Love at The Bluebird Read online Aurora Rose Reynolds

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 65177 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 326(@200wpm)___ 261(@250wpm)___ 217(@300wpm)

His hips start to rotate back and forth, his breathing harder and faster as he feels his tip reach the back of my throat. “Baby, this isn’t how I want to come in you for the first time.” He tugs on my hair and pulls my head back away from him. “Come here and climb on top of me.” He scoots back until he’s propped up against my pillows. I stand up, kneel on the bed, and crawl over to him. I get up on my knees and pull my dress up and over my head. His eyes drink me in from my black strapless bra down the rest of my very naked body.

“You’re fucking gorgeous, baby,” he growls while reaching for me and pulls me onto his lap, his dick pressing in between us. He starts kissing my neck, his hot breath giving me goose bumps as his hands trail up my back to the clasps of my bra. As soon as my breasts are relieved from their confines, he cups them in his large palms and begins massaging them. I moan as he uses the pads of his thumbs to rub circles over my nipples before deciding to give the left breast his attention. He takes my hardened nipple into his mouth and sucks while flicking it with his tongue, the wicked sensation making my core tighten. He soon moves on to my other breast, and I can’t help but start grinding myself against him, his tongue driving me to the brink of insanity. So consumed am I with his wicked mouth that I don’t even feel his hand sliding between us until his fingers rub between my folds.

“I love how wet you are for me,” he whispers in my ear before nipping and sucking on my lobe.

I lace my fingers through his hair and bring him back to my mouth, his tongue thrusting between my parted lips. I love the way he kisses me, how his tongue dances perfectly with mine. I moan louder, becoming completely engulfed in his flames. His fingers begin their assault on my clit, teasing against it, making me crave for him to be inside me.

“I need you, Gavin,” I whimper, my walls pulsating with the need to feel him inside me.

“What do you need, darlin’?” he asks, his voice husky with pleasure. He rubs his fingers in and out of me, the friction of their roughness making me quiver. “Tell me what you need, Aly.”

“I need you inside me, now, baby.”

He chuckles at my demand and removes his fingers. Without hesitation, I reach between us and grab him, guiding him to my entrance. I lift my pelvis up before I slowly slide down, both of us gasping at how amazing it feels. We stay still and just kiss each other so I can get used to having him inside me. But like usual, his kisses ignite the fire and I start moving against him.

“Baby, do I need to put a condom on?” He pants when he breaks our kiss. I shake my head, unable to concentrate on anything besides how good he feels inside me.

“I’m on birth control,” I breathe out. “God, you feel so good,” I murmur as I lift my torso up and steady myself by placing my hands against his abs. He grips the sides of my hips, his fingers digging into my flesh to help guide me. I start off by grinding against him, the friction against my clit making me purr. Needing more, I ride him harder, my hands grabbing my breasts and pinching my nipples.

“Fuck me, baby,” he demands, his hips matching the rhythm of my own, causing the bedframe to slam repeatedly against the wall. He moves one hand off my hip and uses his thumb to rub against my clit, sending me into overdrive. The pressure of his thumb against me combined with my walls grasping around his thick cock skyrockets me over the edge.

“Ah yes, yes!” I scream out as the most powerful orgasm I’ve ever experienced rocks me to my core. My body is convulsing from the high when I feel him jerk up and yell out his own release. I collapse on top of him, unable to move off as I try to catch my breath. He wraps his arms around me and hugs me tightly to him.

“Damn, baby… if this is what sex is like with you every time, then I’m going to be dying a very young man.” His chest rumbles with laughter and I giggle, smiling at the beautiful sound and understanding exactly what he is feeling. The connection we have is raw, hungry, passionate… meaningful.

I listen to his heartbeat slowly come down to its normal rhythm, and I say a silent prayer of thanks for this man, hoping I get to listen to his heart like this every night from now on. Gavin McNeer better be mine to keep for the rest of my life, because he’s completely ruined me for anyone else.


