Jack & Coke Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Uncertain Saint’s MC #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Dark, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Uncertain Saint's MC Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 72
Estimated words: 74324 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 372(@200wpm)___ 297(@250wpm)___ 248(@300wpm)

But before he took the peak in his mouth, he growled.

“You heard me.”

I did hear him.

I just wanted him to repeat it.

Over and over again until the words finally sank in.

He didn’t give that to me, though.

Instead, his actions spoke for him—loudly—as he worshipped my body.

The way his hands moved over my body slowly, sensually, communicated his love, devotion and commitment to me.

“One day,” he said. “You’re going to marry me.”

Once again, my body froze, and what little air I was able to get into my lungs froze.


I sounded like a broken record.

But he was giving me everything I had hoped and dreamed about with him.

Not to mention the way his hands were coasting along on my body, it was no surprise that I couldn’t focus in the first place.

He shifted to free his erection from the confines of his boxer briefs.

The sight of his massive frame illuminated by the moonlight, on his knees between my splayed legs, was breathtaking.

Mig was undoubtedly a handsome man, but like this, he was powerfully so.

The moonlight shadowed his face, making the expression of concentration on it look even fiercer.

His abs were rippled and looked even more pronounced than usual.

His erection stood out in front of him: straight, long, thick, and angry.

It was his eyes, though, that I couldn’t look away from.

“You got any words for me?” He asked, fisting his cock and working his hand down the length.

I licked my lips, barely containing the urge to bury my fingers inside myself to bring the orgasm that I felt waiting in the wings.

“What words?” I teased.

He started to work his length faster.

His balls swung with the movement, and I started panting.

He’d stay there all night, keeping his hands to himself, if I didn’t say the words he knew I felt.

My hands went to my breasts, and I pressed them together to try to ease the ache that I was feeling.

“The love I have for you, Mig, I can’t put into words. ‘I love you’ just doesn’t seem to be enough, which was why I haven’t said it yet,” I told him, pouring my heart out. “I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone in my life. And to your other comment, the one about me marrying you, that isn’t even a question you need to ask me. I was yours from the moment I saw you ride into town on your black Harley.”

He smiled.

Then took a hold of my hips, and roughly turned me over until my stomach was down.

My hips were pulled back, and suddenly I was filled with two fingers.

Two large, rough fingers.

“Always so wet for me. Only me,” he growled, pushing his fingers in and out.

But then they were gone just as quickly as they came…but not for long.

Soon I was filled with three.

He pumped them in and out, curling them down to seek out that spot inside of me that always made me shoot off like a bottle rocket.

And just like every other time, I didn’t disappoint him.

I came.


Clamping down on his fingers like my body never wanted them to leave.

But they did leave.

And when my hips started to sag, he grabbed me with his large hands, and impaled me on his cock.

I stifled a scream in my arm, but only just barely.

He slowly worked his cock into me in short, soft jabs, pulling back and thrusting forward until he was fully imbedded inside of me.

Once he had me completely filled, he started rocking me, not pulling out at all.

It felt amazing, like the two of us were one.

I dropped down until my shoulders met the lounge, and the new angle pushed him impossibly further inside of me.

He growled, and his thrusts became more pronounced.

I gasped when he began to bottom out inside of me.

Normally he was careful with how much he gave me, but when he continued thrusting deeply, I realized that he was out of control.

And that I quite liked the little bit of pain.

His thrusts started to become somewhat frantic, and the loss of his control ignited the loss of mine.

Soon we were both chasing something that neither one of us recognized until much later.

Skin slapped against skin.

Hands grasped for purchase.

Mig pulled my hair.

I dug my nails into his thighs until I drew blood.

And when my orgasm finally slammed into me, I couldn’t hold the scream in.

Mig poured himself into me, growling like an animal.

And when the lights turned on in front of us, my brain snapped back into reality.

I squealed and lunged forward, diving for my nightgown that was on the floor beside the lounger.

I just barely manage to get it on before the door that I’d seen Mig’s father close earlier open again.

I sat down on the lounger, my back to the doors, and stared at Mig’s chest.

He was sitting on his ass facing me, thankfully with his penis covered.


