight as well, I assume? Either that or you’re extremely dressed up to stay in and watch Netflix.”

She laughs and sidles closer, adopting a flirty tone when she replies, “Of course I’m coming. I wouldn’t miss it.”

If I were interested in Barrett, her overly enthusiastic greeting would likely bother me, but instead, I’m relieved to see she and Barrett become friendly so quickly. I don’t want her to feel lonely tonight.

Nicholas is the last to come downstairs, concentrating on fixing the cuff-link on his sleeve so that he doesn’t register the crowd waiting for him until he’s upon us. I drink him in slowly, appreciating his midnight black tuxedo and the way it seems to intensify his good looks. His dark hair is princely perfect. His tan jaw is smooth and clean-shaven. He’s never looked more handsome or more out of reach.

“Barrett, good to see you,” he says, not bothering to offer his hand before he turns to me, sliding his gaze up my dress slowly so that I have to fight to stand still. Our eyes lock, and longing spreads low in my belly. I force a swallow before I speak.

“Nicholas, this is Ariana. My friend.”

Nicholas frowns in confusion, flicking his gaze to her as if only now noticing there’s another person standing beside me.

“Nice to meet you,” he says with a nod. “How do you know Maren?”

“We go way back,” she says, knocking her hip against mine. “We’re like sisters.”

“Ariana arrived in town just today,” Cornelia volunteers. “Surprising us all.”

“You should have seen the shock on Maren’s face when she saw me.” Ariana laughs. “It’s like she almost forgot where she came from living in a fancy place like this.”

Nicholas hums in response, and I can tell he isn’t happy with the turn of events. Fortunately, Barrett is there as a buffer. It’s like he doesn’t even notice the tension in the room as he leans in to talk to Ariana.

I walk over to Cornelia to thank her again for including Ariana and for going to the trouble to order her corsage, and I feel Nicholas’ presence behind me even before his hand hits my lower back.

“Nicky, would you be kind enough to escort Ariana to the gala?” Cornelia asks him with a pleading look in her eyes. “I think she’d feel so much better walking in on your arm, especially since Maren has Barrett to escort her.”

“That’s fine. Maren, can I talk to you for a moment?”

“Later,” Cornelia admonishes. “We’re going to be late. Come, let’s go. Ariana, you can ride with Nicholas and me. Barrett and Maren, we’ll see you there.”

* * *

I’ve almost grown accustomed to the glitz and glamour of Newport—the houses commissioned by rich families and constructed by world-renowned architects; the sprawling gardens and accompanying greenhouses featuring rare and exquisite varieties of flowers; the Italian-constructed marble sculptures and paintings, direct replicas of Renaissance favorites—but when we pull up to the mansion where tonight’s event is being held, I find I’m once again awestruck by the sight in front of me.


