Jack & Coke Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Uncertain Saint’s MC #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Dark, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Uncertain Saint's MC Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 72
Estimated words: 74324 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 372(@200wpm)___ 297(@250wpm)___ 248(@300wpm)

“Mig, shit happens in life, and we deal. This isn’t anyone but Liam Connell’s fault, so stop blaming yourself.” I informed him.

He grinned, his straight white teeth standing out starkly against his tanned face.

His shaved hair looked a little better today than it had the day before, and I wanted to rub my hands all along the top of his head.

I refrained, though.


“I’ll take that under advisement,” he muttered, his gaze moving down to my lips.

I parted them slightly, and nearly laughed when he inhaled sharply.

“I’m hungry,” he lied.

“Yeah?” I asked, leaning forward until my mouth was only millimeters from his.

“Yeah,” he confirmed.

Then his lips were on mine.

Our hands tangled as we each reached for the other’s shirt.

His was first, followed immediately by mine.

Next to go was my bra. His pants. My shoes. His underwear. And finally my pants and underwear, all in one fell swoop.

He pulled me onto his lap, the shaft of his hard cock nestled in the seam of my pussy, as we both started to slowly move our hips.

My breasts were pressed tight to his chest, the fine hairs tickling my nipples and stimulating them.

“You’re almost as good as dinner, I suppose,” he rumbled, his hand going to my hair to expose my throat fully to him.

His lips skimmed up the side of my throat, and I laughed breathlessly.

“Almost?” I asked, sitting forward and reaching behind me to guide his cock to my entrance.

He helped me by holding his cock as I slowly slid down his length.

Filled completely with him his hand went to my ass my body adjusted to his girth.

I started to move, sliding all the way up the length of him to the very tip before dropping slowly back down

His thumb ventured down to sweep across my entrance, and my body hummed in anticipation.

He’d tried this once before, and he’d caught the hesitancy on my face, so he didn’t take it very far.

This time, though, he let his thumb gather the wetness around my stretched entrance, then he drug it up to the rosette of my ass and slowly started to massage there.

My nipples pebbled, and I leaned my head forward until it rested on his shoulder.

My arms encircled his neck, and I kept up the pace sliding up and back down on him.

Not too fast, but not slow.

Just right for now, allowing him to work without trying to keep up with my jostling movements.

I gasped when he finally slipped his thumb inside, my eyes squeezing tightly shut as sparks of pure pleasure burst through me.

Who knew that having a thumb in your ass felt as good as it did?

And I’m not talking a little bit of good, I’m talking about a lot of good.

I couldn’t decide which feeling to focus on.

The way his thumb felt, teasing me in a way that I’d never been teased before, or the way his huge, hard cock filled me perfectly, dragging across that spot inside of me that only he had been able to reach.

In the end, it didn’t matter what I focused on.

I was on fire for him and barreling toward a massive orgasm.

He had three fingers inside of me when I came, and I came so hard that I screamed.



He growled as my hips slowed, taking over the movements with both of his hands on my hips. Controlling the movement for his pleasure now.

He quickly moved me along his length and slammed me down, three more times before he exploded inside of me.

Short, strong bursts of his semen poured inside my pussy, making me momentarily wish that I wasn’t on birth control.

That his seed would take root.

I shook those thoughts away, and I focused on the present.

Didn’t need them any time soon, either.

Which was why, instead of focusing on what could be, I focused on what we had now.

“Do you even have any of the things you’ll need for the baby?” I asked him, turning my head to study his profile.

His eyes were closed, and he was breathing hard.

Contentment started to slowly seep into my limbs.

I licked my lips, but Mig’s next words had panic rising in my throat.

“No. I don’t have anything. What do they need? Diapers and clothes?” He asked, sounding tired.

I blinked, sitting up to stare at him.

“You’re kidding, right?” I asked carefully.

He blinked. “What do you mean?”

I stood up, immediately rethinking how awesome it was to have sex without a condom.

Seriously, sex was messy business.

Who knew?

Chapter 19

How interesting would life be if our thoughts appeared in bubbles over our heads?

-Annie’s secret thoughts


“I don’t want to register for it. I just want to buy the shit that you think we need and leave,” I muttered.

Annie shot me an annoyed look.

“People are going to want to buy you things, and if you don’t have a registry, they won’t know what you need,” she explained slowly, picking up a huge package of diapers.


