Hush 3 – Hidden Family Read Online Blue Saffire

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 95431 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 477(@200wpm)___ 382(@250wpm)___ 318(@300wpm)

I hold my hands up. “Hear me out. I am a Donati too.

“Word will get out that she’s married to a Donati and everyone will think it’s you. No one knows about me. If they see me with her by some chance, they will think I am you.

“If the goal is to hide her away, eventually, everyone will forget about her. You can continue to live your life; she will be safe, and the burden of being her husband will fall on me,” I say quickly before Uri can shut me down.

“The burden of being a don will fall on your shoulders as well,” Don Trovati says, drawing my attention back to him.

He looks at me as if looking through me. Searching for something beyond the surface. I keep my face expressionless.

I am the son of a don. It is in my blood. While that’s not my motive here, I won’t shy away from the responsibility when the time comes. My main goal is to make sure the girl goes unharmed.

“Better your brother challenge me than her. He won’t find it easy to make me cower.”

“Spoken like a true Donati,” Don Trovati says proudly. “Uri, do you object?”

My brother pulls a hand down his face. I can feel his anger with me, but I’m decided. I will not allow Symphony to be hurt over things she doesn’t know anything about.

“I need some time to speak with my brother,” Uri says tightly.

“Yes, yes, take all the time you need. Symphony, come, cara. Let’s go to the kitchen and find something for you to eat.”

She looks up from the book she’s reading as if just remembering we’re in the room with her. Making a little face, she then places the book down beside her and gets to her feet. I wrinkle my brows as she walks by with a lock of honey-brown hair in her grasp.

I look at the back of her head and see where the lock of hair has been snatched from. I’m left to wonder if she should have been in the room during this conversation. How much of what was said did she understand?

Curiosity gets the best of me, and I stand to see what book she was reading. I go and pick it up, careful not to lose her page. When I turn it to read the cover, my brows shoot into my hairline.

It’s The Art Of War. A grin comes to my lips. There is so much more to that kid. I think she’ll be able to handle herself when she’s old enough.

We just need to make sure she makes it to be old enough. I wish we could take the don’s brother out and be done with it. However, I know if we do, we will face the wrath of Don Locatelli and the others who are in support of Leonardo Trovati.

“Why would you open your bloody mouth to make such a stupid promise? Do you understand what’s being asked here?” Uri seethes once the don and Symphony are out of earshot.

“Yes, I understand. He’s asking us to protect family. Isn’t that what we do? We protect family.”

Uri tugs at his hair and curses under his breath. I know what I’m doing. At nineteen, I train so much I don’t have time for girls.

Being married isn’t going to be the end of the world for me. It’s not like they’re asking me to produce an heir with her. Although I’m sure that will come into question years from now.

We’ll come to that when the time comes. Besides, five years is not as big a gap as ten. Uri doesn’t have to give up the women he entertains, and I’m focused on other things in my life.

“You don’t just make promises in this world, Michael. Once you give your word, you have to stand by it. It would’ve been better if you said nothing,” Uri groans.

“I’ve made my decision. I’m going to stand by it. I will take her as my wife, keep her safe, and help her. That is now my job,” I say with my head held high.

Uri laughs at me. Then winces. “You don’t see it now, but a day will come when you will regret this. Most likely, it will be because of another woman.”

“You are the one who told me relationships will get me killed in this business. This marriage will be my insurance to keep me from making that mistake.”

Uri laughs harder and shakes his head. “Your emotions will be your downfall, Michael. Not every situation should involve your heart.”

I go to answer him, but Symphony rushes back into the room, holding a plate with a sandwich resting on it. She stops in front of me, but she won’t look up at me. I smile and place a hand gently on her shoulder.


