Love at The Bluebird Read online Aurora Rose Reynolds

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 65177 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 326(@200wpm)___ 261(@250wpm)___ 217(@300wpm)

“If one bruise is noticeable on me, I will tell everyone you assaulted me in the shower.” As if her words were fire to my skin, I let her go, choosing to not waste my time on her any longer.

“You think anyone would believe you?” I snort at her and enjoy seeing her smile falter. “Your word doesn’t mean shit in this industry anymore. You’ve tainted everyone and everything you’ve touched. Your fans will soon follow.” I mentally count to ten while I walk to the door and open it for her to leave. “I’m done with you and your father. Find yourself another songwriter. Now get the fuck out of here.” I smile coldly at her, despite my temper being held together by a very thin thread.

She walks up to me and has the audacity to caress my cheek before saying, “See you around, lover,” and walks out. I slam the door after her, wrap my hands around the back of my neck, and look up at the ceiling to gain my composure.

“That girl is straight up delusional,” Sosie says softly after we stand there in silence for a few moments.

I inhale deeply and close my eyes, wishing that today was just a bad dream. But it wasn’t and my first priority needs to be saving my relationship. I exhale out a shaky breath and start walking to my bedroom to get dressed. “I need to find Aly.”

“Maybe you should give her some time. She was in pretty bad shape when I saw her.” Sosie follows me into my room and sits on my bed while I get dressed inside my walk-in closet.

“In this situation, time will only make things worse. I just can’t believe she would think I would cheat on her like that.” I shake my head at the thought, not understanding why she would for one second think I would not only cheat on her, but go back to someone as despicable as Tori. Then again, I thought she was only with me for a promotion. Fuck!

“Let’s play role reversal for a second, Gavin. How would you feel if right after a fight with her, you show up on her doorstep and a hot, half-naked man, who happens to be her ex-boyfriend, answers the door and tells you she’s in the shower?” She raises a questioning eyebrow at me, knowing full well how I would react.

I would punch his fucking lights out and never talk to her again, assuming the worst.

“You’re right. Thanks for the reality check, Sos.”

“You’re welcome—that’s my job.”

I can’t help the chuckle that escapes me, because she’s the queen at making sure I eat my slice of humble pie and admit when I’m wrong.

“Where do you plan on starting your search for her?” she asks while I finish getting ready. “I doubt she went back to work.”

“If she isn’t at home or work, then I don’t know where she would be. Maybe Shane knows. She would’ve had to call in and tell him she’s not coming back, and if she didn’t, he would’ve called me asking if I know where she is.” I don’t want to call Valerie or Willow and worry them in case they don’t know what’s happening yet. I think Shane would be my best bet to start off with. If I can’t get a hold of him, then I will just camp out at her place until she comes home.

“I can call him right now if you want?” Sosie offers, and I can tell she wants to find Aly just as much as I do.

“No, I’ll call Shane.” I come out of my closet dressed and place a couple suitcases on the bed. I reach for my keys and cell phone off my nightstand and put them in my jeans pockets. “I need you to start packing up my stuff for me while I’m gone. I can’t stay here any longer. Once I find Aly, I will call you so you can meet me down at the police station.”

Sosie’s eyes widen in surprise. “You are seriously going to the police?” she asks in disbelief.

“Abso-fucking-lutely. I’m going to file a report about her breaking into my place and get a restraining order against her.”

Sosie gets off the bed, throws her arms around my waist, and squeezes. Hugs are a rare commodity from Sosie, so I take what I can get and hug her back. It only lasts a couple of seconds, and she releases her hold on me.

“I’m proud of you, Gav. It might get ugly with the Langstons, but you’re doing the right thing.”

“I appreciate that, Sos,” I tell her while ruffling her hair, and that annoyed expression of hers that I love comes back on her face. “I refuse to let anyone manipulate me for the good of my career. I know I’ll be just fine.” I give her a tentative smile and nod toward the bed where the suitcases are. “Thanks in advance for helping me pack. I’ll call you as soon as I find Aly.”


