Leopard’s Rage (Leopard People #12) Read Online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Leopard People Series by Christine Feehan

Total pages in book: 172
Estimated words: 155984 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 780(@200wpm)___ 624(@250wpm)___ 520(@300wpm)

“We could make stairs to the roof in various directions from the loft. Long ones so they weren’t noticeable and the leopards could use them as perches or places to rest if they wanted,” she added. “I like the idea of a large tree here. I’d have to bring in a big crane and we’d need to put the roots down deep. That would require a very large hole.”

Sevastyan couldn’t help but drink in her expression. When she started talking about her work, the love of her plants and the designs she created, she practically glowed. She forgot all about being guarded and became totally enthusiastic. Clearly, she could envision the garden even better than he could.

“If we make the tree the focal point, the branches extending not only up toward the loft and roof but down toward the ground and whatever we choose to plant there, as well as outward to both sides of the garden, it could be extraordinary,” she continued. “I was thinking more along the lines of a water feature as a focal point, but this is brilliant when you not only consider the leopards and their needs, but any number of ways to escape danger.” She tapped her thigh with the water bottle. “Really, Sevastyan, this is good.”

“If you use a mature tree, how can you train the branches in the directions you want them to go?” He’d been curious about that. Most of the trees she planted were young enough that she could work with the immature limbs, twisting them and encouraging them gently, using materials to sculpt them in the forms and ways she wanted them to go. She could make a living tree a piece of art, and often did.

“It is more difficult with a mature tree,” Flambé conceded, “but we’ve got many already planted on our property that my father began years ago with the idea in mind that we might need to use them for special clients. There weren’t that many shifters in this area, but he planned ahead. I’m doing the same thing. When I take an older tree, I plant several more and work on them in order to shape them accordingly. Still . . .” She broke off, looking up at the loft, shaking her head with a small smile. “I don’t think we have anything close to the size we’d need. I’ll have to find one of our fastest-growing, tallest trees and try to accelerate it a bit.”

“It would be great if the branches could extend out in both directions, encompassing both garages fairly equally to bring the two buildings together so they look as if they were always supposed to be one building.” He flashed a small smile. “Not to mention, a strong tree branch would be an anchor for good suspension.”

She laughed. “Naturally you’d think like that.”

“And you weren’t?” he challenged.

She blushed. “I suppose I was.” Flambé rubbed her arm and then rolled the water bottle over her skin.

Sevastyan dropped his gaze to her arm. Her skin had turned a rosy strawberry and something seemed to run under it for just a moment. Shturm roared. The wave receded.

She frowned and indicated they start back to the house, turning away from him, quickening her steps in an effort to put distance between them. His longer strides made that impossible.

“What’s wrong, Flambé?” He poured concern into his voice. “Did you hurt yourself?”

She shook her head. “It’s nothing. I should have put on more sunscreen. I’m so fair I burn easily.”

She stepped back when he reached around her to open the door, avoiding his body brushing hers. He didn’t let that happen, crowding her just a little. A little shiver went through her. Definitely sensitive. He followed her up the stairs, watching the sway of her ass. She had a way of moving that could make any man notice.

Sevastyan waited until they were in the bedroom and he’d closed the door and leaned against it. “Go in and shower. When you come out, I’ll put lotion on you.”

Her tongue touched her lips and her eyes went green and gold, flicking to his face, barely meeting his gaze then shying away. Already, the haze was starting. She was equating their bedroom with his place of domination. He also wanted it be her safe place. Her haven. She was still very torn. In the ropes she felt safe. But outside of them, she was emotionally terrified. That dichotomy just didn’t make sense.

He stepped close to her and cupped her chin, sliding his thumb over her lower lip. “Baby, take your shower.”

“You rubbing lotion on my skin will make me burn so hot I’ll go insane, Sevastyan,” she confessed in a low voice, as if she felt guilty.

His thumb strummed her lower lip like an instrument, knowing her sex was keeping that same pulse. “That’s not a bad thing, Flambé. We’re in our room. Even if we were downstairs and you were burning hot, I’d take care of you. This is our home. If we were having a dinner party and you needed me, you just crook your little finger and I’ll figure it out. It’s my job to put the fire out.” He bent his head and brushed a kiss across her eyes. “I like my job.”


