Ice Giant – A Curvy Girl Hockey Romance Read Online Nichole Rose

Categories Genre: Angst, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance, Sports, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 34
Estimated words: 31113 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 156(@200wpm)___ 124(@250wpm)___ 104(@300wpm)

"I thought you didn't want to know mine."

"No, I said I'm not dealing with yours," she says, batting her lashes at me. "I never said I didn't want to know it." She points at the only chair in her office that isn't piled high with shit. "Sit. Explain."

I eye the scissors on her desk. They're way too fucking close to her hand. "I'd rather stand."

She follows my gaze to the scissors and rolls her eyes. "You guys are such overdramatic big babies. I've never actually stabbed anyone, you know."

"What about that time with Wes and the fork?"

"Wes doesn't count as someone," she snorts, waving a dismissive hand in the air. "He's more like an illness I can't get rid of."

"Herpes," I say, nodding.

"First of all," she says, placing the scissors in her desk drawer with a dramatic flourish. "Don't compare Wes to people living with an STD. It's not nice to people living with an STD. Having an STD doesn't make them any less deserving of love, respect, or empathy. Wes, on the other hand…."

"You're right. Sorry." This is what I love about Kelsey. She's a savage, but underneath that tough-as-nails exterior beats a heart of gold. She's a demon, yes. But she genuinely cares about people and will kick our asses if we step out of line when it counts. We give her hell, but we wouldn't trade her for anyone because she makes all of us better people.

"Secondly, I know you're stalling. What did you do?"

"You really don't know?" I ask, just to make sure she isn't fucking with me. I was sure it'd be all over the damn place by now. It's been twelve hours since Jamie left Dionysus. I should know. My cock has been hard for eleven and a half of them.

It's a good thing I make as much as I do because my water bill is going to be high as a motherfucker this month. I took three cold showers. And I still jerked off four times. It would have been five, but we have practice tomorrow. Coach will be pissed if my hand is cramping and I can't hold my stick.

"Know what?" Kelsey demands, throwing her hands up. "I've been here all morning dealing with Theo's crisis. It's all over the freaking news. Unless you screwed up badly enough to hit the news, I don't have a clue what you did this time."


"Are you freaking kidding me right now, Jonas?" she cries, throwing a pen at me.

I bat it out of the air like freaking Batman. The second one hits me right between the eyes. Why the fuck she's a publicist and not a pitcher, I don't know. She has damn good aim.

"You deserved that," Kelsey mutters, scowling at me.

"Coach is going to be pissed when you take an eye out doing that shit," I warn her.

"Coach approves of my methods." She smirks at me. "Stop stalling and start talking, Michaud."

"Jamie Knight caught me in a sex club last night."

Her face blanches, complete shock overtaking her expression. Seeing her speechless is almost worth the hell I'm going to catch for this. Almost.

"A sex club?" she hisses. "You mean a strip club? Please tell me you're speaking Canadian, and you actually mean a strip club."

I shake my head. "Uh, Canadians speak English, Kelsey. I mean, a sex club. The kind with rules and safe words and people fucking all over the place."

She nearly swallows her tongue.

"She only saw me because some asshole was harassing her, so I stepped in." I leave out the part about kissing her. And the part about telling her about her making my dick hard. Kelsey is probably too young to have a stroke, but better not to risk it, right? "I'm not sorry for stepping in, and I won't apologize if it fucks up my reputation."

Fuck that. I'd do it again if I had to make the choice a second time. Even if it hadn't been Jamie, I'd have stepped in. But the fact that it was her all but guaranteed I was putting an end to that bullshit. I still want to hunt that fucker down and rip his throat out for touching her.

"Oh, Jonas," Kelsey sighs. I can tell by her expression that she isn't pissed, though. More resigned, I think. She knows I did the right thing.

"In my defense," I say, "I wasn't there for the hell of it. I was looking for my pain in the ass sister."

"Parker was there?" Her eyes widen.

"Yes. No. I don't fucking know. Probably not." I shove a hand through my hair, muttering a curse. "She says she was at a goddamn wine festival at the Parthenon." The shit checks out. The damn festival is called Dionysus. "How the fuck was I supposed to know Gone to Dionysus, don't wait up meant a wine festival I've never heard of and not the goddamn BDSM club Kellan talks about?"


