Inescapable Read Online Natasha Anders

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 140
Estimated words: 132649 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 663(@200wpm)___ 531(@250wpm)___ 442(@300wpm)

When the end credits rolled, Trystan remained silent and Iris, who was idly stroking his arm, murmured, “That is what you should be doing, Trystan. What you love. I don’t mean the Cryo Cops and the super-hero big-budget stuff, I mean passion projects alongside people you enjoy working with. As you so smugly boasted earlier, you have enough wealth for several lifetimes. You don’t need the money, so why not work on movies you’d enjoy doing? Quirky, off-the-wall arthouse ventures that showcase your talent more than they do your outstanding body.”

“How do you see me so clearly?” he asked, his voice wobbling. “It’s bothered me. So much. Being typecast, always playing the action hero, flexing abs and arse, spouting catchy one-liners. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had fun… but the last few. I’ve been so bored. I’ve hated it. And I forgot how rewarding I once found this work. But the roles I truly enjoyed, the dramatic roles, with meat to them have all been box office failures, with critics mocking my efforts and urging me to stay in my wheelhouse. It made me doubt myself. I felt ridiculous, starting thinking that all I was capable of doing were movies like Cryo Cop and Max Velocity. I’ve always wanted to test my acting chops, try comedy, do more drama. But I’ve been shoved into this box and I feel trapped.”

“You need to rediscover the love you once had for your craft. Maybe re-hire your idiot manager so that he can help you find these roles you love. He knows you better than most people. He’d know what to look for.”

Trystan was staring at her with something like reverence in his eyes. He blinked rapidly for a few moments before speaking, his voice hoarse with emotion, “I’m beginning to think my manager’s not quite an idiot. Because he certainly knew what the fuck he was doing when he sent you to me, Iris.”

“Do not remind me of what that duplicitous bastard did, Trystan, or I’ll want to punch his pretty face all over again.”

“You think he’s pretty?” Trystan asked with a glower, looking seriously aggravated at the notion that she might find one of his best friends attractive.

“Don’t worry, darling, he’s not as cute as you.”

He looked momentarily appeased before his brow lowered again. “What about Dazza?”

“He’s too surfer boy-ish for me,” she placated. “I like my men dark and glowery, and moody as fuck.”

“And don’t you forget it,” he warned in a dark, moody voice and she laughed happily.

“So are you still going to throw in the towel on your acting?” she asked, the laughter fading from her eyes, hoping he would consider her words.

“I’ve been unhappy for so long,” he admitted, lifting her hand to toy with her fingers, avoiding her eyes as he focused on his task. “It’s been hard to remember what I loved about my work. Tonight has helped. It’ll be a long road, and I’ll need to speak with Quinny and my PR manager, Bee, to see how feasible restructuring my career will be. I’m committed to four more projects—two sequels, a super hero thing and heist flick—I can’t get out of those. But you’re right, I need a change. A palate cleanser. I’ll take on fewer projects and only ones that I truly love. I’ve always wanted to try my hand at directing as well, but I had that dream tucked so far out of sight I’d almost forgotten it existed. It’s something to consider.” She could hear the rising excitement brewing beneath the even—almost distant and disinterested—tone of his voice. He was desperately trying to keep his cool, but she could tell, he wanted this, he was enthused about it and couldn’t wait to mull it over with Hunter Quinn.

He lifted the hand he’d been stroking to his lips and planted a soft kiss on her palm, finally meeting her eyes and revealing the boyish enthusiasm in his gleaming gray gaze.

“Thank you… it’s not always easy to see the simplest of solutions right in front of your nose. I needed this. I’m so fucking excited to try it, to do only what I want to and to hell with what the public and the critics think.”

“I’m very happy to have helped. And I can’t even begin to tell you how hot I’m finding this steely resolve of yours,” she teased, fanning herself. “Now are you going to take me to bed, mister? Or am I going to have to seduce you on this uncomfortable love seat?”

He growled and picked her up caveman style. She squealed, laughing uncontrollably all the way back to the bedroom.

“Can I borrow your phone?” Iris asked Trystan two days later after they’d returned from their post-breakfast walk. It was a glorious day, with blue skies and moderate temperatures ranging in the mid-teens. They were back in the kitchen now, facing each other across the island. “I want to call my parents. I haven’t spoken to them in a week and I think they need to hear my voice. They like to pretend they’re cool, but I know they’ve been concerned about me. More so since I lost my phone. They probably think I’ve been kidnapped or something, despite my constant messages and emails. I think it would be good for them to see that I’m okay.”


