Kissing Her Read online Alexa Riley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 31
Estimated words: 28900 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 145(@200wpm)___ 116(@250wpm)___ 96(@300wpm)

Brandon: Tried to talk her into bringing you along.

Me: Have fun

I put my phone into my purse and pull away. He’s still looking at me while my sister is pretty much trying to climb into his lap and it makes me uncomfortable.

They can go have their fun. I’m going to see if I can do the same.

Chapter Two


The sun is setting on the river walk and it’s starting to get cold. I had some business to take care of by the docks and I thought I’d walk home from there. It’s easier to see if I’m being tailed and I like knowing what’s going on around me.

In my line of work you can’t be too careful, but that’s what I get for being a criminal. I’ve built an underground empire trading stolen goods for money. If it can fall off the back of a truck, it’s been in my warehouses. It’s not technically the most legal way to make money, but it’s not drugs or something worse that could put me on the radar.

I pay the cops in this town well for them to turn a blind eye, so I’m not too worried. The only thing that’s ever in the back of my mind is some kid trying to make a name for himself and taking me out. Thankfully I’ve got a lot of friends in a lot of places and so far I’m protected. I just want to make sure it stays that way.

My phone rings as I move down the sidewalk with a row of outdoor seating for restaurants on one side and the river on the other. I move around a couple in front of me and answer.

“Ragnar,” I hear the voice on the other end say and I try to hide my smile.

“Hey, Leo, how’s it going?” I check my watch and see that he’s probably just gotten home.

“Could be better.” He moves and I can hear him pacing. “You want to explain to me why my front door is kicked in and my safe is cracked wide open?”

“I’m offended you’d think so little of me.”

“Look, I told you I would get you your money, Ragnar.”

“And now you have,” I say, interrupting what I’m sure would be a well-rehearsed speech. “Next time I’m taking it out of your ass.”

“I’m sorry, times are tight and I didn’t—”

“Enough,” I say, and he stops talking. “You don’t get to dip into what’s mine and walk away. Pack your bags and get the hell out of town. If I see you again it’s going to be at the end of a barrel. Do you get me?”

“Yes, sir,” he says and I hang up.

I tuck my phone in my jacket and sigh. I’m becoming soft. Years ago I would have shot him the second I found out and ended it there. But I’m tired of ending lives for stupid shit like taking a cell phone out of the new shipment. I got the money for it and Leo is gone. That’s enough for me to not care.

My stomach growls and I realize it’s been a while since I’ve eaten. There’s a taco stand close and I go over and grab a couple with a beer. There’s a bench nearby facing the water and I go over to it. There’s a young girl perched on the end of it eating a fresh churro and looking down at the ground. She’s bundled up in sweaters and a coat and looks like she’s freezing.

“Mind if I sit here?” I ask her, and she looks up at me startled that I’m there. Her honey brown eyes meet mine and the color is so jarring I nearly drop my food.

She doesn’t say anything but nods as she looks nervously to me and then to the bench.

I’m so struck by her eyes that it takes me a second before I remember to move. Her blond hair is peeking out from under a hat, but her scarf is over most of her mouth. There’s just one small part pulled down that she’s using to eat her churro and the rest of her is wrapped in wool. For half a second I thought she was too young to be sitting here alone on this bench, but those eyes are of an old soul.

I clear my throat and sit down as I set my tray of tacos next to me. It’s not that cold out, but from the look of the girl you’d think it was below freezing.

“Why are you sitting out here if you’re freezing?” I don’t mean the words to come out so harsh, but I’m beginning to worry if someone left her here.

“I can’t stop eating them,” she mumbles around the bite she just took and holds up the sugary stick wrapped in wax paper. “I’ve had four already.”


