Jock Reign (Jock Hard #5) Read Online Sara Ney

Categories Genre: College, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Jock Hard Series by Sara Ney

Total pages in book: 98
Estimated words: 99545 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 498(@200wpm)___ 398(@250wpm)___ 332(@300wpm)

It’s different living with a guy, way less drama and much better food. Not to mention the house is incredible and it might be the only opportunity I have in my life to live somewhere that nice. Who knows where I’ll end up or what kind of job I’ll have, right?

“Suit yourself, but this is our only offer. I’m not going to ask again.”

“That’s fine—I’m happy where I’m at. But thanks for the offer.”

Thanks but no thanks.



“I think we should come up with a new set of rules, now that we’ve shagged each other—obviously things aren’t going back to the way they were before, so I propose we set new boundaries.”

Eliza stares at me from across the kitchen counter, fork hovering in front of her mouth, about to take a bite of cantaloupe, a fruit I’ve recently discovered is her favorite. Our fridge hasn’t been without it since she moved in.


To me, cantaloupe tastes bland and flavorless, but to each their own.

My roommate slash bedmate sets down her fork. “I’m listening.”

I take the napkin from my lap and lay it on the counter in front of me. “Hear me out before you say anything.”

“All right.” Her back is straight and she’s crossed her hands.

“We shagged. And I like you—nothing casual about it, yeah?”

I wait for her to respond, and slowly, her head bobs up and down. “Yeah.”

“And you like me, yeah? Nothing casual about it.”

Eliza gives me another nod.


We’re on the same page.

“So I think the original rules—which we’ve had less than a fortnight—should be tossed in the bin, and in their place, we create new ones.” I pause, not trying to be dramatic but knowing it sounds that way. “We can live together, date, and not be up the other’s arse.” Wait. That didn’t come out the way I intended. “I meant—we can date, live together, and not make it weird.”


“New ones,” she deadpans. “Such as…?”

“Such as: we can’t go around shagging all the time coz we’ve done it already. We still have to date and get to know each other.”

Eliza raises her brows as if this “rule” stuns her. “You want to get to know me and date?”

“Are you serious? Of course I do. Think we ought to have regular date nights, yeah?” It’s on the tip of my tongue to say, ‘like my married brother and sister-in-law do,’ but I bite the words away. I’ll sound completely nutty otherwise. “That’s what mature couples do.”

“Mature couples.” Eliza clears her throat and shifts on the kitchen stool, a smile playing on her lips.

“Do you agree?”

We’re mature—adults. We should act like adults.

Communicate and do shite together and all that.

“Of course I agree, I’m just surprised you said it. Most guys…” Her voice trails off and she shrugs, reaching for a banana and peeling the skin back, most likely because she needs something to do with her hands. Keep them busy. “Erm. Most guys would probably want to kick me out at this point. So they didn’t have to have this talk.”

“What? The relationship talk?”

“Is that what this is?”

“Yes?” At least I hope so.

I’ve been out of my last relationship and healed from it long enough to know this isn’t a rebound. That may have been what I wanted when I moved to the States, but it’s the last thing I want from Eliza.

She’s amazing.






The first thing she did when she found my mouthpiece was hoof it to my rugby match so my teeth would be safe from harm.

I can’t do better than a girlfriend who gives a shite about other people and their feelings.

Mum would like her.

Georgia, my brother’s wife, would like her. My brother would like her.

“We’re having a relationship talk,” Eliza repeats. “And you want to date? Me, specifically?”

“Is that not what you want?”

Her pretty head shakes. “No—yes, that’s what I want. Let’s talk about it. You’re right, we should discuss this, especially if we’re going to live together. Or maybe we shouldn’t live together? I could move out.”

Now she’s talking crazy. “You’re not moving out. Besides, where would you go?”

“Back to Kaylee and Lilly’s. They don’t have a third roommate yet—it hasn’t been easy finding someone to move in.”

I’m confused. “They kicked you out.”

“Yes, but Kaylee apologized.”

“She did?”

“She did. I was at the union today and happened to see her—or, she saw me and came over. And, well…she apologized. It wasn’t a stellar apology, but it was an apology just the same. Beggars can’t be choosers.”

She says this last part with a smile, probably remembering the Just the Tip game and how she ended up begging for my dick inside her.

“You could have told me straight away.”

Eliza’s shoulders shrug. “I am telling you.”

“I meant right when you got home.”

“Eh. I knew I’d eventually get to it. Relaxy taxi, all right?” My roommate slash lover looks me up and down, rueful smile playing across her mouth. “Are you gossipy? Do you want the entire scoop, Mr. Nosey?”


