In Love with a Cruel Billionaire Read Online Marian Tee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 247
Estimated words: 234281 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1171(@200wpm)___ 937(@250wpm)___ 781(@300wpm)

It was a question no one in the room had the answer to.

But it didn't matter at this point.

Because by this time, it was more than enough that she was asking the right question, more than enough that she wasn't asking it just to score points. She was asking the question because she wanted to save lives, she was asking this one question because it was her purpose - and everyone saw this.

One by one they came to their feet, their applause growing thunderous as some of them sniffed while others sobbed outright. The professor had never seen such a thing happen in his class before, and when he turned to meet her dark shining eyes—-


Because in her gaze he saw...

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

He saw...

His dreams.

His future.

His purpose.

And he was so goddamn fucked.


DIANA COULDN'T STOP thinking about the professor's cock.

And it was all his fault, too, she thought helplessly.

Second-chance presentations were long over, but since returning to her seat, she kept catching the professor looking at her, so often she became giddily convinced he wanted her to know he had his eye on her.

It also helped that he had such an amazing and subtle way of doing it no other student seemed to notice. It was just her, only her that the leonine glitter of lust in his eyes focused on. Just her.

How could any girl not think about his cock when she had the professor eye-fucking her like that?

She didn't even have to close her eyes. It was so horrifyingly, shamefully easy to remember the way he had been. The way he had been sprawled like a lounging, powerful beast on the couch. The way his elegant fingers had stroked his member. The way he had made her ache.

Oh, sweet mercy, how he had made her ache.

How could she not think? Remember? Relive?

A sheaf of papers suddenly smacked her on the face, and she crashed back down to earth to see Pepper giving her an evil, saccharine smile. "Sorry. I didn't think I'd hit you."

Liar, Diana thought. But because the memories had her body still tingling and humming, she couldn’t even summon a single ounce of anger. Looking down, she saw that the papers were the schedule request forms the professor had spoken about, and she took one for herself before passing it to the guy on her other side.

He gave her a sympathetic smile, saying in a low, conspiratorial tone, "Don't mind her. She's just jealous your proposal's got a better shot at winning MPT."


"Most Promising Thesis." This from Pepper, who apparently didn't mind letting them know she had been listening in. "And as Ms. Melodramatic here doesn't even know what it is—-" The girl leaned over her desk just to bypass Diana and shoot a scornful look at the other student's direction. "You're absolutely delusional, to think that she's got a chance at beating me."

Diana was flabbergasted at the vitriol embedded in the redhead's tone. "I wasn't—-"

"What happened earlier was a one-time fluke," Pepper hissed. "We'll see how you'll really fare when you're made to defend it." And as if she felt she hadn't been explicit enough in expressing her hatred, she snarled under her breath, "Bi—-"

"Careful, Ms. Lowell," a silken warning interrupted Pepper, and when the three of them looked up, it was, of course, no other than the professor. None of them had noticed him coming up to them, and maybe it was just her, but Diana couldn't help thinking how he looked every inch an avenging archangel with his blazing golden eyes and every lethal inch of him radiating a dangerous form of rage.

An archangel, Diana couldn't help thinking, who also happened to be so much more stylish than all the other professors she had known in her life.

With his cobalt three-piece suit (tweed, of course) including a single-breasted waistcoat that boasted of velvet trimmings for its pockets, he should have appeared laughably overdressed for conducting a lecture. But because he was, after all, T-PILF, he only ended up being more breathtaking than usual while at the same time making everyone else feel overwhelmingly underdressed.

It was probably why everyone came to his class with ironed shirts and zero sandal sightings—-


She blinked, the sound of her name bringing her back to reality, and then she blinked again, seeing that the professor was no longer there and - was it just her imagination, or did Pepper seem to be fighting back tears?

"You okay?"

It was the guy seated on her right again, and it took a second longer than it should for Diana to recall that his name was Lars. "Um, yes, sorry."

"I have a feeling you totally missed the last two minutes," Lars whispered. He seemed a pleasant enough guy, with light brown hair and an affable smile that had the power to put everyone at ease.

In fact, he had that smile on now, and she returned it tentatively while reminding herself to relax. "I'm afraid so. I was...thinking," she finished lamely. From kindergarten to Christopoulos University, she had always had Katya to act as a buffer between her and the opposite sex. It was only here in Helder Meer that she had been forced to come out of her shell and test her social skills on guys who were neither her brother nor men she had known since childhood.


