Kind of a Sexy Jerk (The Mcguire Brothers #5) Read Online Lili Valente

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Mcguire Brothers Series by Lili Valente

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 81076 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 405(@200wpm)___ 324(@250wpm)___ 270(@300wpm)

Bear appears in the hallway, carrying Clyde’s box, looking stressed and confused.

“Wait here,” Matty shouts, before sticking his head carefully outside the door. After a beat, he turns back to us. “Don’t leave the room unless you smell smoke. Right now, it looks like it might be a false alarm. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

He leaves and I turn back to Bear with a rush of breath. “I’m sorry! This isn’t how any of us wanted Clyde’s big day to go. How is she?”

“Burping. A lot,” he says, his brow furrowing. “She always does when she’s stressed. The acid reflux medication the vet gave us helps, but he advised against giving it to her while she was pregnant.”

I nod, relieved. “Oh, that’s great. I was hoping there was some way to help her feel more comfortable. She was getting really sick in the car when we first picked her up. But then, Matty was driving like a maniac to get away from the people who were following us, so no wonder, really. I was getting a little sick, myself, and I have an iron stomach.”

Bear makes a noncommittal noise, clearly not in the mood to discuss gastrointestinal issues—mine or the cat’s. “Are you sure we shouldn’t head down to the lobby? Everyone else will be evacuating, too. Surely, we’d be safe in the crowd.”

I shake my head. “No, we should stay here. I trust Matty, if he didn’t smell smoke, we’re still fine.”

“But the fire could be on a lower level,” Bear says, clearly agitated. “We might not smell the smoke for a while, and by then, it could be too late to get safely down the stairs.”

I chew my bottom lip again, torn.

On the one hand, I know firsthand how scary fire can be. Aaron and I had to drag my unconscious mother out of our burning house when we were kids after she accidentally set fire to her bed. We all made it to the front lawn without so much as a minor burn, but the flames took half the house and all my toys before the firefighters put out the blaze.

I had nightmares about fires and melted dolls for years.

But on the other hand, this building is equipped with a sprinkler system, fireproof doors, and so many extra measures to keep us safe. Not to mention the fact that we’re in a city with a fire station not far away and it’s raining cats and dogs outside. Even if there is a real threat, the chances that the fire will blaze out of control before it’s put out are slim.

“Let’s give it five more minutes,” I tell Bear. “And then I’ll stick my head out and give things another sniff.”

Bear shakes his head, sending a drop of sweat rolling down the side of his face. “I can’t, Nora. I can’t stay here. I was in an apartment fire a few years ago. One of my upstairs neighbors nearly died trying to get down the stairs because he waited too long. I have to go. I’m sorry.”

“No, wait, Bear,” I say, tailing him to the door. “I know how scary fire can be, believe me, but the Sweetwaters are scarier.”

Bear throws open the door to reveal a craggy-faced blond man with his knuckles hovering in the air, mid-knock.

It’s Rex.

As if to prove my point about being scarier than fire, he lifts his stun gun, aiming it at Bear’s chest and says, “Out. Now. And behave yourself, big guy, or we stun the girl and do bad things to your cat.”

Chapter Twenty-Three


It’s a false alarm.

As I thought.

Ten minutes later, I’ve run up and down every staircase in the sizeable hotel, weaving my way around hordes of troubled couples fleeing toward the lobby, and haven’t caught a whiff of smoke.

Which means the Sweetwaters are here, determined to flush us out.

Or a disgruntled spouse pulled the alarm to avoid going to small group therapy, or the system is on the fritz. You don’t always have to assume the worst-case scenario.

But assuming the worst-case scenario and preparing to deal with it as quickly and quietly as possible is what CIA officers do. It’s built into the training. I spent two years of weekends at spy school learning how to wriggle out of tight spots without causing a scene or, more importantly, getting caught.

But getting caught isn’t my biggest concern anymore, not even close. Keeping Nora safe is my top priority, followed closely by Bear and Clyde. They’re all under my protection and right now my gut is screaming that the hotel is no longer a safe place for them.

I head back to our room, debating whether to ask forgiveness or permission from Al to evacuate everyone before the team arrives.

In the end, I decide forgiveness will be faster and pull my keycard from my pocket.


