Lemon (Grim Road MC #2) Read Online Marteeka Karland

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC Tags Authors: Series: Grim Road MC Series by Marteeka Karland

Total pages in book: 36
Estimated words: 33520 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 168(@200wpm)___ 134(@250wpm)___ 112(@300wpm)

“Not sure.” The guy kept eyeing me. I didn’t let him stare me down but met his gaze with a steely one of my own. Well, with one eye anyway. “But I need to find out before Victor gets here. If we didn’t get the bitch he was after, we’ll be in a world of hurt.”

“True,” the smelly one agreed. “How we gonna be sure?”

“I’m gonna go scout out that motorcycle club. See if I see someone who looks a little more like the description we got.” He pointed a finger at Pinhead. “You touch her again, when I get back, you die. Get me?”

“Ah, come on, Butch! It’s boring and I wanna have a little fun.” Pinhead looked almost gleeful as he stared at me, licking his lips and playing with the stud in one corner of his lip with his tongue. Gross. Oh, I was gonna have so much fun with that piercing when Rocket got me loose…

“No more! If she’s the right woman, Victor ain’t gonna be pleased. He gave explicit instructions we ain’t supposed to hurt her. Not ‘til he said.”

“Oh, I ain’t hurt her.” He stared at me and flashed me an evil grin. If I’d been a weaker person, I might have shivered. This man would kill me if he got the chance. Just not right away. “Those were just little love taps.”

“Just shut the fuck up and leave her alone. I’ll be back in a couple of hours.”

Yeah. I could tell that wasn’t happening. I’d be lucky to be conscious when Butch came back. And who the hell was Victor? More importantly, how did I get word to Venus she had someone after her? Because there was no doubt in my mind it was Venus they wanted.

The door slamming shut sounded like a death knell. Mine.

Pinhead waited until I heard the van start up and drive off before he gave me an evil grin. “You gonna scream, bitch?”

I knew better than to say anything. Knew it like I knew my own name. Still, my mouth just couldn’t get the message. “Too soon to tell. The better question would be how loud are you gonna scream when my man gets here?”

He laughed. It wasn’t a pleasant sound. “You really think someone’s gonna find you out here? We’re on a nature reserve, you fuckin’ cunt. No one’s even allowed in here. Yet here we are.” That kind of surprised me. There hadn’t been any windows in the van so I hadn’t been able to look out, but the length of the trip and the general vibe of the place told me it was entirely possible I was in my home territory. Which meant these guys were even more fucked than I was.

“Hmm… nature reserve? And there just happens to be a hunting cabin? You guys build it?”

Pinhead snorted. “Didn’t have to. This place has been here for years. Probably here from before the government took over. Nah, bitch. We didn’t build it. But we’re damned sure gonna use it.”

This couldn’t really be happening. There was no way I could get this lucky. “So, let me get this straight. You happened upon a random cabin in the woods and just… decided to use it?”

“Wuddent no one usin’ it. Hell, no one comes out here.” That from the smelly one.

I sighed, shaking my head. “No fuckin’ way this is happenin’.” I muttered the comment more to myself but Pinhead thought I was talking to him.

“Oh, it’s happenin’, bitch.” His sneer made me want to cunt punch him. “It’s really fuckin’ happenin’. And when I get through with you, you’re gonna wish you’d kept that fuckin’ mouth of yours shut. ‘Cause I’m gonna fuck the bitchiness right outta that blow hole of yours.”

“Did you think this was a conversation?” I tilted my head, trying my best to look confused no matter how much my face was hurting. No matter how scared and in pain I was, I absolutely would not let him see it. I was the vice president of Grim Road MC. I couldn’t tell this bastard that in case he got away before I could kill him, but I could act like it. I would act like it, Goddamnit! “I’m talking to myself. Because there is no possible way in the history of mother fuck you could be this Goddamned stupid on purpose.”

As expected, he backhanded me again. The force snapped my head to the side and I tasted blood. It took every bit of mental strength I had to keep my toes on the ground and not let my knees buckle. Strong. I had to be strong.

“Now who’s stupid, you fuckin’ cunt!” He was up in my face, just looking for a reason to hit me again. I knew it. But I wasn’t about to back down now.


