Kincaid – Cerberus MC Read Online Marie James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 83970 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 420(@200wpm)___ 336(@250wpm)___ 280(@300wpm)

“What’s going through that head of yours?” He asks as he tries to unknit my brow that has drawn up in contemplation.

“You’re worried about STD’s,” I say now wondering about the same thing. He’s the President of a motorcycle club, and I’m certain he gets around. It’s something I should’ve given more thought to prior to tonight, but thinking about his past escapades, especially when some of his conquests are always around at the clubhouse, is something I try not to let invade my brain.

“Hell no, Em. I’m clean. We have blood tests done each and every time we get back from a job.” What the hell kind of a job does he do that he’s worried about STDs?

I begin to shift out from under him, unsure now of this entire thing. “You have to test for STDs every time?”

This is the least sexy conversation in the history of conversations. My libido has taken a nose dive, and I’m not certain I want to even be in the bed with him anymore.

“Where are you going?” Diego asks when I try to pull the sheet to cover my body up.

“I know it’s a big secret, and you can’t talk about your work, but I don’t know if I can handle taking this forward if you’re away,” I lower my voice even more, “having sex with other women.”

“Having… what the hell are you talking about, Em?” He sits back on his knees, and now my confusion from earlier is on his face.

I feel like I’m in the damn twilight zone.

“You have to get tested for STDs,” I say it like the statement covers the entire conversation. It answers his question perfectly.

He hangs his head and rubs his hands down his face, but when he looks back up at me, he has a smirk of understanding on his lips, which confuses me even further.

“We’re like,” he pauses as if he’s looking for the right word to use. “Like special forces, but civilians.”

“Special forces have to have sex with women on jobs?”

He laughs, and my anger at this point is through the roof. He reaches for me, and I hold my hands up to ward him off. “I’m glad you think this is funny because I sure as hell don’t. I know this is probably just some fun for you, Diego, but I’m not the mess around with a guy without expectations type of girl. I’m a little insulted you’d even think I’d be okay with something like this.”

“First off,” he says, his tone growing suddenly serious. “You are not just some fun for me. I thought you knew that but apparently I haven’t been as transparent in my intentions for you, so I’ll work harder on that. Secondly, there typically isn’t sex involved when we go on a mission, Emmalyn.”

I raise my eyebrow at the word ‘typically.’

“I haven’t had sex with anyone in three long ass months.” I begin to interrupt him, but he holds his hand up to silence me. “We have blood work done because there is a lot of violence with what we do. The combatant’s blood doesn’t always stay in their body. Sometimes it gets on us. We test for not only STDs but also other diseases that may not be common in the US.”

Well, that changes things. I want to smile, but after my outburst, it doesn’t seem very appropriate. I’m afraid I’ve ruined our evening. What I’d hoped was going to a long night of hands, mouths, and earth shattering pleasure has taken a turn for the worse, and it’s all my fault for jumping to conclusions. Once again I’ve reacted before getting the full story.

“Sorry,” I mutter and try to wiggle away from him. His hands on my thighs stop me.

“No, darlin’, that’s not how this night ends. You’re not running from me.” He leans in and kisses my lips softly.

His mouth on mine is gentle, calming. He doesn’t attempt to take it further until I sigh at his touch and open my mouth slightly. Then and only then does he sweep his tongue along mine. A tingle of electric current crawls down my spine and my nipples begin to harden against his broad chest.

I pull my head back an inch and look into his warm, chocolate colored eyes. “I’m on birth control, and I haven’t had sex in months either,” I confess. “That being said, I don’t know about Bobby and his extracurricular activities.” I let my voice trail off because there’s really nothing more to offer on the subject.

Without another word he leans in and slants his mouth over mine. He settles over me, and I love every inch of his hard body against mine. I can’t remember another time when I’ve felt so nurtured and protected. I let myself get lost in this moment with him.


