In Love with a Cruel Billionaire Read Online Marian Tee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 247
Estimated words: 234281 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1171(@200wpm)___ 937(@250wpm)___ 781(@300wpm)


His arms closed around her the moment she slammed into his embrace.

Looking down, he started to joke about her penchant for crashing into him, but she beat him to speaking.

"I'm sorry." Her voice was wobbling. "I'm so sorry." And her eyes were welling up with tears. "I didn't think you'd even think I would leave you."


And just like that, he was no longer in any mood to fuck around.

Just like that, he could no longer hold the words back.

Just like that, she owned him.

"I love you." The words were ripped out of him.

"And I you." She was crying again. "So, so much."

"But I thought you left me."

"I never would."

"I wouldn't have run after you if you had."

"Then I'd have c-come after you."

His arms tightened around her, his eyes squeezing shut as he felt her body shake against him.

"I don't think I can ever make it," he said hoarsely, "if you leave me."

"Then stop thinking of it." He felt her fingers grip his shirt. "Because it will never happen."

And for countless moments, they simply stood there, listening to each other's heartbeats. It made the most beautiful music because every beat meant the both of them still lived, together.


He looked down at her.

"Make love to me?"


Never My Love by The Association

AS DIANA LET THE PROFESSOR lead her to his bedroom, she couldn't help wondering if he was able to hear her heartbeat. Because the way it was hammering so hard and loudly against her chest, she could barely hear anything else, and the fact that she couldn't seem to catch her breath wasn't helping at all.

They finally made it to his bedroom, and she could only spare her surroundings a dazed, distracted glance. It was just as beautiful as the rest of his home, if not a little more austere in his choice of furniture. That was all she managed to think. Because after gently guiding her to sit on the edge of the bed, the professor had drawn her hands to his chest, a silent request for her to undress him, and, well, how could anyone be capable of thinking after that?

Her breath caught as she managed to pull his shirt over his head and she was treated to the magnificent sight of his bare chest.

He noticed the odd way she was staring at him. "What is it?"

"You really are," she murmured, "like a Michelangelo painting come to life."

It wasn't Matthijs' first time to be complimented, but somehow her words were different, and he felt like a fucking god, with the way she was gazing at him with such awe.

"I'm flattered you think so." The professor's purring voice had her whole body shivering under its invisible caress. "But don't you want to see more?"

Diana could feel her face turning red as the professor guided her hands to the waistband of his pants. "Umm. Of course. I, umm, would." She saw him smirk, and this made her blush harder for some reason, and her fingers shook hard as she started to unbutton his pants. It took a couple of tries, but she managed in the end, and she found herself gulping as the pants fell to the floor.

It was just his boxers now, but oh God, the thin scrap of silk was a total failure at hiding the bulge of his erection.

"Can you manage or..."

"I. Can. Manage." Each word came out a croak, but she told herself not to mind it. The important thing was that she had said them and had thus shown the professor she was not some naïve, inexperienced girl to be coddled.

So...let's do this, Saint M—-

Oh shit.


Forget I called you, Saint M.

This isn't something—-

The professor frowned at the flicker of panic in her gaze. "If you're having second thoughts..."

"What? No." Pushing all thoughts of her guardian saint away, she forced herself to concentrate on the task at hand.

All ten - or at least it seemed like ten, or maybe it was more? - inches of it.

Here we go, Di.

Matthijs coughed back a laugh when she pulled his boxers down with such force it had her falling on her knees - and staring straight at his dick.

"Oh my—-"

His still-swelling dick accidentally bumped her nose.

There was a moment of silence, but then their gazes met, and he could no longer keep a straight face. Her stunned expression had him throwing his head back with a laugh. "God." Only was just her and no one else who could make him feel this fucking happy and horny at the same time.

"Come here, darling." He took her hand to pull her up, and she watched him open his drawer. A second later, and he was placing a foil packet in her hand. "Have you ever tried putting this on another man?"


The professor stiffened.

"I practiced on a vibrator."


Seeing his expression, she muttered defensively, "I wanted to be prepared."


