Jolie’s Little Fourth of July Read Online Laylah Roberts

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Kink Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 46
Estimated words: 47381 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 237(@200wpm)___ 190(@250wpm)___ 158(@300wpm)

And he’d told her he was sure he would add more.


“No lying, then.” Getting up, he shifted her over slightly in the bed before sitting next to her and turning off the light.

“Lean against my chest, baby.”

She snuggled into him, and he pressed the nipple of the bottle to her lips. “Open for Daddy.”

Parting her lips, she sucked on the warm liquid. Vanilla. She managed several sips before her breathing grew more congested.


The nipple was pulled from her mouth and then a tissue was placed in front of her nose. “Blow.”


She couldn’t deny feeling better afterward, though, and it was easier to suck down the liquid. Her eyes started to drift shut. The nipple was pulled from her mouth, and she yawned.

“Good girl. Time for sleep.” He shifted away from her, and she made a sound of distress, grabbing for him.

“No, don’t leave me, Daddy.”

“You want me to stay until you fall asleep, baby?”

“Stay. All night, Daddy. Please?” she begged.

“Okay. I can’t say no to you.”

Hmm. Well, that was good to know.

“Open up, baby.”

“No thanks, Daddy.”

“That wasn’t a request, Bumblebee.”

“Well, it should have been, Daddy. Because I don’t wanna open up.”

“Someone seems to be feeling better,” he said dryly. “Put your sassy pants on today.”

She grinned at him. “That is where you’re wrong, Daddy. I don’ts have any pants on. I have a onesie!” The same one from last night. She should probably get up and have a shower.

That sounded like it would take a lot of energy, though. And she didn’t have much to spare.

He snorted, grinning at her. “Cute. You’re still eating some food today.”

She wrinkled her nose at the bowl he was holding. He’d come in a few minutes ago holding a tray filled with a bowl of porridge, a glass of orange juice, and her medicine.

After taking the medicine, he’d grabbed the bowl of porridge and a spoon.

“I don’t think that’s actually food, Daddy.”

“Sure, it is. It’s porridge.”

She eyed him suspiciously. “Chicken nuggies is food. Toast and jam is food. Muffins is food. That is not-food. See the difference?”

“Not really. Porridge is good for you. And it will be nice on your throat.”

“Ice cream is nice on my throat,” she told him

“Ice cream isn’t good for you when you have a cold.”

That sounded like some Daddy logic right there.

“I dunno, Daddy. I think that porridge is going to set me back. It might even be something that could give me a cold.” She was kind of amazed by how much easier it was to slip into Little headspace with Brand than it was when she was at the club. Or on her own.

She really did trust him to catch her if she fell.

“Five spoonfuls, and then you can have your bottle.”

She sighed. It was a long, drawn-out affair. “If I must, Daddy. But don’t blame me if the porridge has adverse effects on my recovery.”

“Who knew you were such a drama queen.”

“How dare you, Daddy! I’m not a drama queen. I’m a rock queen!”

“You’re both.” Leaning forward, he kissed her forehead.

She could feel herself blushing.


It was just a kiss on the forehead. Wasn’t like he kissed her mouth or anywhere else. But it felt sweet and right, and it made her body sit up and pay attention.

Hopefully, that meant she was really starting to feel better.

“Now, eat up,” he ordered.

He’d already put the bib on her. Not that she’d need it. She wasn’t a messy eater.

The porridge was actually not that bad. Not that she intended to tell Brand that. She didn’t want to find herself eating it on a regular basis.

“How is it?” he asked after she swallowed.

“Didn’t you have it for breakfast, Daddy?” she asked.

“Hell, no. I’ve got a full breakfast waiting for me.”

Her mouth dropped open, and he put another spoonful inside. She didn’t close her lips quick enough, though, and some dribbled down her chin.

“Oops.” Grabbing the bottom of her bib, he wiped her chin clean. “There, all clean.”

She might have been embarrassed at having to be cleaned up like a baby… but he wasn’t even eating the porridge?

“Daddy! If I have to eat the porridge, you should have to as well!”

“Urgh, I don’t want to eat it. Nasty stuff. Open up.”

She closed her lips and glared at him.

“Little girl,” he said sternly. “The agreement was five mouthfuls, and half of the last spoonful spilled down your chin.”

“You has to eat it too, Daddy,” she grumbled. But she took the next mouthful.

Because Jolie was a good girl.

After she finished eating, he wiped her up and then held up the glass of orange juice. She wrinkled her nose. “I don’t likes orange juice.”

“All right.” He drank it down. “I’ll get you a protein drink. Then you can take a nap.”

“I just woke up! I’m not sleepy. And I should try to wash my hair.” She touched it with a grimace.


