Losing It All – Hellfire Riders MC Read online Kati Wilde

Categories Genre: Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 154
Estimated words: 148220 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 741(@200wpm)___ 593(@250wpm)___ 494(@300wpm)

Saxon’s arranging for Hashtag to move in to the guest room downstairs, because he says you’ll trust Hashtag to keep his hands to himself. Apparently that’s an issue with some of the brothers? I haven’t noticed. They’ve all been really polite to me and no one’s ever tried anything. So Hashtag will be there every night and then I’ll have my usual rotation of escorts during the day. Plus they’re setting up a security system before they let me and Daisy move in.

So don’t worry about whether I’ll be safe. Everyone has been taking such good care of me. I just hope that you’re okay, too.


Gunner moved in all your things from Anna’s today. I didn’t know what to do with some of it, so now you have a mancave. It’s full of boxes that you can sort through when you get back.

And Daisy would say hi! Except she’s in your mancave sniffing all of your boxes, so I’m guessing that some of the stuff must still smell like you. Which makes me super jealous of a dog, because I sniffed some of your shirts when I was unpacking them and I didn’t smell anything.

Oh, and there’s other exciting news. I think Gunner and Anna were holding off on announcing a date for their wedding because they weren’t sure when you’d be back, but they’ve finally settled on October. I forgot the exact day that Anna said, but I’ll get it for you next time—so even if you aren’t done, maybe take a few days leave if you can, because they want you to stand up with them as best man.


So…today is the anniversary of when Matt and I were taken, and of the day that I stopped being Maxine and became Cherry. A whole year gone by.

And the Cage just doesn’t feel real anymore. Or the barns. Which is stupid, because every day I see the scars on my back. And I have really strong flashbacks sometimes. But most of the time, like right now…it just feels like something that I heard happen to someone else. I guess that means some of what Matt said about extreme situations is true. And that even the most extreme reactions and emotions can fade.

If I needed an answer about how I feel about you, though…it’s still so real to me, Stone. Nothing’s faded. Instead it’s just a big ache. Like there’s a giant hole inside me where you’re supposed to be. Because I’m happy, and I’m surrounded by your family, your friends—and I love them so much now. But you’re not here, so there’s a huge part of me missing.

And oh my god, I’m sorry. I should delete this one, because maybe it isn’t fair to dump all these feelings on you, especially if you don’t feel the same way anymore. I just want you to know that there was a point when I’d lost every bit of hope, when I didn’t even dare to hope because then everything would turn to shit, when it seemed like Papa and the others had taken everything from me. But they didn’t. So here I am…truly Maxine again. And when this is done, and you come home, I don’t want you to feel obligated or worried that I won’t be okay. If there’s one thing this year has taught me, it’s that I can survive just about anything.

But I’m also going to warn you…if you don’t feel the same way as you did when you married me, I will chain you to our bed and rock your world until you fall in love with me again.


Okay, so…I don’t know why I haven’t done this before. Maybe it’s because I was at your mom’s house for so long and that would have been awkward. But now we’ve got our own place and lookie here! I got a new toy! This part right here is supposed to suck on my clit while this other part is supposed to vibrate my G-spot, so I’m going to pretend this is your tongue and your fingers.

So, um. Let’s do this. I don’t think this other part can go in until I’m wet, so I’ll start with the clit sucker. Whoa, that’s a bad angle for the camera. Yikes. That is not sexy, either. Oh god, how do people do this? I think I’ll just hold the camera pointed at my face, because otherwise I’m not coordinated enough for this.

Now I’m supposed to press this button until it starts… Oh. Oh. Oh my god. This was the best idea ever. Oh shit. Sorry, I just dropped the phone on my face. But oh my god, Stone. I should have been doing this every day. It’s not at all like your tongue but it’s… Mmmmm. So I’m going to close my eyes and pretend you’ve got me all tied up and you’re sucking on my clit. Holy shit, it feels so good. Oh god. And then you’re like ‘Open your legs real wide, girl’ and I fight because I know you’re about to hold me down and fuck me with your big cock and make me come and oh my god you’re still sucking my clit and this is so—


