Lie Read online Penelope Sky (Betrothed #8)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Betrothed Series by Penelope Sky

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 80214 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 401(@200wpm)___ 321(@250wpm)___ 267(@300wpm)

Now, I really wanted him. Really needed him. “Let me go…” I wanted to hold on to him, grip him tightly, dig my nails deep into his back so he could never leave me.

“You want me?” he whispered against my ear, still kissing the moisture away.


“How much?”

“So much…”

He moved on top of me and looked me in the eye, even more handsome when his face was slightly tinted in arousal. He finally released my wrists.

My arms immediately hooked around his neck, and I pulled him in for a kiss, wanting those stained lips all over me. I could taste my own climax, taste every inch of my body on that sexy mouth. My legs wrapped around his hips again. “You’re the only man I want…” I didn’t reject his affection because I was embarrassed or because there was any reason to be ashamed of his tattoos or his hostility. That was the exact opposite of the way I felt, and I wanted him to know that, to see how he drove me crazy.

“I know, baby.” He grabbed his dick and positioned it against me, fat, thick, and hard.

“Wait.” My fingers halted in his hair. “We didn’t—”

“I’m clean. Do you trust my word?” He didn’t push inside me, but his cock twitched against me, his cock thick enough to apply noticeable pressure.

I’d wanted to see the paper myself after what I’d learned about his sexual partners, but he was right, I had to trust him. “Yes.”

“And you’re clean?” he asked, not needing to see the ink on the paper.


Then he gave a gentle shove to get past my opening, to sink into the waterfall of wetness and inch farther and farther, gliding through me in a way he hadn’t before, sliding deep inside as our bodies soaked in each other.

“Wow…” My hands cupped his face, and I pressed my forehead to his, moaning because it was the first time I’d ever felt this sensation, ever felt a man inside me bare. I could feel the grooves at the head of his cock, feel the lack of friction as he entered me, felt the heat of our bodies at a greater level.

When he sank as deep as he could go, he stopped to take a breath, to give a gentle moan, like this was the first time he’d felt this too. His forehead rested against mine, and he held his body still, enjoying the connection of our bodies so we could both treasure it, stop and appreciate it. “Be patient with me, baby.” He started to rock gently, slowly.

“You’re gonna make me come anyway…” I breathed into his face, all the nerves in my body overwhelmed by the way he made me feel, by the way our bodies slid back and forth so perfectly. It didn’t matter how big he was once the latex was gone. When we were skin on skin, it was so much smoother, and I swore my body stretched just a little more because of it.

With our faces close together, we breathed, equally overwhelmed by the same sensations. We were both virgins again, enjoying sex for the first time. He gently rocked into me, sinking deep until only a few inches at his base remained outside my body. He never quickened his pace because this was the only speed he could handle.

That was fine with me.

He looked into my eyes as he moved, like he was making love to me rather than fucking me. This seemed to be his favorite position to have me, so he could feel the connection between our minds, bodies, and souls. For a man so hard and cold, he could be so warm, so open.

I closed my eyes once I felt the sensation begin. It was so quick after my climax that had just happened minutes ago, and it swept me away before we even had a chance to start.

“Look at me.”

My hand cupped his face under his ear, my fingers digging into his hair. My eyes opened and I looked at him, aroused by the command and the way he issued it so effortlessly. He was a natural leader, natural fighter, and he was the only one who could boss me around with any chance of success.

He moved just a little faster, just a little harder, but not by much. It was the best he could do without exploding himself, without giving in to the desire himself.

My fingers started to dig into his scalp once I felt it, once I felt the explosion deep between my legs, the place where his dick ended and the rest of me began. My moan exploded between my closed lips, and I shivered, electrifying me from head to toe. Then I moaned louder, my lips breaking apart to release my loud screams, more tears erupting from the corners of my eyes. “Heath.” I said his name again, clinging to it like a lifeline. “Heath…”


