In Love with a Cruel Billionaire Read Online Marian Tee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 247
Estimated words: 234281 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1171(@200wpm)___ 937(@250wpm)___ 781(@300wpm)

Chapter 12

WHEN THEY ARRIVED AT the airport, the scene that awaited her sent Esther in a murderous frenzy. He even had the entire press waiting for her. Bastard.

And then she saw that woman.

The one who had caused all of this to happen.

She was the one to blame.

Esther snapped.

The moment the door opened, Esther flew out and lunged at Mairi. “You bitch!” She tried to scratch the girl’s eyes out, but before she could even take another step, she was suddenly held back, one man holding each of her arms.

Camera bulbs started flashing, and she lost it again. “Why don’t you just die?” Esther shrieked at Mairi. “You ruined everything, everything!”

Mairi couldn’t even answer. She had never seen Esther like this, and she had never imagined she would. Her hair was a complete mess, and her nightgown, although not transparent, revealed the way her large bra-less breasts had already started to sag with age.

Suddenly, she couldn’t even make herself angry with the other woman. All she could feel was pity. She looked up at her husband. “Damen—-”

Esther couldn’t stand the pity she heard in Mairi’s voice. “Don’t you dare pity me, you slut!” Rage made her voice shriller. “And you,” she spat, looking at her son. “I wish I had you aborted the way I always wanted to!”

Damen didn’t even flinch.

When her son didn’t answer, she sneered, “You really are your father’s son. You’re as worthless as he is. And what you did to me this morning? I expected more from you—-”

“Then you know me better than you give me credit for,” he said coldly. “Because none of it was my doing. It was all your daughter’s plan.” At Esther’s shocked expression, he shook his head. “Did you really think she would remain loyal to you? Did you think she didn’t know about your plans to marry her off to Athanas?” His lips tightened. “I have to admit, Mother. I at least thought you wouldn’t go as far as whoring your own daughter—-”

“He comes from a good family—-”

“He’s close to eighty years old,” Damen roared.

“So?” she shouted back. “At least he’s not cheap and money-grubbing like that whore next to you!”

“ENOUGH.” It was quiet but deadly, and there was no doubting the murderous threat glinting in Damen’s eyes.

Even Esther daren’t say a word after that, and she fought hard not to step back when Damen closed the distance between them.

In a voice low enough for only his mother to hear, he said, “It’s over, Mother. If you hadn’t gone after my wife again, I would have let you live in peace. But after what you did – I realized I needed to take everything away from you.” His lips curved in a cold smile. “So I have. Everything you own has been transferred to my account. Everything. You make one move to take them, to go after my family, and I will present my evidence against you in court. You see, Mother, every illegal action you’ve performed in the past few years required you to step on a lot of people’s toes. Those people did not have a voice then, but I gave them the power to speak against you. And as for the ones you paid off? They sang like fucking canaries when faced with the threat of jail time.”

He stepped back. “From here on, you will receive a monthly allowance. You are not to be in any country I or my family are currently in. Which means since we’re here now, you must leave, not using the company jet of course. But a public one, economy, since that’s the only kind you’ll be able to afford.”

“You won’t get away with this.” Esther spoke between clenched teeth.

“I already have.”

Their eyes locked with each other, and this time Esther slowly came to understand it was over for her, just like that. In an instant, her son truly had taken everything away from her.

“You will do this to your own mother just for that bitch’s sake?”

His face hardened. When he spoke again, he made no effort to lower his voice, allowing everyone to hear him. “I’ve changed my mind, Mother. You will only receive money from me if you get on your knees now and beg for it – and promise never to call my wife any kind of name again.”


“You’re free to go anytime, Mother, but I will not make the offer again. Once you turn your back on me, it is over. You will be forced to make your own way from here.”

And since her son always meant what he said, Esther knew she had no choice. “Bastard.” But the way her voice shook was answer enough, both of them knowing it was only a matter of time before she gave in.

“I actually hope you don’t fall on your knees, Mother. If you did, and just for the sake of money, wouldn’t that make you the gold-digger now?”


