Inheriting Miss Fortune – The Billionaire Brotherhood Read Online Lucy Lennox

Categories Genre: Contemporary, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 111
Estimated words: 104448 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 522(@200wpm)___ 418(@250wpm)___ 348(@300wpm)

“Says the guy with millions,” I said, feeling comfortable enough now to be casual with him without giving him the wrong impression.

He nodded. “Agreed. And if you’d said Antarctica instead of Wyoming, I might have worried about your ability to earn a living there.”

He had a point. And it stayed in the forefront of my mind all the way to Friday when I finally, fucking finally, boarded the jet to Majestic.

As soon as I stepped off the small set of airplane stairs and onto the tarmac Friday night, I inhaled deeply. Sage-scented air filled my lungs, and an early evening breeze cooled across my face. The giant sky blazed deep blue with clean pink-white clouds moving lazily by. The peaks of Three Daughters stood stalwart in the distance, and a Fletcher Ranch–branded pickup truck was visible through the fence between the tarmac and the small parking lot by the private aviation building.

Unfortunately, Kenji’s slender form was the one standing next to it instead of Dev’s muscular frame.

I threw the strap of my computer bag over my shoulder and yanked up the handle of my rolling suitcase. Even though Dev and Lellie weren’t there, something about being back in Majestic felt like coming home to me far more than landing in Dallas nearly two weeks ago had.

The weight of my firm’s expectation, of the grief of losing Katie, of the singles’ scene, and of the unpredictable expectations of my own family back home all faded away, at least temporarily.

“Hey,” I said, flashing Kenji a big smile. “It’s good to see you. Thanks for coming to get me.”

“It’s even better to see you. Dev’s been in a funk since our plane took off last week.”

His words should have worried me, but I was too selfishly happy that I hadn’t been the only one upset by our separation.

The drive to town was pleasant. My eyes took in our surroundings hungrily while Kenji caught me up on plans for the weekend.

“Dev would have picked you up, but he and Landry are at the concert venue meeting some of Zane’s crew. Silas is helping Way with mayoral duties related to the summer’s first AdventureSmash race. Tonight’s concert is part of the kickoff for the event.”

As we got closer to town, I was shocked by the crowds. Tourists swarmed the streets, and cars were parked everywhere. Colorful event banners were strung across Poke Street, and flower baskets hung from the decorative streetlight poles.

Majestic looked maj—… well, I wasn’t going to say it.

It looked amazing. Warm, inviting, vibrant, and fun. Everyone was dressed casually, a mix of summer dresses and adventure wear.

I could see why people loved it here, and I was happy to imagine Lellie growing up in such a charming place.

“Dev wasn’t kidding when he said the population swells in summer,” I said.

“It’s even busier now than it was last summer. Silas and Way worked hard over the winter to prepare. They got zoning approval for two new hotels, but only one of them was finished on time. The other should be ready before the GrandSmash at the end of the summer. Foster and Way managed to lure several state government meetings and conferences here over the winter, which will help fill the rooms this first year. Then I think Way will finally be able to hire an event outreach coordinator.”

While I cared about Majestic and about the success of this great place, right now, I didn’t want to hear about any of it. All I cared about was seeing Dev… and Lellie, of course, but Kenji had mentioned Jo Blake was keeping Lellie overnight at the Fletchers’ big ranch house to avoid the concert noise and crowds in town near her own place.

After stopping to give our information to a security guard, we pulled down a dirt road that approached the back of an enormous white concert tent on a large parcel of land just outside of town. We parked in a dirt lot with several semitrailers and pickup trucks before heading to find Dev.

The pavilion was already full of concertgoers, with more streaming in. It was early enough that no one was rushing frantically. Tons of people were wearing shirts and hats with the distinctive black-and-red ZB logo for Zee Barlo. I still couldn’t believe Dev was friends with a famous singer.

While Zee Barlo had only been well-known for a couple of years, it had been two years of skyrocketing fame thanks to his attractive face, fit body, and approachable, boy-next-door social media presence. He seemed to have the magic ability to evoke the influences of Johnny Cash, Taylor Swift, Bob Dylan, and Harry Styles all at the same time, which meant he had rabid followers from a wide swath of the musical spectrum.

We went behind a barricade and approached a kind of portable building acting as a backstage area attached to the stage. Silas called out to Kenji from nearby, asking a question related to the race, so Kenji quickly took his leave. “Just go in the trailer and find the dressing room with Zane and Dev in it. If you don’t find them, ask someone to point you in the right direction.”


