Learning to Grow – The Education of the Heart Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 81
Estimated words: 78043 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 390(@200wpm)___ 312(@250wpm)___ 260(@300wpm)

Joel was right…he’d marked me.

Before Tate had even taken a deep breath, Joel was up on his knees and leaning over my cum-slicked cock. “Can I, Master?”

I was admittedly too slow to pick up on what Joel was asking but Tate’s brains worked faster than mine when orgasms and cum were involved. “Yes, sexy boy. Regular kisses are fun, but that’s what I want to watch.”


Somehow he made sucking my cock sound innocent…and watching Joel’s sweet smile as he flicked his tongue out and licked Tate’s cum off my dick, it probably was.

They were so fucking crazy…and hot…and sweet.

Joel might be doing a little tail-wagging wiggle as his tongue kept teasing my overly sensitive cock, but there was just something adorable about the whole thing. Trying to figure it all out would’ve broken my brain, so I let the little shocks of pleasure fire through me and focused on how special we all were.

When my dick was finally clean and Joel was smiling like a cat with a belly full of cream, they both settled down on either side of me again. The quiet snuggles had me fighting to keep my eyes open and my brain started to drift, so it took me way too long to realize they were quiet for a reason.

They were worried.

Well, they were wondering if I was worried.

Another time I might’ve had the brain cells to overthink the situation, but I was buzzy and feeling something close to tired, although that wasn’t the right word. “We need to make sure Joel gets offended more often.”

Joel’s giggles came back and he tucked his face close to my shoulder trying to muffle the sound. “I have the best ideas.”

And he was so confident too.

Tate shook after Joel’s adorable response but he held his laughter back so his words came out strained. “I agree.”

That didn’t distract Joel, though, because his head popped up like he was a rabbit. “Oh, and I want belly button kisses next time too. That looked like fun.”


Making a sexy hum that said he approved, Tate leaned over me and gave Joel a kiss. “How about we tie you down before we give you belly button kisses?”

Joel’s eyes went so wide he looked like an anime character. “We could do that?”

Having a tail wasn’t surprising but tying him up to lick his belly button was?

“Yes.” Tate didn’t seem like he needed to question what was going through Joel’s head. “I’ll do some research on it and then we’ll have fun.”

“I have the best Doms.” Draping himself over my chest, Joel gave Tate a big smacky kiss before giving me one as well. “And the best Master and Daddy.”

I was actually getting used to the title and it didn’t even make me squirm as I lifted my head and gave him a kiss that time. “I think I have the best…”

The best what?

Tate smirked but didn’t call me out on the awkward ending. “Nope. I have the best.”

Being frustrated with his teasing made it difficult to be embarrassed, so I didn’t glare at him too hard. “What is the plan? Does anyone have work they need to do?”

Sighs from both of my partners said I’d hit on something important.


It was technically more of an intense label than boyfriend or date, but I liked it, so I wasn’t going to let myself overthink it.

I just wasn’t going to use it out loud yet.

Joel rolled over so he could rest his chin on my chest. “What do I get if I do my homework?”

A passing grade?

Tate’s silent laughter made the bed shake, but this seemed to be a Daddy problem in his eyes because he turned and gave me an expectant expression. Fine. Okay. “If you get your work done without complaining and you manage to get a shower that isn’t forty-five minutes long, Tate and I will both sleep with you in the big bed and you can even pick who’ll be in the middle.”

“Without complaining?” The way his eyes lit up said he was talking about our complaints, not his.

“Yes. No complaining or dragging our feet at bedtime.” Somehow the everyone sleeps in the bed together thing was harder for me to wrap my head around than the rest of the stuff we were doing.

I could give him a bubble bath or watch Tate spank him without overthinking it, but my brain jumped around like a squirrel when Joel wanted us all in the same bed. He just said it so easily that my mind kept trying to fill in all the reasons we shouldn’t.

Even I had to admit there wasn’t enough logic in it, but Tate didn’t help the situation either. He didn’t push one way or the other but it always felt like he was thinking about something too. Which could’ve been just another irrational way for me to overthink…yep, I was definitely the problem in the bed situation.


