King Asshole Read online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 45
Estimated words: 44031 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 220(@200wpm)___ 176(@250wpm)___ 147(@300wpm)

She gave him a little bite, and he loved that.

He wanted those lips.

“I’ve been sucking your cock.”

“I don’t care.”

Taking the kiss he wanted, he proved even more that he didn’t care that seconds before his cum had been in her mouth as he slid his tongue in, deepening the kiss. “I like doing this.”

“What? Foreplay?”

“No, kissing you.” He stared into her brown eyes.

“Why does that sound like such a shock?”

“Because I always hated kissing. I did it, but if I could stop, I would.”

She stroked his face. “Kissing is a lot of fun. You’re good at it, Jax. You should do it more often.” This time, she kissed him.

Running his fingers down her back, she released a sigh he trailed his lips down her neck to her pulse. He sucked on her flesh, wanting his mark on her skin so people knew who had left it there.

“I could just fuck you right now. Drive my dick in deep.”

“One month.”

“You could break the rules.”

“We could but think about all the fun we’re going to have. One month, no sex, just foreplay.”

He kissed her again and knew so long as he got to touch her, kiss her, and bring her to orgasm, he’d be more than happy with that.


Dani was serving a table when the bell above the door rang to let her know another customer had entered. It was getting late, close to five o’clock, which meant the end of her shift. She and Jax had been going steady now for a couple of days. By steady, they made out a lot, or did a lot of foreplay. He seemed to be very attached to the idea of making her come with his mouth. She had no complaints on that score. She rather liked him working between her thighs. She also loved sucking his cock.

What she loved the most was having him at her mercy as he didn’t last long once she got her mouth on him.

It was kind of surreal to be dating him. They were dating, and he cooked a lot now that he had a fully-stocked kitchen.

There were still moments she saw the asshole that he could be peeking through, but other than that, he seemed to be a really sweet guy.

Lily gave her a wave and took a seat in the corner.

Finishing with her customers, Dani made her way over to Lily.

“What can I get you?” she asked.

“I heard you’re at the end of your shift. I figured you and I could have a girls’ night.”

“A girls’ night?”


“Jax is waiting for me.”

“Don’t worry, I’ve got Jax covered. Ryan’s spending time with him. I think he’s hoping to get some food so that we can put it in our freezer. I’m not much of a cook. Growing up, Jax promised to do all of our cooking for us. So much for that promise.”

“You three were really close?”

“Yep. Really close. Obviously, Ryan and I got closer. We’ve always been there for Jax, regardless of what an asshole he can be.”

“Are you wanting anything while you wait?” Dani asked.

“A chocolate milkshake with a side order of confetti cake. I really need the carbs right now.”

“Coming right up.”

She went and cut a slice of cake then grabbed the milkshake, being sure to add a bit of extra chocolate sauce. She wanted to make a good impression.

With everything loaded up and ready, she placed them in front of Lily, finished her shift, and left to get changed. She wasn’t at Arnold’s tonight, so she had been going to head straight home. Not now.

She came out of the staffroom just as Lily finished up her drink. “That was awesome. How much do I owe you?”

“I paid for it. Are you ready to leave?”

“Yep. That milkshake was amazing. So good. I may have to come here regularly.”

“If you do, just ask for extra chocolate sauce. It’s not usually that great, but just a bit of extra chocolate and it works.”

“Do you love to cook?”

“I do, actually, but I love it more when Jax cooks. When it comes to the milkshake, though, one of the waitresses told me that trick before she left.” Leaving the diner, she glanced toward the woman. “Where do you want to go?”

“A bar. A place we can eat, enjoy some music, dance.”

They headed for a place known for their beer and chicken wings. Dani didn’t spend a lot of time there, but she knew they did good food.

It was busy as she imagined it would be. A place for families, dates, and all kinds of functions. As it was just the two of them, they were able to get a small table in the back. Lily ordered a family bucket of chicken, and Dani just went for some hot wings and a beer. She noticed Lily stuck with water.

“So, what are you hoping to do?”


