Karma – The Serendipity Read Online Carly Phillips

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 94512 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 473(@200wpm)___ 378(@250wpm)___ 315(@300wpm)

She couldn’t. Since Dare had introduced her to his friends and family, she’d seen the possibilities inherent in intimate human connection, in letting people in. And even though Faith and Kelly were part of Dare’s world, Liza had no reason to believe they’d abandon her just because she and Dare were no longer together.

The insecure girl inside Liza rose up, wondering if they’d all just babysat her and put up with her for Dare’s sake, but the adult she’d become refused to believe it. They weren’t her parents, who made her feel worthless and inadequate. They’d been good to her, and she refused to succumb to more self-doubt or pity.

Still, tears stung and she decided she’d definitely done enough crying lately. She opened her bag and looked for her keys, pausing to use a tissue and wipe her eyes. Grabbing the remote, she hit the unlock button.

Her car made the usual beeping sound and the outside lights flashed. Liza looked up—and right into Dare’s eyes.

He waited, leaning against the side of her car, and of course, he looked good. Steady, sexy…

“Hey.” He raised a hand in greeting.

“Hi,” she said, startled to see him.

He looked good enough to eat in his faded jeans and light blue T-shirt that showed off the muscles in his arms. She swallowed hard, trying not to stare even when all she wanted to do was crawl into his embrace and never leave.

Instead, she waited, as he did, awkwardness settling around them. Not the awkwardness of the days after Brian’s last phone call. Those had been filled with a sense of sadness and despair. And there was no lingering anger from their last meeting. But there was discomfort stemming from not knowing what to say or do. And that was something they’d never had between them.

So Liza stepped up and took control. “I don’t know how to begin to thank you for what you did for Brian. For bringing him here.” She shook her head, still amazed, a lump in her throat.

He’d pushed himself off the car but still stood out of reach, watching her intently. But she couldn’t read his expression.

“Brian had to be willing to come with me. And he was.”

She nodded in agreement. “But he wouldn’t have done it on his own. So thank you.”

Dare inclined his head. “You’re welcome.”

She bit the inside of her cheek, debating how far to take this conversation and then decided what the hell. She might as well find out everything she wanted to know. At least she’d have answers to satisfy her in the long lonely days and nights ahead.

She clenched her hands into fists at her side. “Why did you do it?” she asked, meeting his gaze.

Dare smiled grimly. “Your brother asked me the same thing.”

“And? What did you tell him?”

Dare let out a harsh breath. “Short, easy answer? I did it for you. Seeing if I could talk some sense into your brother was the least I could do after the awful things I said to you.”

A muscle ticked in his jaw, the only evidence of emotion she’d seen. So Cara was right. He’d been kicking himself for how he’d treated her.

Liza swallowed hard, knowing his reasons didn’t satisfy the longing inside her. “Don’t get me wrong. I’m grateful. Eternally so. But you don’t owe me anything.” Obligation was the last thing she wanted him to feel. If she couldn’t have his love—the one thing, the only thing she wanted from him—then she didn’t want anything at all. “People say awful things in a time of crisis. I understand that.”

His lips quirked upward a tiny bit. “Thanks, but you need to know how sorry I am. Hurting you like that, humiliating you in front of friends and family…” He ran a hand through his hair and looked away, obviously ashamed.

“It’s okay,” she said, giving him the forgiveness he needed. “Your stress level was through the roof, and you took it out on the nearest person. Me. It’s over and done.”

“No,” he said, practically cutting her off to correct her. “I took it out on the person closest to me, and I don’t mean in proximity.”

Liza narrowed her gaze, unsure of what he meant. “I don’t understand.”

“Because I’m not saying this right.” He shook his head and groaned. “Bear with me, okay?”

This was new. Dare Barron, off balance and unsure. Touched and curious, she nodded. And waited.

Finally, he met her gaze. “I didn’t find Brian just to make it up to you. I did it for me because I needed closure.”

She nodded. “I can understand that.”

“And I expected us to have an argument, which, in my mind, was years and years in the making.”

“Did you and Brian fight?” Liza asked, horrified by the possibility.

Dare laughed at that. “He was in no condition for it, and once I really looked at him, saw him…I didn’t want to. For years, I hated him. But when I got to the hotel room, I realized I couldn’t hate him anymore.”


