Kissing Her Read online Alexa Riley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 31
Estimated words: 28900 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 145(@200wpm)___ 116(@250wpm)___ 96(@300wpm)

“I’m going to take care of everything, sweet little Bee.”

“Thank you so much for today.” There’s so much longing in her voice that it makes my chest burn and I nod, squeezing her hand.

“Do you trust me?” I look into her eyes and she nods without hesitation. “Do you want to be with me forever?”

“Yes, but—”

I cut her off with a shake of my head. “No buts. You’ve given me your answer. Just know that I’m going to make you mine.”

I want to take her into my chest and tell her it’s all going to be all right, but I can see her family on the other side of the door waiting for us to come inside. I take a breath to steady myself as I open the door and we walk inside.

“Well, did you girls have a nice time?” Mr. Armstrong asks as he looks to Melina for confirmation and not Bee.

“Yes.” There’s a moment where I think she’s going to say more, but I look down at the bags on the floor next to her and she closes her mouth.

“It was wonderful,” Bee offers as she steps away from me. I don’t like the distance she put between us and I want her in my arms, but right now I need to talk to her father.

“If I could, Mr. Armstrong, I’d like to speak to you in private,” I say, and both the girls turn to face me.

“I’m sure we have a few things to discuss,” he agrees and there’s a hint of smugness in his eyes.

Bee glances between her father and me before she nods and walks into the hallway with her sister and mother. Her father motions for me to take the same seat I had earlier and I do. Once we’re seated I reach into my coat, not wanting to beat around the bush.

“I’d like to be frank and tell you that I’m prepared to make an offer on Bee.” I pull out the papers and lay them on the table between us so he can look them over. “I’m aware that your eldest daughter is already set to be married and I wouldn’t want to take away from that occasion. Instead I’d like to offer you one hundred thousand dollars as payment for Bee’s hand in marriage.”

His mouth opens as he grabs the paperwork and begins to read it over. “I have to say I’m surprised by this.” He continues to read and doesn't look up as he speaks. “One date with our daughter and you’re ready to propose marriage to her?”

“I’ve heard a lot of wonderful things about her and in the time we spent together today I determined she’ll be a dutiful wife who’s willing to bear my children right away.” I think about sliding my bare cock in that tight cunt and my mouth waters with anticipation.

He places the contract on the table between us and sizes me up again. Instead of being excited about the money, I can smell his greed from where I’m sitting. I’ve dealt with all kinds of men in my line of work and one weasel is like the next. He thinks if he can get a hundred grand out of me, he can get two. He’s got something I want and he knows it. But I’m willing to pay whatever it is to get my Bee.

“I can see that you’re interested, but she is our baby girl after all.” He glances over to the hallway and I can see a shadow move.

From what Bee has told me, no one in her family pays her any attention and I believe her. This man sees his daughter as a commodity and as much as I hate it, if that’s how I have to do business then so be it.

“I understand, she’s a very precious woman,” I agree as he leans back in his seat. “What would make you feel more comfortable in giving me her hand in marriage?”

I try to speak as smoothly as I can and not grind my teeth. What I really want to do is come across the table and knock some sense into him. But what I have to do in order to get what’s mine is be calm and cool.

“I’ll need to think about it,” he says as he rubs his chin and pretends to give it consideration. I already know he’s going to say he wants two hundred thousand. “I think you’d need to double the price.”

I want to roll my eyes at how predictable this leech is, but he’s not wrong. I would empty my bank account to get to her.

“Done.” I take a pen out of my pocket and hand it over to him and he signs the documents without hesitation.

I stand up and I hear movement in the hallway, but her father tucks his hands in his pockets and smiles.


