Lost In Seoul – My Summer In Seoul Read Online Rachel Van Dyken

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Chick Lit, Contemporary, Forbidden Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 84
Estimated words: 82271 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 411(@200wpm)___ 329(@250wpm)___ 274(@300wpm)

Her whimper urges me on, deepening the kiss. Her hands move to the waistband of my pants, tugging me closer to her, deeper.

There is no logic to what is happening.

She’s just like blinking Christmas lights that I’m drawn to. She starts to unbutton the top of my pants, her hands hurried, frantic.

Shit. Yes, this is exactly what I want.

And what I need…

And just like that, Christmas is over. It disappears like a fever dream.

The phone in my pocket suddenly goes off. Her purse starts making noise.

It doesn’t stop.

We can’t avoid the sounds. She pulls away with a curse and hops off the desk.

I’m so disappointed I want to burn my phone. I grab my jacket from the floor and hand her hers, then tuck my shirt back in.

Reality starts to creep in.

Shit, what was I thinking? I’ve never just made out with a random girl before, someone who wasn’t my girlfriend. A complete stranger. Am I having some sort of crisis? What’s wrong with me? I ask myself this question, but I know the answer before even finishing the thought. The trauma’s real, the damage is done, and sometimes when you’re in that mindset, all you want, all you need is touch, human connection, something I know I won’t get to have for a very long time because of my contract.

“Yeah.” She looks over at me. “I’m on my way.”

I nod at her, knowing I’ll never see her again. Knowing we aren’t about to exchange numbers. I open my mouth to apologize if I did anything she didn’t like, but she grabs her jacket and leaves the classroom, slowly clicking the door shut behind her.

I can’t decide if it’s the best or worst graduation that ever existed. What was that? What just happened? I have to shake it off.

I make my way back down the hall, and quickly answer Rae’s text and let him know I’ll meet him out front. When I finally make it outside a lot of the graduates and families have already left.

It takes everything I have not to stop in my tracks.

Rae’s standing on the steps talking to the girl in the white pantsuit. The one I just kissed. There’s a familiarity between them. An intimacy that I instantly detest.

He’s easily her age, and she’s probably attracted to him. I bet they’re going to go out on a date.

This is officially my least favorite moment.

Since there’s nothing else I can do, I walk up to them. “Hey, Rae.”

“Sookie!” He pulls me in for a hug. “Where were you?”

I glance at the woman and then back at him. “Bathroom.”

“Oh, well, I just didn’t want you to leave without meeting my adopted sister.”

I frown. “Where is she?”

Pantsuit woman whose mouth I’m desperately trying not to look at, gives me a horrified look and raises her hand.

Adopted sister? Since when?

“We’ve kind of kept it quiet.” He looks sheepish as he says it, shoving his hands into the pocket of his jeans. “She’s been studying in the states and there were some weird lawsuits involved and basically mom took her in and then fully adopted her. I hate keeping secrets but, we didn’t want her in the public eye.

I can’t say I’m not annoyed he didn’t confide in me. I mean, why not? We’ve become a band of brothers this past year, he knows he can trust me.

And then it hits me. Hard. Kind of like what she made happen below my waist.

I just made out with Rae’s sister.

And he has no idea.

“She’s a first-year lawyer.”

I do the math.

At the very least, she’s four years older than me.

“Oh.” It’s all I have, just a single oh and a forced smile that doesn’t reach my eyes. “That’s great.”

Her smile falters, her eyes fall to my mouth. My body responds accordingly. I almost lunge for her. Shit. You can’t just look at a guy the way she just did in public, especially one who just graduated early and is full of testosterone, raging hormones, and stress. Sex might be the only way to let off some steam.

“Let’s go get some food.” Rae announces clapping his hands.

I stay back next to his sister.

We’re silent until the car pulls up.

Her hand grazes my lower back.

I reach behind me and squeeze her fingers. It’s a bold move. People could see.

We stay like this for maybe two seconds.

My heart cracks, why do I want to touch her longer?

Also, I’ve changed my mind. This is the best graduation, but Rae can never find out, because if he did…

Everything I’ve worked for, would be gone.

Chapter One


Present Day

Fame, as they say, is a double-edged sword.

It’s thrilling in so many ways, but in others… it sucks.

I can’t go anywhere. It’s like I’m in jail, but I’m not. Instead, I’m in this bubble of celebrity that most people only dream of. But emotionally, mentally and physically I’m trapped. And the feeling sucks, especially because there’s no way out. At least, not for a while. And right now, I’m trapped in the SWT dorm with all my thoughts racing uncontrollably. I have to get out of here fast otherwise I’m going to lose it.


