Love At First Sight Read online Kelly Elliott (Southern Bride #1)

Categories Genre: New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Southern Bride Series by Kelly Elliott

Total pages in book: 89
Estimated words: 87170 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 436(@200wpm)___ 349(@250wpm)___ 291(@300wpm)

I rested my chin on my knees. “I know.”

“Things are going to change a lot in the next year, hell, the next few years.”

“I know that, too. It kind of scares me.”

“You ever going to tell him how you feel?”

I snapped my head to look at my uncle. “What?”

He shook his head. “I know that look, trust me. The look of wanting someone so badly but being afraid of taking the leap. I’ve walked in those shoes. I see it on his face as well as yours, Chloe. Someone has to take the first step.”

Swallowing hard, I pressed my lips together tightly, trying to decide if I wanted to admit my feelings, and if Uncle Trevor was the person I wanted to admit them to.

“Do me a favor, Chloe Cat. Do it before y’all leave for college. Will you promise me that?”

“What if…”

He shook his head. “There is no time in this life for what ifs, little girl.”

“Holy shit! He’s got something big!” Daddy yelled out as Trevor jumped up and headed over to watch Rip reel his catch in. When he pulled up a giant bass, I couldn’t help but smile. He held it while Trevor took a picture. Then his eyes met mine, and I smiled even bigger, giving him a thumbs up.

“Way to go, Rip!” I shouted and snapped a picture on my phone.

“Guess the bait I was using worked. Huh, Gage?” A shit-eating smirk went across his beautiful face.

My father looked proud while Gage shot Rip the finger, then changed the bait on his line to what Rip was using. They quickly got back to fishing after Rip let the bass go in lake.

Picking up my book, I leaned back and got lost in the words, grinning. This was a perfect day for me.

And even though I was smiling at how perfect the moment was, I knew there weren’t many of these days left for us in the coming months.



The whispered voice came from behind me.

Turning, I saw Alyssa handing me a piece of paper. A note from Rip.

I couldn’t help the silly smile on my face. Glancing around the room, I moved my hands toward my lap so I could read the note. Rip was the only person I knew who still wrote notes on paper instead of sending a text. He only did it with me, though, and it made me feel special. I had a shoebox at home filled with notes from him that I’d kept as mementos, among other things that Rip had given me since we were younger. Inside that box was the very first flower he ever gave me, pressed between the pages of a little Bible my grammy had given me when Daddy and I first moved from Oregon to Texas.

That’s where I was born…Oregon. Daddy never truly told me why he left Texas to move to Oregon, though. That’s where he met my biological mother, who I haven’t seen since I was five and never care to see again. Even now I can remember the mean words she would say to me. Those words still had an edge to them that tore at my heart.

Once we moved to Texas, though, everything changed for the better. I found my very best friend—second to Rip—Patches. He’s a goat my granddaddy gave me. And my father married his high school sweetheart, Paxton. In my mind, she is my one and only mother, and I love her so much.

Glancing down, I read his note.

Dear Chloe Cat,

I’ve got an early Christmas present for you. Meet me under the bleachers after school.

Love always,


My thumb ran over the words, love always. I smiled and folded the note, slipping it into my back pocket.

“What did it say?” Alyssa asked.

I glanced over my shoulder and grinned. “He has a Christmas present for me.”

She returned the grin. “I hope it’s his dick in your va-jay-jay!”

“Oh my gosh! Shut up!” I whisper-shouted. “You are insane!”

We both started to giggle until Mrs. Hathaway cleared her throat.

“Chloe, Alyssa. Is there something you’d like to share with the class? Perhaps something that has amused you?”

“No, ma’am,” we said in unison.

Facing forward, I placed my hands on my burning cheeks.

When the teacher went back to writing the math problem on the board, Alyssa leaned forward and whispered, “You know, if you told him you wanted him to take your virginity, he would.”

I waved her off and glanced around the room. It wasn’t a secret I was a virgin. A silly fool who was holding out hope that the man to experience sex with me for the first time would be my very best friend.

Alyssa’s comments really threw me for a loop. The rest of the day I couldn’t stop thinking about Rip. Thoughts of him filled almost every free moment. We passed each other in the hall four times during the school day. Every day. We sat next to each other every single day at lunch with the rest of our friends. We had one class together, the last class of the day. French.


