Love at The Bluebird Read online Aurora Rose Reynolds

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 65177 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 326(@200wpm)___ 261(@250wpm)___ 217(@300wpm)

“No, I’ll drive you. I’m getting tired anyway.” She stands and we say our goodbyes to everyone then walk to the parking lot to Sosie’s car.

“Why are you in such a rush to get home?” she asks a couple minutes into our drive, while I’m sending Aly a text, asking if she’s still awake.

“Because it’s late and I have a long day tomorrow,” I reply, and when she glances at me, I can tell she doesn’t buy it. “I gotta be in the studio all day tomorrow.”

“Yeah, but let me guess the real reason you’re so anxious to get home.”

“Guess away.”

“Did you or did you not receive a phone call from one Miss Alyson Dawson?” I look over at her in surprise, since I didn’t tell her that she called me. “Oh please, Gavin, don’t look so shocked. You’ve had this goofy, Joker-esque smile on your face ever since she’s called. You’ve also been in your own head the whole night and unusually quiet.”

“How do you know her last name?” I ask, suddenly feeling protective of Aly and her privacy.

“It wasn’t rocket science. Everyone in that room saw your ogling her all damn night. Plus, I overheard some girls complaining about how unfair it is that all the hot guys in Nashville seem to go for her, yet she’s never been seen dating any of them.”

“Maybe she’s been hurt before and isn’t ready to date,” I offer, trying to ignore the niggle of irritation in the pit of my stomach at the news that multiple men have gone after her, but then I remind myself that Sos said Aly’s never been seen with any of them.

“Or maybe she bats for the other team.”

I laugh off Sosie’s comment, because there is no fucking way I believe that. “I don’t think so,” I say confidently. I’ve never felt such intense sexual tension with another woman, not even my ex.

“Whatever, I just don’t get it. She literally called you within ten minutes of you giving her your number. Don’t you think that’s a little… I don’t know, stalkerish? There was zero chase for you.”

“Why does there always have to be a chase when you’re interested in someone?” I question, not liking where Sosie’s line of questioning is headed. “What’s the problem? You don’t like her? You don’t even know her.”

“Exactly, Gavin! We don’t know her. She could be coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs,” she says while glaring at me. “You don’t know if she’s not completely off her rocker, and yet you’re acting like a love-sick puppy!”

“Since when does being interested in someone equal being a love-sick puppy?” I argue, confused by Sosie’s obvious anger. “Why are you getting so bent out of shape about me meeting someone?”

“Because last time you met someone, she broke your heart, and I don’t ever want to see that pain in your eyes again!” she snaps then presses her lips together. The car goes silent after her confession and I shift in my seat. Shit, she’s right. Tori did fuck me up, but she didn’t shatter my soul. Looking back, I can now recognize the warning signs for what they were, and I chose to ignore every single one of them.

Then again, Tori’s change in personality didn’t happen overnight. It was slow at first with her kindness starting to fade. Next, she started going out without me, not wanting to spend time with me, and would only show up when she was wasted and wanted to hook up at the end of the night. When I realized I was only being used for my songwriting skills, it hurt, but it didn’t take long for the hurt I was feeling to morph into anger. I don’t give a fuck about Tori. I don’t even think about her anymore, and that’s how I know we weren’t truly in love. Because if we were, the end of us would’ve felt like a thousand little knives stabbing holes into my heart.

Love is magical, torturous, beautiful, and hard. I survived our break-up and actually came out a better man. Being with her taught me exactly what I want for myself and what I expect from any woman I end up with in the future.

“I appreciate you having my back.”

She peeks at me out of the corner of her eye, embarrassment coloring her cheeks. I give her shoulder an encouraging squeeze to let her know everything’s okay. “But if you don’t take risks on people, then you’ll end up alone. I’ve never looked at someone and felt something as strong as I did tonight.” I sigh, trying to find the words to describe just how I felt but coming up empty.

Maybe my nervousness tonight was the universe trying to tell me I’m going to meet a girl who’s going to turn my world upside down or some cosmic shit like that. Hell, I don’t usually believe in that kind of stuff, but I can’t help but think that tonight was supposed to happen.


