Inescapable Read Online Natasha Anders

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 140
Estimated words: 132649 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 663(@200wpm)___ 531(@250wpm)___ 442(@300wpm)

“The—uh—bride and groom,” she clarified, and his face cleared. He sent a preoccupied look around the room before shaking his head. He shifted slightly and angled his body so that his back was to the room, which meant—hopefully—that nobody would immediately recognize him. It was a miracle that his presence hadn’t yet attracted any attention, but the guests were currently too engrossed in their food. Also, Trystan was wearing a white dress shirt and black jeans, and—despite his height—could have been mistaken for one of the staff. And, let’s be real, a Greek wedding in Wandsworth was most assuredly the last place anybody would expect to find Trystan Abbott.

“I have no idea who they are.”

“Then why are you here?” she asked again, irritation starting to outweigh the confusion and warring with the absolute joy she felt at seeing him again.

“To see you,” he said, as if this was the most obvious fact, dropping his hands with seeming reluctance and Iris hated that she missed his touch as soon as it was gone.

“I’m working. You shouldn’t have come here,” she said in a low voice. “This is highly inappropriate. I won’t have you hijacking this couple’s day, and ruining my parents’ professional reputation in the process,”

“I didn’t know you’d be working,” he said, casting his eyes around the room again. “Look, can we go somewhere and talk?”

“No. We’re short-staffed. I can’t simply up and leave because you’ve suddenly decided to do whatever this is.”

“If you’re short-staffed I could help,” he suggested. “Then maybe we could talk afterward?”

She laughed incredulously at that suggestion.

“Help?” she repeated. “Do you even know who you are?”

“I have a disguise, and I can stay out of sight in the back if need be.”

“A disguise?” she asked, but he was staring at her again, his eyes running over her face almost ravenously, then up to her hair, down over her body, his eyes flaring in appreciation at the sight of her figure-hugging uniform.

When he didn’t reply, she prompted him, “Trystan? What disguise?”

“God, you’re beautiful,” he murmured, his eyes glinting with suspicious brightness beneath the lights. He lifted his hand to brush his knuckles down her cheek with a reverence that left her breathless. She leaned into the caress, before coming to her senses and jerking her head back.

“You want to help?” she asked, her voice curt as she tried to keep her emotions in check. He stared at her, eyes burning, face taut.


“Follow me,” she said and turned to push through the swinging doors that led into the kitchen. He was so close to her she could feel the wash of heat from his body against her back.

“Surely you’re not here alone,” she said over her shoulder. “That would be irresponsible.”

“Chance is with me. He hung back to give us some privacy.” Even as he said the words, the doors swung inward again to reveal the big Aussie, who had a fierce glower on his face.

“Stay in sight, mate. That was the rule,” Chance muttered beneath his breath, before levelling a warm grin at Iris. “Hello, Sunshine. I’ve missed you.”

Iris returned his smile and stepped around Trystan to give Chance—whom she hadn’t seen since he’d left to accompany Trystan on his press tour—a warm hug.

“Chance, it’s so good to see you.”

“Iris.” Her father’s voice snapped Iris back to the present and her surroundings and she quickly became aware of the fact that all movement and chatter had stopped in the kitchen as everybody stared at the commotion that she and these two tall men were creating in the doorway.

She heard the collective gasp of recognition when Trystan turned to face the small crowd of people and sighed inwardly. Her parents were not going to be happy about yet another disruption to their service.

“Sorry, Dad, I’ll get right back to work. But we have an extra pair of hands to help out,” she said with forced good humor, determinedly ignoring the whispers and stares.

“Two extra pairs,” Trystan volunteered.

“Nope,” Chase disagreed cheerfully. “I’m already working right now. Need to keep my hands free. Besides, this is your penance tour, mate, not mine.”

Trystan shot Chance a disgruntled look, but Chance ignored him to cast a professional eye around the kitchen, probably noting exits and potential weapons and threats.

“Just me then,” Trystan said with awkward cheer.

Iris’s father eyed him with blatant dislike on his face. “You’re more likely to be a distraction and we’re already running behind schedule today. I’m not sure what you’re playing at, but I can’t let you turn this wedding into a three-ring circus while we all pander to your ego.”

Trystan’s handsome features took on a determined cast as he met her father’s eyes unflinchingly. “I understand why you would feel that way, sir. And I don’t blame you. I promise you I didn’t know that Iris would be working for you today, or I would have timed this better. But I’m here now, and I was a waiter at my uncle’s Italian restaurant throughout high school and college. I know my way around a professional kitchen. I can help if you need it.”


