Learning to Run – The Education of the Heart Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: GLBT Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 78
Estimated words: 74916 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 375(@200wpm)___ 300(@250wpm)___ 250(@300wpm)

Bates looked like he couldn’t decide if he wanted to sympathize or laugh. But Cash saved him from having to sort through his emotions when he continued our epic saga. “But neither woman was really interested in being a mom…Gareth’s was worse, though.”

I interrupted again, unable to help myself. “She kept forgetting me.”

Cash glared at me. “Who’s telling this?”

“You.” He was so dramatic, but he was leaving his part out so I helped. “His mom didn’t forget him, but she was more interested in doing stuff with my mom, so he was left with his dad a lot…and babysitters.”

Rolling his eyes, Cash ignored me. “His parents just kept forgetting they had a kid and mine didn’t really want one hanging around all the time. I remember when we were in elementary school and they wanted to go on vacation. My parents sent me to visit my aunt, but his parents forgot to ask anyone to take him.”

I’d ended up having to stay with the neighbors for a week.

It’d been awkward because I’d been sent over with just my school backpack with some clothes stuffed in it.

But honestly, that’d been one of the better vacations my parents had taken.

“Some people just weren’t meant to have children.” I was really glad that Cash’s mom only wanted one kid, though. “But you took good care of me.”

He never forgot me and he’d made sure his mother reminded mine that I existed enough for me to have lunch money and stuff. So it’d all worked out in the end.

Looking up at Bates again, I jerked my head toward Cash. “He’s always been kind of bossy and dramatic. We just didn’t know it was because he had a Dom side too.”

I wasn’t sure what we’d have done if we’d realized it back in high school.

I wasn’t sure what we’d have done if we’d realized a lot of things back in high school.

Bates let out a breath, looking slightly confused, but that was reasonable since it was all nuts. “I don’t know what to say but I’m glad you had each other, and I think most Doms don’t realize what they are until a bit later anyway.”

He was probably right. “Yeah, there’s so much else going on in high school like schoolwork and sports and paying bills and buying groceries that kids just don’t have time for domination and submission.”

Bates blinked and looked odd for a second before nodding. “You’re right. And I’m starting to understand how Cashel got to be such a good cook.”

Cash sighed. “Yeah, I had a lot of practice.”

“I tried to help.” I made a face at Cash when he laughed. “I do dishes very well.”

Nearly giggling, Cash gave me a quick kiss as he smiled at Bates. “He’s too distracted in the kitchen. He starts making dinner and then ends up leaving it half done and making cupcakes instead and then he’ll forget to put those in the oven and start doing laundry.”

“One time. I did that one time.” Well, I’d done that exact scenario one time. But the distracted thing happened more than once for some reason. “There are a lot of steps in cooking and you’re better at managing things like that.”

Bates almost managed not to laugh.

When he was done snickering, he gave us both more kisses as he smiled. “At least you didn’t set anything on fire?”

“Yeah. I’m not Brady.” I was just easily distracted.

“That’s only because he never gets to the oven turned on part,” Cash tattled, looking happy to have thrown me under the bus. “But he’s right, he does clean very well.”

“Too well.” Frowning up at Bates again, I sighed. “You have to save me from being Bradied.”

“Deal.” A few more kisses later and Bates gave us both one big hug. “That’s definitely a Dom job, and since Cashel doesn’t want to be rude to Brady, I will.”

Thank goodness.

We definitely needed someone in our family who didn’t mind being just a tiny bit rude…being nice all the time was hard work.

Chapter 5


If he got any more excited, he was going to pop.

Gareth had a lot of great qualities, but being subtle was not one of them, even when he was trying. “I had a lot of fun learning new things with you earlier, Sir.”

The way he was cuddled up to Bates on the couch was one of the most obvious attention whore moments I’d ever seen and even Bates was trying not to laugh.

“You have so much to teach me…both of us really…it’s very special.” Gareth was playing it so over the top he even kissed Bates’s cheek.

He was such a brat.

“You’re even teaching Cash to be a wonderful Dom too.” Curling up against the Dom he was trying to manipulate, Gareth made a happy sound that actually seemed genuine. “I bet you’re going to show him the best way to spank me. He’s smart and he likes learning too.”


