Landlord Daddy’s Girl Read Online Lena Little

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 32
Estimated words: 30980 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 155(@200wpm)___ 124(@250wpm)___ 103(@300wpm)

“Slater, yes, Daddy. Just like that,” I gasp.

I drive my fingers as deep as I can and hold them there as a long, shuddering cry echoes around the room. My pussy pulses and throbs around my fingers as I come, and all of a sudden, it feels like I can’t breathe. My entire body shakes, and I moan Slater’s name as I collapse onto my belly, my fingers glistening with my juices and a feeling like fire flowing through my veins, gripping me.

It takes several minutes of lying there without moving before my heart slows, and I feel like I can breathe again. A shaky smile crosses my lips, and I roll over onto my back. My need to get off is sated for the moment, but I’m far from satisfied. There’s only one thing that’s truly going to satisfy me. As sleep comes to claim me and I drift away to the sound of the ocean outside the windows, one question floats through my mind…

Will I have the courage and strength to go after what I truly want?



“All right, I think I’m done here,” I tell her.

“I’m sure Derek will be happy to hear that.”

“The water pressure should be good; hopefully, the water will stay warmer longer.”

“I am very happy to hear that.”

I laugh softly. “Yeah, sorry about that. For all his skill with a wrench, my dad wasn’t the best when it came to plumbing,” I tell her. “I’m still learning as I go.”

Sierra waves me off. “It’s not a big deal. My brother probably should have mentioned it to you long before now.”

I shrug. “If he had, we might not have run into each other again.”

She blushes and looks away. It takes me a minute to figure out why she’s looking so embarrassed when I realize it’s because our “running into each other again” consisted of me barging in on her naked and fresh out of the shower. It’s a memory that sends a tingle through my body that makes my balls tighten. I have to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from getting a hard-on as the sight of that gloriously naked body flashes through my mind.

Not getting hard in front of her isn’t easy, though. Sierra is wearing a short sundress that hugs her in all the right places and accentuates her curves in the most enticing ways. I know I shouldn’t be looking at her the way I am—she’s my best friend’s kid sister, for fuck’s sake. But she is absolutely fucking gorgeous. Breathtakingly gorgeous. In that sundress, she’s fucking ethereal. And if I didn’t know better, I’d say she wore it just to flaunt herself in front of me. Not that I mind if she is. She’s fucking exquisite to look at.

Sierra follows me into the kitchen and jumps up on the counter, watching me closely as I wash my hands. As I’m drying them off, Monty leaps gracefully onto the counter and meows at me. Giving him a scratch behind the ears, I reach for what he really wants—treats. Pulling a couple of the tiny morsels from the dish Derek keeps them in, I set them down and let the big cat go to town. When I turn back to Sierra, she’s looking at me with an inscrutable expression.

She’s silent for a long moment and seems to be struggling to find the words she wants to say. Like an involuntary reflex, my eyes travel her body, taking in the swell of her full breasts pressing against the top of her dress and legs, longer than you’d expect for a girl her size, that disappear beneath the hem of the skirt. Her skin is the color of alabaster and looks supple, and all I can think about is running my hands along those shapely thighs and feeling the heat between her legs.

Giving myself a small and subtle shake, I raise my eyes to hers. Sierra has still said nothing and simply continues to look at me.

“What?” I finally ask.

“I just … I wanted to thank you again for stepping in with that guy at the bar the other night. I appreciate you putting yourself in danger for me,” she said.

I laugh softly. “Danger? From that guy? He was soft. I promise you I wasn’t in danger.”

“Even still. Nobody has ever stood up for me like that before,” she says. “I’m grateful.”

As I lean back against the counter, Monty nudges my arm again, purring and begging for more treats, so I indulge the furry little freeloader.

“No need to thank me,” I say. “I didn’t like the way he was harassing you when it was clear you didn’t want his attention.”

The unspoken part of that, of course, is that I wouldn’t have liked it if she’d wanted his attention even more. I’ve got no claim to her, and honestly, I shouldn’t even have these thoughts about her, but I can’t stop them any more than I can stop myself from breathing. Despite her being my best friend’s kid sister, I want this woman more than I’ve wanted anything or anybody in my entire life. There’s just something about her that triggers that raw desire in me. It’s nothing she does. Not overtly. It’s just her. There is something about Sierra that lights this fucking fire in me—a fire that burns hot and threatens to consume me entirely.


