I Destroyed the Elf Prince’s Harem Read Online Jocelynn Drake

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Funny, M-M Romance, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 129
Estimated words: 119158 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 596(@200wpm)___ 477(@250wpm)___ 397(@300wpm)

My wonderful Nylian beamed at me and stretched out on the grass. “You know I love your crazy stories. I believed the one where you told me that you were from another world.”

Yeah, let’s see how much he believes this insanity.

“Okay, so I told you I found this magic coin, and it zapped me from my world to this one,” I started and Nylian nodded, looking at me like I was telling him a goddamn fairy tale. “But this isn’t some random world. I…created…this world.”


I sucked in a deep breath and dove in. “I’m a writer. An author. I write fantasy novels about elves and dragons and fantastical worlds with magic and all these adventures. Right before I found the coin, I was working on this book called Betrayal of the Elf Prince, and I was having lots of problems figuring out the plot. I’d only written as far as you getting kicked out of Wolfrest and going to Gushan to investigate Prince Victor. Where I left off in my notes, you would leave Gushan and go to Riverhold to look into the royals of Galinaes.” I glared hard at him. “You and your harem.”

“My harem?”

“Yes, Betrayal of the Elf Prince was an epic fantasy adventure, plus you were supposed to have this ultra sexy harem of women who loved you, fought at your side, and took care of you during your travels.”

Nylian flopped onto the grass next to me and laughed until there were tears coming out of the corners of his eyes. “That…that…” he gasped, trying to speak between chuckles. “That explains why you kept trying to fix me up with so many women along the way.”

“Yes!” I hissed, shaking my fists at the black sky above us.

When his laughter died away, Nylian rolled onto his side to face me and propped himself up on one elbow. “Are you disappointed that I don’t have a harem? That all my attention is devoted to you alone?”

“No,” I replied petulantly. “I dare you to create a harem now. There’s no fucking sharing.”

Snickering softly, Nylian leaned closed and pressed a kiss to my forehead. “No sharing.”

“Does this mean you believe me?”

To his credit, he only shrugged a shoulder. “It’s an interesting story. It would explain why there are some things you seem to know when you shouldn’t. Does this mean you know who put the poison on my sword?”

“No.” I pouted even harder. “I had all these complicated notes and theories. It was down to three people: Prince Victor Montcroix, Queen Sumina of Galinaes, or one of your siblings, but I never figured out which of your siblings. I was having trouble deciding whether Victor actually plotted it or if he was just an asshole. That’s why I was meeting my friends for lunch. Georgie is a brilliant writer, and she was going to help me brainstorm.”

“But you found the coin first,” Nylian filled in.


“Okay, but I don’t understand your earlier distress.”

I pushed up, so I was sitting, glaring at the grass in front of me because I couldn’t bear to meet his eyes. “Because the book is almost over. Once you save your brother and unmask the killer, there’s really nothing left to the story. What if that’s why I was brought here? To finish the story. If I finish it, doesn’t that mean…I’ll get sent home?”

A whisper of cloth was my only warning before powerful arms closed around me, but that made the lump in my throat grow bigger. How was I supposed to live without these arms holding me?

“We’ll have the royal wizards look at that coin. They will find a way to keep you here. Nothing could make me let go of you. I will always fight to keep you with me.”

I believed him. Nylian would always fight for me.

But first, we had to save his brother and his kingdom. The coin would have to wait, and there was always a danger that it would be too late.

“Maybe we’ll skip the wizards and take the coin to a blacksmith. Have him melt the fucker down to nothing.”

Nylian nuzzled the side of my face, pressing a kiss to the corner of my mouth. “Or take it to a jeweler. Have it melted and made into wedding rings,” he murmured in my ear.

My heart skipped with joy at the idea, but I was already shaking my head. “No way. I don’t want that magic anywhere near you or me. I’ll go mine the gold myself for our rings. Or maybe carve them both from wood. But we’re getting rid of that coin.”

“Agreed,” Nylian said with a laugh. “We’ll destroy the coin, and you’ll marry me. This is a wonderful plan.”

It was.

I just had to find a way to make it happen before it was too late.

Chapter 30

I Did Not Put Ninjas in My Book!


