Just a Bit Wicked Read Online Alessandra Hazard (Straight Guys #7)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, College, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors: Series: Straight Guys Series by Alessandra Hazard

Total pages in book: 66
Estimated words: 63199 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 316(@200wpm)___ 253(@250wpm)___ 211(@300wpm)

“Stop, stop,” Sebastian croaked suddenly, pushing him off. “Don’t wanna come like that.” He pushed his briefs lower and kicked them off. “C’mere, get me lube from the drawer.”

Vlad couldn’t remember getting his own underwear off, his vision tunneling on Sebastian as the other man prepped himself hurriedly, but at some point, he must have done it, because his cock was out and pushing inside Sebastian’s glistening hole. Sebastian’s lovely thighs squeezed around him, long legs hooked around Vlad’s waist.

They both groaned, panting against each other’s mouths, bodies locked together. Fuck, if there was heaven, it must feel like this. Vlad didn’t want to ever pull out.

Torn between wanting to grab Sebastian’s hips and just fuck him into the mattress, and taking it maddeningly slow to draw out the pleasure as long as he could, Vlad kissed Sebastian deeply. Sebastian dug his fingers into his shoulders, whining.

Hint taken.

Gritting his teeth, Vlad pulled out and slammed in. Sebastian moaned and arched under him. Vlad quickly found the rhythm that suited them best, a frenzied, hungry rhythm that lacked elegance, not that either of them cared.

“S’good,” Sebastian gasped out, his eyes glassy and unseeing. He was a fucking vision like this, and Vlad propped himself up on an elbow to stare at him as he fucked him. He’d never felt so...obsessed with anyone he fucked. So enamored. So drunk on lust and want.

For the first time he got why porn stars said all those ridiculous cheesy lines. “Tell me how much you love my cock,” Vlad said, his hips moving out of their own volition as his eyes fixated on the man under him.

Sebastian let out a hoarse laugh. “Seriously?” he rasped out, his words turning into a long moan when Vlad nailed his sweet spot. Vlad remembered how good it had felt when a cock brushed against that spot inside him. If he hadn’t wanted to fuck his way into Sebastian so badly, he would have made Sebastian fuck him. Maybe later, after he sated the desire to pound into Sebastian, to own him and fuck him up—if he ever sated that desire.

“Say it,” Vlad said, hissing at the perfect tightness around him as he hit Sebastian’s prostate again, and again, and again.

“Love your cock,” Sebastian mumbled finally, his face flushed and eyes rolled into the back of his head. “Love it so much—so perfect—so good.”

Fuck, he looked high, as if Vlad’s cock was truly the best thing he’d ever felt, as if he’d die if Vlad ever stopped.

“Say you’re a slut for it,” Vlad said, thrusting harder and feeling drugged, reckless, and invincible.

“I’m a slut for it,” Sebastian mumbled. “Slut for cock.”

“For my cock,” Vlad bit out, barely holding back his orgasm.

“Your cock,” Sebastian murmured, looking completely out of it. “Love it. Wanna have it inside me all the time.”

Fucking hell.

Vlad snapped his hips forward a few more times before slamming his cock full force into Sebastian and growling as he came, his world going black for a moment.

Once he somewhat recovered, he found that he had Sebastian pinned beneath him. Sebastian was whining, grinding his erection against Vlad’s thigh. Before he could think twice, Vlad wrapped his hand around Sebastian’s cock. It took only a few firm strokes before Sebastian was coming, too, with a low-pitched moan.

“We’re totally doing this again,” Sebastian said with a slightly mad smile.

Vlad could only nod and press his face into Sebastian’s chest, breathing him in. The smell of sex and fresh sweat shouldn’t have been so pleasant. The voice in the back of his head whispered that this was sick and deviant, but he couldn’t bring himself to care when his whole body sang with satisfaction and pleasure.

He knew he would care later.

Just not now.

Chapter 20

Sebastian wiped his hands on the apron and looked at his creation. The cake wasn’t much to look at, but it smelled delicious and he was positive he had nailed the recipe his mother had sent him.

Some people would probably think he was crazy, but baking was his favorite activity when he felt nervous. And he did feel a little anxious that evening, glancing at the clock every few minutes.

He wasn’t sure Vlad would come. They had made no arrangements last night. Vlad had been long gone by the time Sebastian woke up this morning, and now Sebastian wasn’t sure what to expect. Was Vlad planning to come over every night? Was he coming back at all? Despite Vlad’s words, Sebastian half-expected Vlad to freak out and change his mind.

It was ten in the evening already. Surely Vlad wouldn’t come.

The doorbell rang.


“Don’t eat the cake,” Sebastian told the cat and went to open the door.

Vlad stood on the other side.

Sebastian wet his lips, taking Vlad in. He wasn’t used to seeing Vlad in anything other than black suits, black jeans and black undershirts. Now he was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a very soft-looking dark blue pullover that accentuated the width of his shoulders and the color of his blue, blue eyes—eyes that immediately fixated on Sebastian. It was so easy to get lost in those eyes, in that look. Like everyone, Sebastian liked being the center of someone’s universe, and Vlad could deliver that with a single glance. He loved this—being the focus of Vlad’s undivided attention.


