Just a Little Chase (A Dare Crossover #4) Read Online Carly Phillips

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Chick Lit, Contemporary, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: A Dare Crossover Series by Carly Phillips

Total pages in book: 65
Estimated words: 58952 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 295(@200wpm)___ 236(@250wpm)___ 197(@300wpm)

Settling his hands around her waist, he scooted her off the counter and set her on her feet in front of him. The beguiling way she bit her lip and looked at him said it was just a matter of time before she wore him down.

“This isn’t going to happen,” he said in his best, sternest tone—as much to convince her, as well as himself.

She didn’t look the least bit deterred, the minx. “We’ll see.”

Chapter Seven

Two weeks later, Lauren sat in the passenger seat of Chase’s black Audi Coupe as they drove toward Fairview to attend her sister’s wedding. Between the smooth, luxurious ride, and their casual and easy conversation as they shared superficial getting-to-know-you information about each other during the drive, the time and miles passed quickly.

Even though she and Chase had occasionally corresponded by text and talked a few times on the phone in the evenings to discuss details for the upcoming weekend, this was the first time they’d been in close proximity since the night at his place, when he’d insisted that there wouldn’t be a repeat of what had happened on his kitchen counter.

Lauren meant what she’d said when she’d told Chase “We’ll see”. She had a few tricks up her sleeve that she hoped he wouldn’t be able to resist.

With any further discussion about Chase’s past clearly off the table, she’d still managed to discover interesting things about him during those chats, like him admitting that he was a history buff who was fascinated by the past Civil and World Wars and the Vietnam conflict, and other periods in history. She was secretly happy to learn that tidbit, since her gramps served in the Vietnam War and the two men would have something to bond over.

She’d also learned that she and Chase had a lot more in common than she ever would have imagined. They both loved to watch psychological thrillers and crime shows and true-life documentaries, along with listening to classic rock music, and they also enjoyed attending cultural events in the city.

He’d told her that he’d taken Billie to the Museum Mile Festival a few months back, and while he didn’t love Broadway shows because he got too antsy sitting in those small, crowded seats, he’d sucked up his discomfort because he knew how much his sister adored the whole theater experience. It was something Billie had never done until Chase had taken her to see Wicked, and now, according to him, she was obsessed with New York’s theatrical performances.

After sharing the endearing story with Lauren, he’d laughed and told her that his sister’s fixation with Broadway made gift giving for Billie very easy.

Lauren still didn’t know the whole backstory between Chase and Billie, but she’d gotten the impression that he was a dedicated big brother and that he enjoyed spoiling his half-sister with all the things she’d missed out on because of her time spent in foster care. It was just another side to Chase that revealed how kind and selfless he truly was when it came to someone he cared about.

About ten miles outside of Fairview, Lauren realized there was one important thing they hadn’t yet discussed, and would undoubtedly come up at some point.

“We need to agree on a story about how we met, because I know someone is going to ask,” she said, glancing over to the driver’s side and taking in Chase’s gorgeous profile. Actually, she was shocked that her mother hadn’t already posed the question, but Lauren wanted to be prepared and make sure their stories matched. “It needs to be something ordinary, because typically I’d never be orbiting in your world.”

He cast a glance her way, and though he was wearing sunglasses, she could see the downward cast of his brows. “Why do you say that?”

“Let’s just say that I doubt your life, and my life, would have intersected under normal circumstances,” she said, trying to be polite about what she was inferring.

“I don’t know,” he said, absently tapping his thumb against the steering wheel. “You work at the Meridian with wealthy clients.”

She shook her head and gave a small laugh. “Not quite the same, because at the end of the workday I’m a simple girl who lives in Briarwood, just outside of Queens, and you have an apartment in the Flatiron District in Manhattan. I drive an older, used Ford Taurus and you own an Audi. After paying rent, groceries, bills, etcetera, I barely have enough money left over at the end of the month to pad my savings account while I’m sure the word ‘budget’ isn’t even a part of your vocabulary.”

He was quiet for a moment before speaking. “What you see with me is honestly more of an expectation because of my position as a partner at the investment firm. It puts clients at ease knowing I’m entrenched in their world, but I wasn’t always this wealthy,” he said, confirming what she’d already suspected as he kept his focus on the two-lane road leading into her small town. “I grew up in Bay Ridge in Brooklyn. I had to pay my own way through college and racked up more debt than a young twenty-something kid should have to worry about. I ate my fair share of ramen while living in a shithole of an apartment with three other guys when I was looking for work after graduating. And just for the record, I like that you don’t run in what is perceived as my social circles.”


