Is This Love (Everlasting Ink #2) Read Online Kaylee Ryan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary Tags Authors: Series: Everlasting Ink Series by Kaylee Ryan

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 87005 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 435(@200wpm)___ 348(@250wpm)___ 290(@300wpm)

“Our friends know the truth.”

“Yeah, but they’re no help. They’ll tease us, and I’m sure warn us to keep our emotions out of it. I can already hear Emerson now.”

“Can you do that? Keep your emotions out of it?”

“Sure.” She shrugs. “I mean, we’re already close and connected. We’re friends, so it won’t be completely emotionless, but I’m not expecting for you to fall in love with me or anything.”

Something tells me that wouldn’t be hard to do. “So, a cabin in the mountains for a short honeymoon and a wedding close to home. Your parents' place? Mine?”

“Let’s do mine, since they’re paying for it.”

“No. They’re not. I can’t let them do that. Not when we know this has an expiration date.” The thought of putting that burden on her family has my stomach twisting in knots. She’s doing this because her heart is pure gold. I’m paying for the wedding.

“My dad is going to struggle with that.”

“Well, I, too, am an only child. So I can tell them my parents want to pay as well.”

“It’s not going to work, Legend. My father will insist.”

“I don’t like it. You keep track of every dime. I’m paying him back when this is over.”

“We’re never telling them the truth, so how are you going to do that?”

“I don’t know, but we have to figure it out.” I can’t, just can’t let them take this on knowing the real reasons behind the wedding.

“Okay, how about this? How about we tell them that we’re both financially independent, and that we want to do this on our own? We’re keeping it low-key anyway, so it should be easier to convince them. Maybe our moms can take care of the food, and then you and I will take care of the rest.”

“Yes. That’s perfect. My wife is a genius.” I wink at her, and she laughs. The sound fills the truck, and I realize I’m the lucky bastard who gets to call this woman his. Even if just for a small amount of time.

“They’re here,” she says, holding up her phone. “Mom just texted me and said they’re pulling in now.”

“Stay put. Let me get your door for you.”

“I can open my own door, Legend.” She furrows her brow as if she can’t understand why I’d want to do such a thing when she’s capable of doing it on her own.

Leaning in close, I press the palm of my hand against her cheek. “You can also let your boyfriend, future fiancé, and husband open it for you. I’m in this, Monroe, which means you're mine, and I’ll treat you as such.” Unable to resist, I press my lips to her forehead. “Let me get your door, gorgeous.” It takes effort for me to pull away from her. We’re barely into this thing, and I’m already craving the connection between us.

Grabbing my phone and keys, I climb out of the truck, shoving them both in my pocket as I rush to open her door. I offer her my hand, helping her step down, and as soon as her feet are on the ground, I pull her into my arms, leading her into the restaurant.

When we reach the door, I freeze. “Shit.”

“What?” Monroe stops walking when I do and peers up at me under long lashes.

“How are they going to take our age difference?”

“It’s ten years?”

“That’s a big gap.”

“They didn’t mention it when Emerson married Roman.”

“Emerson isn’t their daughter.”

“She might as well be. Come on, old man.” She winks. “You’re worried for nothing.” She laces her fingers through mine and gives our joined hands a gentle tug as she leads us into the restaurant.

“Mom. Dad.” Monroe stops before her parents. Never letting go of my hand, she offers them both a one-armed hug. “You know Legend,” she says, stepping to my side and smiling up at me.

“Mr. and Mrs. Morrison. Good to see you again,” I reply politely, hoping they can’t hear the nerves in my voice. It’s at this moment I realize I’ve never met the parents, and it’s important to me that they approve. Not because of the money, but because in their eyes, I’m the man their daughter has chosen to give her time to.

That’s important.

“Of course. It’s nice to see you again, Legend,” her mom replies.

“Legend.” Her dad offers me his hand. I accept his handshake immediately, maintain eye contact, and give him a nice firm shake.

“So, this is new?” her mom asks with a smile.

Monroe slides her arm around my waist and rests her hand on my chest, peering up at me. “Not really. It’s complicated. At least we were afraid it would be. We wanted to be sure this could be something, would be something, before we brought everyone else into it. We’re all friends, and that could cause some friction.”

“And when it didn’t work out, you thought that wouldn’t happen?” Her dad laughs.


