Look But Don’t Touch – Filthy Dirty Desires Read Online Jenna Rose

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 24
Estimated words: 22147 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 111(@200wpm)___ 89(@250wpm)___ 74(@300wpm)

“I can’t believe that growing up in a trailer park, you never rode on the back of a motorcycle.”

“My dad never let me,” she replies. “Said if I got on the back of ‘some yahoo’s’ bike, I’d end up getting myself killed.”

“Yeah, that sounds like Jerry.” I nod, patting the seat of my bike. “Luckily I’m not ‘some yahoo.’ So hop on and let’s go.”

Becca, grinning with a smile that could light up the darkness of space, throws her leg over my bike and then wraps both arms around my waist. I kick the engine to life and pull away, heading for the main road.

It’s like something out of a movie – me on my bike, Becca on the back, her delicate arms around me, trusting me with her life. She leans her head on my back, taking shelter behind me to keep the wind from turning her hair into a tornado, and I smile as my chest fills with a warmth I’ve never known.

It doesn’t take long to reach the factory. I park out back by the loading dock and wave to a few guys unloading a truck at the space next to mine. Becca looks confused as she steps off the bike.

“What…what are we doing here?”

“What do you mean?” I tease. “You don’t think large industrial warehouses make for great date spots?”

She blinks at me, unsure of what to say. I take her hand and let her off the hook. “Come inside. You’ll understand.”

I lead her up the back steps, past the unloading area, and through the double doors onto the main factory floor. It’s empty of all staff today, but I can see the progress that’s come along in the last few days while I’ve been away.

Almost ready. So close.

“What is this, Dax?” Becca asks as she looks out at the equipment, all of it foreign to her. It was all foreign to me not long ago, and I had to spend time educating myself on all of it to make sure it was precisely what I needed and that none of my money was being spent needlessly.

“This, sweetie,” I say proudly, “this is my future. Remember that money I told you I had coming in down the line? Well, you’re looking at it.”

Becca gazes out across the space and blinks a few times. “You’re making meth?”

I burst out laughing. “No, that would be more Trevor’s area of expertise. Actually, I’ll be making spaghetti sauce.”

“Spaghetti sauce!?” Becca sounds surprised but also genuinely interested. Taking her hand again, I lead her over to the door that leads to the sample room and hold it open for her.

“That’s right,” I say. “My mother, God rest her soul, used to make the best sauce in the world before she passed. She also kept the recipe in an old cookbook above the fridge. I decided after she was gone to start producing it.”

Lifting one of the sample jars from the shelf, I pop the top and dip my finger right in. “Open up,” I tell Becca. Obediently, she opens her mouth and I slip my finger between her lips. She sucks the sauce off, and I feel my pants begin to tighten.

But then, her eyes widen, and she lets out a moan of obvious approval.

“Dax!” she exclaims. “This is so good! Like…seriously!”

I swell with pride, not just for my own hard work bringing the sauce to fruition, but for my mother, who created it in the first place.

“My mother would be thrilled to hear you say that.”

“I can cook pasta!” she tells me. “Bring some home, and I’ll make it for you tonight!”

“That sounds wonderful.” I smile, pulling her close.

“So what’s next?” she asks. “You make a bunch of it and see if people buy it?”

“Well, I already have a distributor lined up and some stores. Many local ones but also some larger ones, including a national chain.”

“Really!?” she gasps. Christ, I really do love her.

“That’s right.” I smile. “They loved the samples and think it will sell well. All I’m waiting for is this place to get up and running and approved for food production. Then I’m off to the races, as they say.”

Becca smiles a smile of such approval that it makes all the work I’ve done over the last year and a half worth it. I was already itching for this process to be finished, but now I’m practically dying for everything to come together so I can get my money right and get her out of that goddamn trailer and give her the life that she deserves.

“I’m so impressed,” she says. “My spaghetti sauce-making biker boyfriend.”

I laugh. “You say that like it’s strange.”

“I don’t know.” She shrugs. “It just isn’t what I’d have guessed.”

“No, you guessed meth,” I reply, poking her in the side.

“I was kidding!”

“Yeah, well now you’re gonna pay for it.” Growling, I dip all five fingers in the sauce jar and then flick them straight at her, giving her a nice red facial. Becca gasps and freezes, her jaw agape and eyes wide.


