Impossible Things – Subparheroes Read Online Alexa Land

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Magic, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 66
Estimated words: 62262 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 311(@200wpm)___ 249(@250wpm)___ 208(@300wpm)

I sank my fingers into his hair, and he looked up at me. The moment our eyes met, everything intensified. A moan tumbled from me as he started sucking harder and faster. He took me right to the brink and held me there for a few moments, slowing his pace. Then he sped up again and sent me crashing over the edge.

A tremor ran through me, and I yelled as I shot down his throat. I was sure I’d never come that hard before. It went on and on, and by the time it ended, I was weak and shaky.

There was no way I was going to leave him hanging though, so I shifted around and wrapped my lips around his thick cock. When I started sucking him, a sound that was almost a growl reverberated in his chest.

It was gratifying to see the way he responded, and he ended up coming in a matter of minutes. I swallowed his load while his body bucked and shook beneath me, and afterwards, both of us fell back onto the floor. Sam was still reeling, but his hand found mine and he held onto it while he caught his breath.

When he could speak again, he rolled onto his side facing me and murmured, “That was incredible.”

We moved closer to each other, so our bodies were pressed together and my head was tucked under his chin. The skin-to-skin contact felt wonderful. I hadn’t even realized how touch starved I’d been until that moment.

I probably would have stayed like that all night, but we started to shiver as the sweat cooled on our skin. We got up and dressed quickly, and he took my hand again and led me into the living room.

He found me a blanket and began building a fire. When the kindling caught, he joined me on the couch, wrapping himself around me with his chest pressed to my back. I was so happy and content that I found myself grinning.

After a while, he said, “I’ve been thinking about what we can do to pass the time while we’re here—aside from a whole lot more of what we just did, obviously.”

“I saw some playing cards, so I guess I can look forward to beating you about six hundred times in gin rummy.”

He chuckled at that. “No. I mean, probably, but I actually came up with two ideas. First, I think it’d be fun to teach each other.”

“Teach each other what, exactly?”

“Anything. When I’m at home, I like watching how-to videos on the internet—building, cooking, fitness, whatever. What if we do that for each other? For example, I’ve spent a long time perfecting my recipe for minestrone soup. I bought the ingredients for it back at the general store, and I was planning on that for dinner. If you want, I can teach you how to make it.”

“I’d like that.”

“What’s something you could teach me?”

I thought about it before saying, “How about yoga? Moira made me take classes with her for three years, so I’m pretty good at it.”

“Perfect. You also mentioned you’d taken a self-defense class, so you could show me what you learned. Then I can show you what I learned when I was training to become a bodyguard.”

“I like this idea.” I shifted a little, so I was using his bicep as a pillow.

“Me, too.”

“What was your other idea for passing the time? You said you had two of them.”

“I want to help you learn to use your superpower.” I raised an eyebrow and glanced at him over my shoulder. “You see it as a negative, because you sometimes lose control over it. But powers can be fine-tuned and developed. It just takes time, and we have plenty of that right now.”

“I can’t really imagine how it could be fine-tuned, but I’d like to work on getting better control over it.”

“Great. Want to start now? We could go out on the deck and see if there’s a squirrel or something to call.”

I shook my head. “Let’s start tomorrow. Right now, there’s nothing I’d rather do than this.”

After a blissfully lazy afternoon spent talking and relaxing, we cooked dinner together. As promised, he taught me his recipe, and we made a huge pot of hearty soup.

The temperature plummeted after sunset, so it was the perfect choice for dinner. It was delicious too, and when I told him that, he looked pleased. “It’s even better the next day,” he said.

“That’s my favorite way to cook, by making a lot of something and ending up with leftovers for days. I’m definitely making this for my family when I get home.”

“Invite me over and I’ll help you.”

“I will.”

That got me thinking. What would life look like when our time on the run was over? Would Sam and I return to San Francisco as a couple? We fit together effortlessly right now, but we were living in a world without distractions or real life getting in the way.


