Lost Love Read Online Kelly Elliott (Cowboys & Angels #1)

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors: Series: Cowboys & Angels Series by Kelly Elliott

Total pages in book: 103
Estimated words: 99283 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 496(@200wpm)___ 397(@250wpm)___ 331(@300wpm)

“You can’t just blurt out you stayed the night at Paxton’s and then say nothing after that,” Cord said.

“Did you fuck her?” Trevor asked with a wicked grin on his face.

“Don’t talk about Paxton that way,” I said, shooting him a dirty look. He laughed and picked up the fence pullers.

“Okay, let me reword it. Did you sleep with her? No, wait. Did you make love to her? Better?”

I frowned. “Yes, better. And no. She wants to take things slowly.”

Trevor lost it laughing, and soon Cord was bent over laughing as well.

“Pricks,” I mumbled as I went back to tying on the fence ties for the new fence.

Cord slapped me on the back. “Jesus, I bet that was the biggest case of blue balls if there ever was one.”

I groaned. “You have no fucking idea. I had to wake up early to get back before Chloe got up. Talk about the walk of shame. Mom only smiled when I got home, but she knew I was with Paxton. I had texted to ask her if she wouldn’t mind spending the night.”

“Damn,” Trevor said. “I don’t know what’s worse. Mom thinking you got laid, or the fact that you didn’t get laid.”

“Trust me, they’re both bad,” I said.

Cord lifted the roll of fencing and started to roll it out some. “How do you think Chloe is going to feel about you seeing someone?”

My chest squeezed a little. The memory of last night and seeing my first child’s picture on the sonogram hit me again for about the tenth time. I had broken down big time in front of Paxton, but somehow I think my falling apart was a part of her healing.

“She already loves Paxton, and our noisy sister has already informed Chloe that Paxton and I like each other. I don’t think it will be too hard on her. At least I hope it’s not.”

Trevor stopped working and wiped his brow. Even though it was October, it was still fucking hot as hell today. He sighed and walked over to the cooler. Lifting the lid, he grabbed three beers.

“This is why I will never settle down with one woman. Too much fucking drama to deal with.”

I laughed. “Well, with Paxton and me, it’s a little different. We have a history, and I have a daughter.”

Trevor popped the tab on his beer. “Still. Women bring problems.”

“A-fucking-men,” Cord added.

I leaned against the tailgate of my truck and glanced between my two younger brothers. “Seriously, neither of you have ever met a woman who didn’t make you want more than a hookup?”

They both shrugged, looked at each other, then focused back on me.

“Nope,” they said together.

I actually felt sorry for my brothers. Damn. They were in for a ride when it did finally happen. And it would happen whether they liked it or not.

Trevor pointed to me, as if he could read my thoughts. “Trust me when I say there will never be a woman who will make me want to only settle down with one pussy. No, thank you.”

“I’ve got to agree with Trevor,” Cord added. “The thought of not being able to fuck someone any time I want or anywhere I want.” He shuddered. “God, the thought alone hurts my dick.”

Laughing, I finished off my beer and tossed the can into the back of ranch truck Trevor drove.

Walking up to each of them, I gave them each a hit on the arm. “I can’t wait to see y’all eat crow.”

Corina knocked on my classroom door Monday morning and strolled in whistling. Glancing up, I grinned.

“You’re in a good mood for a Monday morning.”

Her smile grew big. “I had sex this weekend.”

Dropping back in my seat, I gasped. “What? With who?”

She covered her mouth like a schoolgirl about to tell the biggest secret ever. “Mitchell.”

My pen dropped out of my hand while my eyes widened in surprise. “Mitchell Parker?”

She nodded then giggled. “Jesus, he was huge. I had to soak in a bath all day yesterday I was so sore.”

I covered my mouth and gagged.

Corina lifted a brow. “Too much information?”

I leaned over my desk. “You slept with Mitchell? Like as in…” I glanced around as if someone was in the room. “As in sex? His junk in your…” I pointed.

She laughed. “Oh my gosh, I know! So unlike me to do something like that. But yes. I had sex with Mitchell. Actually, we fucked. Like rabbits. On my sofa, on the kitchen island, the kitchen floor, in the shower, in my bed.” She lifted her eyes as if she was trying to remember if there were more spots she might have missed.

“Oh, and up against my front door when he was trying to leave, but something came over us again. He has a magical dick. I’m not kidding. His stamina. I’ve never had so many orgasms in my entire life. Six. I had S.I.X. orgasms, Paxton.”


