Learning to Grow – The Education of the Heart Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 81
Estimated words: 78043 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 390(@200wpm)___ 312(@250wpm)___ 260(@300wpm)

Joel seemed to be too distracted to notice how crazy we found the one-sided conversation and kept pacing around the apartment as he talked to his longwinded mother. “Oh yes. We didn’t make Dean uncomfortable and Tate was very careful. No damage. But yes, we need to find a professional to advise us if we get deeper into that part of BDSM.”

Well, at least he wasn’t talking about me any longer.

Tate went still for a moment before he just shrugged and his sense of humor got revved up again.

“Thank you. I appreciate that.” Joel perked up even more at whatever his mother said, which was kind of frightening if I was being honest. “Yes, I think that will work but I’ll double-check with them and make sure.”

Oh, that sounded even worse somehow.

Tate had gone still again, so I knew it wasn’t just me overthinking the situation.

“Yes.” Making agreeing sounds and quiet noises as he responded to something, Joel went quiet after a few moments. “Love you too. See you Sunday.”


As Joel disconnected the call, I looked over at Tate who couldn’t seem to decide if he was going to laugh out loud. He finally settled on taking a deep breath and was mostly functional by the time Joel glanced up from his phone and smiled at us. “She’s very proud of me and said to tell you both thank you.”

For fuck’s sake.

I just couldn’t.

I’d have figured out how to point that out to Joel, but luckily, Tate saved us both. “Did your mother invite us over for dinner on Sunday?”

Just shoot me.

“Yes.” Joel’s entire face lit up as he smiled and danced over to give Tate a quick peck. “How did you know?”

He was so excited about it he was nearly doing twirls.

“Dom senses.” Tate managed to give the ridiculous answer with a straight face. “It’s like Spidey Senses for the BDSM community.”

“It’s very helpful.” Joel didn’t seem to think questioning Tate about that nonsense was necessary but that might’ve been because he was sweet and had more fun things to talk about. “I hope it comes in handy on Sunday. Does anyone have a group project or work-ish stuff of any kind?”

I really wished I could’ve said yes.

Lying occurred to me for a few seconds but then I remembered telling Tate earlier that I was fairly caught up on stuff.

Damn it.

I was going to start keeping a project in reserve for this kind of ridiculousness.

“No.” I managed not to pout when I said it, but Tate’s grin said he’d guessed how I was feeling. “She’s…she’s fine with everything, right?”

I still hadn’t found any reason to talk about my personal life with my family, but that wasn’t surprising since we only talked for about five minutes once a week. I knew they loved me but they were as distractable as Joel, and the last time we’d talked they’d spent the entire phone call talking about what fresh hell the neighbor had planted in her yard.

For some reason, she was trying to encourage the clover and dandelions to cover just the front yard and I was pretty sure it was going to give my mother a stroke.

That might’ve been the goal, though?

“Yes.” Joel was still smiling, but I could see from the tilt of his head that he wasn’t sure what I was worrying about. “She’s very excited to have you over now that I belong to you and we’re not just friends.”

I wished he’d been exaggerating about that but he wasn’t. It was exactly how he’d started off the phone call. He’d said hello and asked about her day and then told her he belonged to us since we’d fucked him.

Fucked him.

And she’d been happy with that label.

My mother would’ve had a coronary.

“I’m glad.” Considering he’d spent the last ten minutes giggling silently, Tate sounded remarkably relaxed. “It’s going to be fun. Do we need to bring anything?”

Joel stopped wiggling and shifted into his adorable thoughtful look. “Like a dinner party. Hmm.”

He was probably trying to distract me by being cute, so I thought it was only polite to let him. “We could bring dessert? I want us to make a good impression.”

What was the right thing to bring for a we fucked your son for the first time dinner?



What said we fucked him and we’re kinky but not casual?

My upbringing hadn’t included conversations about stuff like that, so I wasn’t sure what was polite.

“I’ll ask.” Joel shrugged, not worrying about it. “She’ll be very happy that you’re worrying about her either way.”


Tate managed not to cackle but a snicker escaped before he caught it and covered it with a cough. “Dean is definitely worrying about her, but maybe we don’t overshare that?”

“Privacy. Got it.” For some reason that also meant that he needed to whirl around the room and over to me so he could plop down in my lap. “I’ll remember. What else is important for me to remember?”


