I Hate You Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Mafia, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 35
Estimated words: 33081 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 165(@200wpm)___ 132(@250wpm)___ 110(@300wpm)

She gasped, but then he looked at her pussy. Faith had a small thatch of pubic hair that outlined the shape of her slit. He pressed his palm against her and felt she was wet. There was no hiding her body’s reaction. Her mouth could spill all kinds of lies, but the tightness of her nipples, as well as the slickness of her cunt, didn’t lie. Faith was aroused.

He was going to give her more reasons to be aroused.

Kneeling at the base of the bed, he grabbed her hips and pulled her down. He positioned her feet on the edge, and then spread her open.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

What he’d never done with anyone else. Faith was making him break all the rules.

Holding her in place, he pressed the tip of his tongue against her clit. It was just a small bit of pressure, but then she whimpered. The tension in her body seemed to evaporate at the smallest of touches. He couldn’t help but smile because he knew what he’d done.

Gabriel slid down toward her entrance, circling her cunt with the promise of taking her, but he didn’t. When he took her virginity, he was going to slam his dick through that thin wall and take her as his.

He’d heard women could feel pain, but so long as the woman was prepared properly, it was only minute pain. He didn’t want to hurt her. What the fuck was it about this woman?

Drawing his tongue back up to her clit, he circled the nub and then flicked back and forth, heightening her arousal, knowing she was close to orgasm as he felt it in the change of her body. He loved the sounds spilling from her lips as they echoed around the room. She was so close, and he didn’t make her wait for her orgasm.

Gabriel thrust her over the edge, and as he did she screamed his name. He held her in place so she could fully experience the orgasm as he teased her clit. The moment she couldn’t take any more, he stopped. Wiping his face with the back of his hand, he stood. Going to the belt of his pants, he opened it and allowed them to drop to the floor.

When he came up with this plan of taking Faith as his own, of using her, the original plan had been for the month, and to use condoms. But that had changed. He wasn’t going to use any condoms because he wanted to feel that naked cunt wrapped around his dick. He removed his shirt, and then stepped toward the bed, putting his knee between Faith’s spread legs. Gabriel nudged her up the bed until she was laid against his pillows.

His little virginal sacrifice. The taste of her lingered on his tongue. She’d been so responsive.

Her cheeks were bright red and there was a sparkle in her eyes. One day soon, she wasn’t going to be in his bed, because of her brother. He was going to give her a reason to stay, to want to be here.

Gabriel reached between his legs, grabbed his cock, and then pressed the tip against her clit. She gasped, arching up. He drew back, and then touched her again. She sank her teeth against her lip, trying to contain the sounds of her pleasure.

“Don’t hold back,” he said. “I want you to enjoy yourself.”

This time, as he did it again, Faith didn’t hold back, and moaned his name.

He did this several times, and then moved toward her entrance. He stared into her eyes. Gabriel had never been with a virgin. Faith was proving to be one of his many firsts, while he was going to be a multiple of hers.

Staring into her blue eyes, he slammed to the hilt inside her, feeling the flesh of her virginity give way. Faith cried out hard and shoved against his chest.

He grabbed her hands, pressing them above her head, holding her in place. Tears glistened in her eyes, and he hated to see them.

Gabriel had no idea what was happening. He didn’t give a shit about anyone, and yet, in the space of a few hours, this one woman was making him break all his own rules. It didn’t make any sense to him.

He held himself deep within her, waiting for the pain to ebb. It would stop and then he’d make love to her for the first time.

Chapter Three

Several Hours Later

Gabriel was asleep.

Faith was wide awake.

She was no longer a virgin.

He’d taken her virginity and it had hurt, a lot. The pain had been unexpected. When he tore through her with his cock, she’d tried to push him away. She had loved his tongue bringing her to orgasm, loved having his hands all over her body. But she hated his penis. Gabriel had held her hands to the bed, and he’d kissed her lips. No words had been spoken. He kissed her, and the pain between her legs had lessened, but he’d not rushed.


