I Wish I Would’ve Told You Read Online Whitney G

Categories Genre: Angst, Contemporary, Forbidden, New Adult, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 54
Estimated words: 54383 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 272(@200wpm)___ 218(@250wpm)___ 181(@300wpm)

“Do you think someone will spank me tonight?” Kevin asks, pulling on his devil’s tail.

“Doubt it, but I hope someone grabs one of your horns and hurts you with it.”

“I’d love that.” He laughs and hands me a string of lights. “You still haven’t told me how things are going with Jeremiah. What did y’all talk about on the phone this week?”

“We haven’t had the time,” I say. “Something always comes up so I have to cancel it.”

“Something comes up like a hot college guy asking you out?”

“No, Kevin.”

“That’s the only acceptable excuse for not jumping into Jeremiah’s arms,” he says. “And that better be why you’ve been slightly mopey these past few days.”

“Yeah, kinda…” I swallow a lump of guilt. I’ve wanted to tell Kevin about Easton for a long time, but something always holds me back.

“There you are, Scarlett.” Jessica Reid, Tully’s best friend, steps into the doorway dressed in a sparkling white angel costume. “How are you doing tonight?”

“She’s fine.” Kevin speaks for me. “She doesn’t speak the demonic language, so I’ll translate whatever the hell you came here for.”

She rolls her eyes. “I really like your black devil costume,” she says to me. “The thigh-high boots are amazing, too.”

Her compliments are never free so I don’t pay her a thanks.

Instead, I cross my arms.

“When I bought this angel one, I thought I was doing the right thing since we have a ton of pictures planned by the clouds near your pool. I mean, a devil in heaven. That was the contrast I thought we were going for.”

“Okay, Satan.” Kevin looks as confused as I am. “Where are you going with this speech?”

“This party will affect Tully’s high school legacy for years to come.”

“Um, no…” I shake my head. “It’s really not that serious.”

“I misread the group email, and I’m the only cheerleader dressed as an angel, so since you and I are the same size, I was hoping we could switch.” She rambles. “Besides, you wearing black is so fucking cliche at this point and it wouldn’t kill you to wear something different for a change.”

“You can tell her to get out now, Kevin.” I look at him. “We’re done talking.”

“You know, she may be a bitch, but she has a good point.” He extends his hand to her. “We accept your offer.”

Two hours later, our house is filled with seniors and college freshmen. I push my way through the angels kissing near the stairwell and the grinding demons in the kitchen to make a cup of Jungle Juice.

Kevin has long abandoned me in favor of some guy on the swim team, so I’m pretty much walking around and making sure no one breaks anything whenever I’m not restocking toilet paper in the bathrooms.

I’m also trying not to get my angel wings stuck between anything that moves.

“Wow,” a deep voice says from behind. “You get sexier and sexier every time I see you.”

I turn around and see Jeremiah dressed as “a saint.” Well, those are the two words he’s etched across his perfectly muscled chest with a black marker, and he’s wearing white pants.

“Want to dance with me?” he asks.

“Only if you can explain how the hell what you’re wearing counts as a costume.”

He laughs. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

He grabs my hand and I let him lead me into the living room. Slipping his arms around my waist, he holds me close as the DJ plays the last bridge of a sexy R&B song. When it ends, he spins me around so my ass is pressed against him and he whispers into my ear, “Are you ever planning to call me sometime, Scarlett?”


“There’s a lot we have to talk about.”

“Like what?”

“Like how I think you should let me show you how good I could be for you.”

“You’re going to college and then to the league after that,” I say. “I’m sure you have plenty of girls at your disposal.”

“That’s true.” He pushes one of my wings before blowing against my neck. “But I want you.”

I suddenly spot Easton dancing with Tully across the room and lose my train of thought. His eyes are on me, and I can tell he’s been watching us this entire time.

Pretending that he’s the one dancing behind me instead of Jeremiah, I reach a hand up and thread my fingers through his hair.

Jeremiah lets out a low groan of approval and squeezes my waist a bit tighter.

“I’m assuming you’re not dating anyone else,” he whispers. “You wouldn’t touch me like that otherwise.”

“It’s complicated.”

“Can’t be.” He kisses the shell of my ear.

Easton clenches his jaw as Jeremiah rubs his hand against my side.

The DJ changes the song to a slightly faster track and I move my ass against Jeremiah’s hardened cock with the beat.

Easton whispers something in Tully’s ear, and I glare at him.


