Love and Monsters (Book Club Boys #1) Read Online Max Walker

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Crime, M-M Romance, Romance, Suspense, Thriller Tags Authors: Series: Book Club Boys Series by Max Walker

Total pages in book: 82
Estimated words: 75720 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 379(@200wpm)___ 303(@250wpm)___ 252(@300wpm)

“I got a vodka pineapple. I like my drinks sweet enough to teleport me to Malibu if I close n my eyes.”

Ron laughed at that, a little harder than necessary. “You know what they say about guys who drink pineapple.”

“That we’re pumped up with vitamin C?” I answered, playing dumb.

“No, it’s that your co—”

“Hey, everything good here?” Jake cut in, sliding a smooth arm across my shoulders.

Interesting. “Yeah, everything’s fine. Good thing you came—I think I need help carrying the drinks. Oh, and this is Ron. We just met.”

Jake put a hand out, shaking Ron’s. I noticed this handshake didn’t last nearly as long as the one I just had. “Nice to meet you. I’m Jake.”

Wait a second… was Jake puffing out his chest? The way he stood like an oak tree that spontaneously grew next to me, an arm still across my shoulders, with his back straight and chin high… holy shit, Jake was trying to intimidate this guy. Maybe the fight from this morning got to his head?

It seemed like Ron got the hint. He dipped his head and said a couple of nice things about us before turning and disappearing in the crowd, winding through some people and going past the bathrooms, likely heading upstairs.

“Sorry,” Jake said, still not deflating. “I should have figured out if you wanted to talk to him. I just kind of assumed with the way you were standing that you needed some help. Did I fuck up?”

“No,” I answered, patting his stomach. “I think it’s physically, spiritually, and emotionally impossible for you to fuck up.”

He laughed at that, shaking his head. My arm stayed on his stomach so that I could feel the gentle rise and fall of his breath, his firm muscles just a couple of threads away from being against my palm. “You give me too much credit.”

“I give you just enough. You’re going to have to work for the extra credit.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Mhmm,” I said. Before he could ask me to elaborate, my drink order was complete, and my tab was paid off. Jake helped me with the drinks, and we came back to our table, where an animated discussion on who deserved the most recent Drag Race crown was going on. At first, I was a little worried Jake would feel out of place, considering my friends could be a little domineering, but he slipped right into the conversation with ease.

Soon, hours had passed, and all of us were slightly (okay, very) drunk, empty cups stacked on our table. I definitely wasn’t ready to call it a night and would have been pretty annoyed if I had to get into my own bed drunk and alone, so imagine my surprise—and utter excitement— when Jake turned to me and asked if I wanted to order pizza and hang out at his place.

The two of us got out of the bar so fast that I was sure there was a dust cloud left in our wake—zigzagging, of course, because I was sure neither of us was walking in a straight line.

Although through the drunken haze, a face did strike out at me.

Mason. He was standing at a bar top by himself, nursing a beer, looking pensive.

At least I thought it was Mason. My foggy beer-goggles made it difficult to register faces. Except for Jake’s, of course. His face (along with the rest of him) kept me distracted for the rest of that entire night.



It was difficult keeping my hands off Noah on the Uber ride home. We sat in the back seat, tucked closed to the door and riding in the shadow, only being seen whenever a streetlight would flash through the car. It was enough of a shield to let me put my hand on Noah’s thigh, climbing up and finding a hardening surprise between his legs. I rubbed him through his shorts, making sure that if the driver turned around or looked in the rearview, all he’d see was two guys sitting shoulder to shoulder together, possibly holding hands.

He wouldn’t be able to see the way my grip closed around Noah’s cock, feeling it throb underneath his clothes. He dropped his head back and shut his eyes, a pleasant grin crossing his face. I’d never done this before. And sure, we were both really drunk, but public play was never on my to-do list.

Until now.

That seemed to be the theme with Noah. Shit I never thought I’d do was now on the agenda. Join a queer book club? Check. Get in a fistfight with someone? Check. Give someone a hand job in the back of a car? Check.

Noah looked to the driver. He was focused on the road, the highway extra busy at this time of night. Music was playing, and his eyes were ahead. Noah took this chance to lower the waistband of his shorts just enough so that he could pull out the head of his glistening cock. I ran my thumb across, spreading the precome that already dripped from the tip. He dropped his head back against the headrest, and I could have sworn I heard a tiny moan escape from his lips.


