Line Change (Northport U #1) Read Online Heidi McLaughlin

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Northport U Series by Heidi McLaughlin

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 95559 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 478(@200wpm)___ 382(@250wpm)___ 319(@300wpm)

“I love you too, Ky. Thank you for showing me what true love really feels like.”

I kiss her again and then twirl her around.

They say bad things come in threes, but good things do too. NU won the championship, I potentially have some offers on the table, and I got my girl back.

Today has turned out to be the best day ever.



“Say it again.”

I move so I’m straddling Ky’s lap and place my hands on his shoulders. He’s leaning against the headboard, the remnants of his breakfast sitting on a tray next to us. Shortly after we reconciled after the National Championship game, I revealed my plan to grand-gesture-the-shit-out-of-him in a bid to win him back. He was touched but also intrigued as to what else I had up my sleeve, so it’s become my mission to show him just how much he’s loved. Along with the signs at the arena, I’ve also been making him breakfast in bed on the mornings he doesn’t have to rush off anywhere; we’ve had candlelit dinners when he comes back from the bar, and last night I gave him a massage to soothe his aching muscles. I’m still recovering from the aftermath, and now my muscles are aching in the most pleasurable way.

“Te quiero,” I whisper as I leave small kisses over his face. Another of the grand gestures I decided on was saying “I love you” in as many different languages as possible. They started out as little notes left in his pocket or his car, so he could find them and know I was thinking about him. On one occasion, I was running late and missed the opportunity to leave the latest note, so instead, I recorded a message and texted it to him. Ever since then, he starts each day with a request for me to say those words in a different language. Today, it’s Spanish. I know my pronunciation leaves a lot to be desired, but it’s the thought that counts.

“Fuck, Thea, I don’t know what turns me on more, hearing your sexy morning voice whisper sweet nothings to me in any language, or rubbing your sweet pussy against me in those tiny shorts.”

I laugh and exaggerate my movements, causing Ky to moan and chase my mouth for a kiss. I allow him to, but only for a few seconds.

“Easy, tiger. We’ve got a big day planned ahead of us.”

“I’ll be quick,” he promises. His fingers tug at the elastic on my shorts. I kiss him once on the nose then jump off the bed, eliciting a curse from him.

“You and I both know ‘quick’ is not in our vocabulary when we’re in a bed together. But I look forward to continuing this later.” I give him a wink, then strip completely before running into the en-suite for a shower. Before I shut the door, I hear his pained words behind me.

“You’ll be the death of me, Thea Jenson!”

“We’re going to an amusement park?” Ky asks, his eyes wide in a mixture of awe and excitement.

“You guessed it!” I pull the car into a parking spot and switch it off. I’ve driven us to a town about two hours away, so we can go to the amusement park on the pier.

“Lacey is going to be so jealous!”

“We’ll bring her here soon. Today is all about you and me.”

Since we started dating, Ky and I have only had one official date, which was at the ice rink after one of his games. One-and-a-half if you count the ice-cream date with Lacey. A date at a tourist’s attraction might not be the most original idea, but the wonder shining in Ky’s eyes indicates this is something he missed out on growing up. We walk hand-in-hand to the ticket booth, and I purchase two adult passes which entitles us to unlimited rides, together with a bumper book of tickets for the concession stands. I let Ky guide us through the day and his first pick is the roller coaster, where he whoops and yells at the top of his lungs. We go on the bumper cars, the tilt-a-whirl, the free fall, and the orbiter and are now about to take our turn at one of the games. The attendant quickly explains the rules—we have to aim our water pistol at the cartoon face in front of us and shoot the water in its opening and closing mouth. The first person to raise the ball in the tube on the character’s hand to the top, wins. A countdown starts and when the siren sounds, I’m quick off the mark. My aim is steady, thanks to years of playing against Jude when visiting fairs as a kid, and even though Ky tries to put me off by shoving me a couple of times, my steely aim earns me the win. The attendant asks me what I want for my prize, and I point to a large, cuddly unicorn. He hands it over and I immediately give it to my boyfriend.


